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Mixed information from Recruiting office. Advice welcomed.


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So I've been patiently waiting since my interview and medical passed about a year ago now, and have been following up almost weekly the last two months. And I have been getting mixed/conflicting information from different recruiters at the main desk when calling. So here's the deal.

I interviewed for Boatswain and Cook. During the interview I had asked the Captain if I could be merit listed for just the one Occupation for the time being which was Boatswain. He said he would leave a note in my file to do so. Now recently since I've waited awhile I called the Hamilton office for an update to my file. I had finally been merit listed which was approximately two weeks ago maybe three. At that time the recruiter told me I was only Merit listed for Boatswain and did not mention cook. So I had asked him since I had interviewed for it already if he could pull my file and merit list me for Cook as well, as I see from the updated website they are in demand right now. He said he would do so and contact me back. Haven't heard from him yet.

So I called yesterday and asked for another update. This time the recruiter had told me that I would be merit listed for every occupation I was interviewed for and that there was no way to check exactly what I was merit listed for. I know I should really start writing down whom I've been talking to at the recruiting office which I will be doing from now on.

So my question is how should I go about handling this. I want to be professional about it and not come off sounding like a buffoon when I say Ive been given mixed information. I would just really like to know for sure I'm merited for Cook cause that would be my foot in the door as I have 10 years of cooking experience in the Civilian sector.

... Sounds pretty clear to me. You have been merit listed for all the choices you have been interviewed for. You where going to them and ask the same question again why?
Pretty sure you don't get to tell the RC what trades you want to be merit listed for. If you are dedicated to one trade, have all other trade options removed. however you seem interested in both and have been told you were merit listed for both Boatswain and Cook, so not exactly sure what the problem seems to be?
If I had to "guess", I would probably say they did NOT merit list you for Cook.  Your best bet would be to call and ask for comfirmation as to what occupations you have actually been merit listed for.

Good luck!