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Wouldn't a dog's unpredictable nature be possibly harmful to itself and others if it were to be, say, spooked and consequently running away and tripping a mine or two? Or are they controlled by trainers and leashed, etc... ?

I am currently a Reserve Signaler in Ottawa but I would like to transfer over to Reg force ASAP.

I have a personal interest in mineclearing. Don't know why, but I do.   My friends have even suggested that I'm better off to play Russian Roulette with a semi-automatic :blotto:.

Anyways I'm wondering if there is a trade within the Engineer branch which specializes in landmine clearance? And if so, is there a high demand? Is it rewarding? Do you also get to blow other S***t up? Is there danger pay?
To a point your freinds are right but our training negates that to what 99.99% if we have all the Intel in the AOR regarding Mines of all sorts we are good to go.

At the present our only casulties were caused by driving not the actual job of mine clearance.

Our Training in Mine War Fare is recognised as one of the best in the World.
Before we go in,we Engineer's train on the Intel we are given about the Mine threat and do run through the type's of fuse's,expl. content,casing's etc.

Yes before I went into Bosnia we had live Yugo mines in Wain.,every one went through rendering safe PMA1,PMA2 and anti tank mines .

So don't worry it's part of our job.

Here's a Mine Data Base to check out were we learn from.


Your friends are talking out their asses.  If you are properly trained, have a healthy respect for the ordnance, and confidence in your equipment, you'll be okay.  Be good, not cocky...

Kat and Earl

Thanks for your replies but my overarching question remains.

Is there a trade with the Engineering branch that specializes in clearing landmines (i.e. clearing minefields in Afghanistan or Bosnia) ?
career_radio-checker said:
Kat and Earl

Thanks for your replies but my overarching question remains.

Is there a trade with the Engineering branch that specializes in clearing landmines (i.e. clearing minefields in Afghanistan or Bosnia) ?

043 combat engineer does mine clearing amongst many things. There is no "mine clearing specialist" trade in the CF
I went on the assumption you had at least done some basic homework on your question.  Combat Engineers are the only Canadian troops that would semi-willingly enter an enemy (or friendly) minefield.  Pioneers used to help out, but I think they've since gone the way of the dodo.  I apologize for assuming you had a basic knowledge of the combat arms...

Look man, plain and simple, if you wanna be "only" mine clearance you wont find it the CF.That was my biggest goal , to do lots of mine stuff. I never found it in 12 years in a large amount. They dont do it daily no matter what anybody tells you,they do it when its a threat, theyre not out clearing big minefields intentionally and i dont blame them,why should they, thats a job for us NGOS or commercial companies as they have alot more stuff to do. If they didnt put it out it there why should they take it out. Its very labour intensive and once again They have alot of other things to do. They are at a hightened point now having to deal with IEd and being in an area like in afghanistan and im sure they have to deal with a mine everynow and then that will get you closer.... BUT if you wanna clear mines as a job thats only available as a civi. I got out to do that and i love it. But unless youre gonna get out and join an african demining team for 9 dollars US a day to get qualified and live in shi** the best chance is be an Engineer First in Canada , or go join the UK EOD as a Soldier entry first to cut the cra* and get there earlier might help you.

As for Dogs, i work with dogs daily as well where needed and they work very well in certain conditions BUT they also dont replace a sapper for war type stuff as was mentioned. Humanitarian Deminig a compeletly different story then military stuff as we have a different set of things we are responsible for which is much more detailed. One dog i have here did Bomb work for Donald trump, sting and avril lavgine and he works great as a Mine dog as well due to his being a bomb dog first... But as everybody said they have their limitations and i still would take a sapper first for the military application stuff.
Mineguy said:
... I never found it in 12 years in a large amount. They dont do it daily no matter what anybody tells you,they do it when its a threat, theyre not out clearing big minefields intentionally and ...

I'll beg to differ with what was said above. Not daily, but damn near every 2 out of 3 days. It was the occaisonal day when we didn't have to do route clearance somewhere in the ZOS (Croatia 92-93,94). It was so big we had to request help from 22 for a couple of months just to get the leg up on all of it. How many minefields were lifted in Kuwait/Iraq by Canadian sappers during the UNIKOM days? Lots. I recall 1 CER yanking out a big one in 'stan (am I mistaken?).
Hey Spr ¨:)...last talked to you on the history channel in 04, hows it going:)..good to see you again!

Once again i say, hoping not to confuse: "when" it was a "threat" it was done, daily if required....those missions you were on ever body knows well,   it was a   threat daily to the mission and to allow the mission to carry on, casualties were being taken from mines, so it was being done, UNIKOM and UNPROFOR, heck on UNIKOM it was the whole reason you were there was to clear mines and do eod!... but its been far and few between since 1995 in Croatia-Bosnia that i saw or heard about anybody at least before i got out in 03 doing it in a big way in regards to actual full out deliberate minefield clearance. I could be wrong if what you say about 1 CER is right recently.   But When i say mine clearance I dont mean military route proving/clearance, military clearance for an Op location to go in, during eod related tasks, or where theres no known minefield, or might be mines nearby but you are clearing it for a mission task etc...I know that if theres a minestrike youre bound to be doing mine clearance rescuing the casualties thats a no brainer...What i mean is mine clearance as a sole trade, or humanitarian type clearance of a known ap field for example with 200 mines in it as per the map if you have it, and clearing the entire field until 99.6% clear and all are accounted for. Military mine clearance for operations and humanitarian demining are two different birds that we dont need to dissect any further as its obvious as each is tailored for what it is and what desired result is required which has been covered before i think and could be a whole new thread.   All i was saying to this guy if he wants to do it as a job everyday as  a career where thats all he does he wont find it layed out that way in the cf for somebody newly joining but he could possibly see it or do it as you say 1 CER has recently or if the threat and mission dictates but still the cf combat engineers are not dedicated to only demining as a trade moc if that was what you as a new recruit wanted to specailize in soley.
SprCForr said:
I'll beg to differ with what was said above. Not daily, but darn near every 2 out of 3 days. It was the occaisonal day when we didn't have to do route clearance somewhere in the ZOS (Croatia 92-93,94). It was so big we had to request help from 22 for a couple of months just to get the leg up on all of it. How many minefields were lifted in Kuwait/Iraq by Canadian sappers during the UNIKOM days? Lots. I recall 1 CER yanking out a big one in 'stan (am I mistaken?).

Was on UNIKOM with 1 CER, don't remember any mine fields being lifted there.................destroyed a bunch of UXO's though..............mines...........Zilch!!! Not sure if any of the troops did any mine work there actually.
I am reopening this page because my question is best fitted in this topic and I don't want to clog Mike's server

I am doing a project on landmines/clearance and need some photos of not only the landmines but of their blast effects.

Everyone remembers their landmine awarness brief I was wondering if there is any open sources with those pictures,
Specifically I am looking for that one freeze frame of a shaped-anti-tank mine blasting right through the the rear hull of a tank. but I also need pictures of the mines and their info.
