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MILTARY DRILLS, PT - "Get 'Er Done": Seriously???

Ha ha ha...even his old CSM is slamming the looser!

That made my day!

What has me concerned is this isn't the only ad he has up there... he's looking to help *yummy mummy's* and build a *bonding relationship* with his clients.  I'm truly hoping that he's grown up some since his stupidity... or that people are savvy enough to actually use references before allowing *personal trainers* into their homes...
I think I deserve a kick back for all the exposure his add is getting now. Rex-Qwan-Do only had 25 hits when I found it.
Okayyyyy..this is getting  creepy now. I hope I don't read any connection in the Headlines in the future.
Technoviking said:
This guy is giving me some ideas on "training"..... >:D
Thinking of taking out your own Kijji ad? ;D
What the heck is 'kenetic anatomy'? I studied kinesiology at university, and took many courses in biomechanics and anatomy, but have never heard of this particular branch of anatomical science.
AHHHH too much to comment on! Brain full!

I have to say, the "Yummy Mummy" ad almost made me wet my pants in laughter (for reasons other then picturing a sexy "mummy").

Who could refuse his help with all his insightful observations like "Your baby need to much attention" and "Maybe you do workout, but its not comming off!" I also like how he only limits the time of his client's workouts when he is asked to "attend the child or baby".

I must admit though, I am slightly concerned with how he is going to train his clients in "REAL combat situations"...  :whiteflag:

This made my day, Thank you!
Hunter said:
What the heck is 'kenetic anatomy'? I studied kinesiology at university, and took many courses in biomechanics and anatomy, but have never heard of this particular branch of anatomical science.

But - unlike this guy - you didn't work for NASA or graduate from Harvard, so don't be too hard on yourself...

Now please excuse me while I get back to a serious session of :facepalm:
Le Adder Noir said:
This chap was, indeed, a member of the Argylls.
The only thing he is a veteran of, however, is the CF disciplinary system.
His 8 year tour de force included multiple bouts of NES, brushes with the local constabulary and a demonstrated total lack of sense, common, soldiers for the use of.

His departure from the CF was not voluntary. I was his CSM at the time.
Nice to see he hasn't changed.

Then he should be exposed for what he is : a fraud.
I believe the NASA thing is a joke, much like how on my profile it says I attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. :D
HavokFour said:
I believe the NASA thing is a joke, much like how on my profile it says I attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. :D

You mean you didn't..... Harry Potter Walt 8)