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Military Making Pitch to Aboriginal Youth ($1,200 bonus for aboriginals)

I meant it would have been/would be nice to see that kind of wording from the canadian gov't when dealing with first nations... I didn't mean explicitly towards the Bedouins. There's amazing amounts of Genocide you can see/talk about in one week at the Indigenous Forum at the UN. Really scary stuff when you see what governments get away with... and "companies".  I had a chance to speak within' a youth forum and the stuff coming out of the youth (18-29) about what they go through in their own nations, it's un-real.

After reading the first 7 pages, I noticed a common idea: people applying for the Canadian Forces should get in based on merit.

Merit you say?!  Ha!!

I know many men who have gotten in based on this so called merit. They've wasted a lot more than 1,200 dollars of the government's money-being trained and being in the military for 3+ years only to fail off qualification courses. They'd blame everyone but themselves for their lack of self discipline, effort and competence.

IMO, the military lets in just about anyone! It isn't that difficult to complete the process
. I've met several men and women who have made me ask "how did they manage to pass the aptitude test?"

Those that are currently serving the CF are not special either. CF members are not superior beings and should act as if it was a great ordeal to join. In fact, most of the men I've met in the CF are men who couldn't find a place in civilian society. Many members Lack education, lack personal direction and lack a stable head on their shoulders.

So who cares if some more money is spent on recruiting more people. A lot more Is wasted on these people who enlist only to fail or switch trades. Or how about the stupid ones who are forced to release due to criminal acts or the ones who show up at work drunk. A lot of people only join to learn skills, find out they hate the whole system and plan on leaving. i know many men who are tired of the military and military folk. they want out!  so why are you so against a group of people trying to discover if the CF is in fact the place for them or not? Better that they try before wasting anyones time or money. ?
That to me is racist. Because I'm white I get no offer of a bonus etc... I've worked hard as a youth and accomplished a lot... I know in the native culture they face certain challenges, but this seems a little ridiculous. It's like a soldier fighting next to a private contractor. One makes more than the other for the same (ish) job...

No offence, but I do not agree with this!
poutinelover said:
After reading the first 7 pages, I noticed a common idea: people applying for the Canadian Forces should get in based on merit.

Merit you say?!  Ha!!

I know many men who have gotten in based on this so called merit. They've wasted a lot more than 1,200 dollars of the government's money-being trained and being in the military for 3+ years only to fail off qualification courses. They'd blame everyone but themselves for their lack of self discipline, effort and competence.

IMO, the military lets in just about anyone! It isn't that difficult to complete the process
. I've met several men and women who have made me ask "how did they manage to pass the aptitude test?"

Those that are currently serving the CF are not special either. CF members are not superior beings and should act as if it was a great ordeal to join. In fact, most of the men I've met in the CF are men who couldn't find a place in civilian society. Many members Lack education, lack personal direction and lack a stable head on their shoulders.

So who cares if some more money is spent on recruiting more people. A lot more Is wasted on these people who enlist only to fail or switch trades. Or how about the stupid ones who are forced to release due to criminal acts or the ones who show up at work drunk. A lot of people only join to learn skills, find out they hate the whole system and plan on leaving. i know many men who are tired of the military and military folk. they want out!  so why are you so against a group of people trying to discover if the CF is in fact the place for them or not? Better that they try before wasting anyones time or money. ?

I personally say a lot of what you say is utter BS. Like any organization we have problems with personnel, but its definitely not as wide spread as you claim. Do you currently serve, its obvious you have an axe to grind.
poutinelover said:
After reading the first 7 pages, I noticed a common idea: people applying for the Canadian Forces should get in based on merit.

Merit you say?!  Ha!!

I know many men who have gotten in based on this so called merit. They've wasted a lot more than 1,200 dollars of the government's money-being trained and being in the military for 3+ years only to fail off qualification courses. They'd blame everyone but themselves for their lack of self discipline, effort and competence.

IMO, the military lets in just about anyone! It isn't that difficult to complete the process
. I've met several men and women who have made me ask "how did they manage to pass the aptitude test?"

Those that are currently serving the CF are not special either. CF members are not superior beings and should act as if it was a great ordeal to join. In fact, most of the men I've met in the CF are men who couldn't find a place in civilian society. Many members Lack education, lack personal direction and lack a stable head on their shoulders.

So who cares if some more money is spent on recruiting more people. A lot more Is wasted on these people who enlist only to fail or switch trades. Or how about the stupid ones who are forced to release due to criminal acts or the ones who show up at work drunk. A lot of people only join to learn skills, find out they hate the whole system and plan on leaving. i know many men who are tired of the military and military folk. they want out!  so why are you so against a group of people trying to discover if the CF is in fact the place for them or not? Better that they try before wasting anyones time or money. ?

I'm sorry- how long, exactly, have you served in the CF to be qualified to make such a sweeping judgement?
I suspect that the issue is tied to her emphasis on "men," as opposed to "troops" or "personnel."

And you know that when you asked about time in, she looked at her watch.  :pop:
SeaKingTacco said:
I'm sorry- how long, exactly, have you served in the CF to be qualified to make such a sweeping judgement?

Or better yet, have you ever served at all Clarice??  :orly:

poutinelover said:
Hi there! My name is Clarice.

I am a digital photography and imaging student. For one of my assignments, I am required to interview a photographer. I did begin the recruiting process for the air force, however, I decided to go to school first.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was a drive-by posting...wouldn't surprise me at all if Clarice is a Idle No More *sympathezier*.  :Tin-Foil-Hat:
SeaKingTacco said:
I'm sorry- how long, exactly, have you served in the CF to be qualified to make such a sweeping judgement?

Judging by post history, less than 30 months.
PuckChaser said:
Judging by post history, less than 30 months.

Read Post #6...smells to me like someone trying to 'talk the talk' really hard, having heard a story from someone else but not knowing the CF lingo.  Example, "red flagged trade".  I've never heard anyone refer to it as that who is in the CF...but we all know what it means if someone says trade is "red".

Thats my guess anyways.  I'd bet she's never been in the CF.  But tries hard to appear so.
Eye In The Sky said:
Thats my guess anyways.  I'd bet she's never been in the CF.  But tries hard to appear so.

Makes sense. Way outta her lane in any case.
Yup, "crossed the median, went into the oncoming traffic lanes, skidded and ended up in the pecker-brush wayyyyy over there" kind of out of her lane.  >:D
Sounds like she has poutine for brains but maybe she's upset the kitchens stop serving poutine with every meal.

That made me mad. Just like it made me mad when they stopped selling alcohol at the eating mess in Petawawa.  Loved my wildberry coolers.... :slapfight:

I've changed my outlook on this program and think it's a good idea to offer aboriginals a signing bonus.
poutinelover said:
After reading the first 7 pages, I noticed a common idea: people applying for the Canadian Forces should get in based on merit.

Merit you say?!  Ha!!

I know many men who have gotten in based on this so called merit. They've wasted a lot more than 1,200 dollars of the government's money-being trained and being in the military for 3+ years only to fail off qualification courses. They'd blame everyone but themselves for their lack of self discipline, effort and competence.

IMO, the military lets in just about anyone! It isn't that difficult to complete the process
. I've met several men and women who have made me ask "how did they manage to pass the aptitude test?"

Those that are currently serving the CF are not special either. CF members are not superior beings and should act as if it was a great ordeal to join. In fact, most of the men I've met in the CF are men who couldn't find a place in civilian society. Many members Lack education, lack personal direction and lack a stable head on their shoulders.

So who cares if some more money is spent on recruiting more people. A lot more Is wasted on these people who enlist only to fail or switch trades. Or how about the stupid ones who are forced to release due to criminal acts or the ones who show up at work drunk. A lot of people only join to learn skills, find out they hate the whole system and plan on leaving. i know many men who are tired of the military and military folk. they want out!  so why are you so against a group of people trying to discover if the CF is in fact the place for them or not? Better that they try before wasting anyones time or money. ?

You seem to know a great many men.

Do they laugh at your small penis?
Eye In The Sky said:
I wouldn't be surprised if this was a drive-by posting...wouldn't surprise me at all if Clarice is a Idle No More *sympathezier*.  :Tin-Foil-Hat:

If she is; then it is about time she got off her idle butt.
Leapin' Lazarus, Batman, we've resurrected a 2 year old post!

My New Years resolution for 2013 is simple - don't feed the trolls (especially one as obvious and poorly informed as this one).
poutinelover said:
...In fact, most of the men I've met in the CF are men who couldn't find a place in civilian society. Many members Lack education, lack personal direction and lack a stable head on their shoulders...

...as opposed to the women you've met/worked for in the CF in your ~4-ish year career?

poutinelover said:
This supervisor is known by myself and others to openly admit hating her job and most disturbingly, admitting to sabotaging trainees chances of advancing from trainee to trained. This Mcpl intentionally relocates those she randomly dislikes to units they do not need to be written off in. She has them at arms length at all times when on they're put into different rotations. It is my belief that she does this just to be able to control and harass the people in training.

This Mcpl has done everything in her power to verbally abuse and belittle hard working Canadian Forces members. These members are kind, friendly, and have nothing but 100% positive reports and feedback from past instructors. So what is this woman's problem with these workers? She hates her job so much that she wants to make these passionate-about-their-jobs peoples' lives miserable. What makes me say she hates her job? 1. She's admitted it. 2. She had a meeting to switch trades just yesterday.

She has had many written complaints towards her yet manages to slip through the infamous loophole of her being higher rank - therefore she must be right. A man is about to face charges simply for defending himself against wrongful accusations against this supervisor. The only words that came out of his mouth were "I wasn't sleeping." So who's right, and who's wrong? The higher rank supervisor, or the accused, who happens to have witnesses?

But this is the strong, proud, Canadian Forces - so it doesn't matter what happens to the accused. He spoke up where he wasn't supposed to. But being in the 21st century, with full fledged modern technology and human rights, he is and will always be the one who committed a wrong.

The people facing harassment from said supervisor are in a red flag trade, and this person is harassing the trade's best and most talented. Big mistake. One of these days, she's going to push a poor soul too far and they're going to snap. I tell ya, a part of me wants to be there, but doesn't want to, when that happens. Something bad may happen.

Aspects like these embarrass me for being associated with the Canadian Forces. We have absolutely nothing to be "Proud" about. This is the modern age. Treat your workers better. You need them.

Perhaps you need to stop with the unjustified generalizations.  It seems the only specific case you have ever mentioned doesn't cast female CF members in a good light, not the men.

Food for thought.

poutinelover said:
In fact, most of the men I've met in the CF are men who couldn't find a place in civilian society. Many members Lack education, lack personal direction and lack a stable head on their shoulders.

And many civilians that I've met who have found a place in society, have more education than most, with personal direction with more or less stable heads on their shoulders are the last people I would want next to me in a gunfight.  I'll take the men (and women) of the CF any day over any of those successful types.