For starters,the veh itself has only been around for 20 or so years,but the design has been around since WW2 in one form or another(the deuce an a half,and the old 5 ton).
Second off-Why do we require a veh that can do 180 Km\h,has air glide suspension and a Cd player?The MLVW is a utillity truck.You don't need fancy features for a beat em up truck.A modern version of the ML would fit all the bills that we require.
Again the Styr line of veh is a good veh,but what it boils down to is you want something simple,and if that means Pte Bloggins has a sore bum after a few bumps and we still have to teach 3 point turns on the Driver wheeled course than thats what it takes to use an already proven design.Far to often Canada replaces veh or equipment with unproven designs and tries to work out the bugs after we've already accepted it.
As far as under powered,I would have to disagree.I served the guns for 9 years and if a veh can haul The SEV proper,a howitzer,44 rnds of 105 ammo,7 troops plus all of thier equipment,gun stores and still do 40-60 km offroad and not get stuck in all but the worst of terrain,I would have to say it's got enough power to do the job.Agreed about on highway preformance though.Nothing puts you to sleep like the hum of the V-8 desiel,wind and 40 km\h uphill.