This supervisor is known by myself and others to openly admit hating her job and most disturbingly, admitting to sabotaging trainees chances of advancing from trainee to trained. This Mcpl intentionally relocates those she randomly dislikes to units they do not need to be written off in. She has them at arms length at all times when on they're put into different rotations. It is my belief that she does this just to be able to control and harass the people in training.
This Mcpl has done everything in her power to verbally abuse and belittle hard working Canadian Forces members. These members are kind, friendly, and have nothing but 100% positive reports and feedback from past instructors. So what is this woman's problem with these workers? She hates her job so much that she wants to make these passionate-about-their-jobs peoples' lives miserable. What makes me say she hates her job? 1. She's admitted it. 2. She had a meeting to switch trades just yesterday.
She has had many written complaints towards her yet manages to slip through the infamous loophole of her being higher rank - therefore she must be right. A man is about to face charges simply for defending himself against wrongful accusations against this supervisor. The only words that came out of his mouth were "I wasn't sleeping." So who's right, and who's wrong? The higher rank supervisor, or the accused, who happens to have witnesses?
But this is the strong, proud, Canadian Forces - so it doesn't matter what happens to the accused. He spoke up where he wasn't supposed to. But being in the 21st century, with full fledged modern technology and human rights, he is and will always be the one who committed a wrong.
The people facing harassment from said supervisor are in a red flag trade, and this person is harassing the trade's best and most talented. Big mistake. One of these days, she's going to push a poor soul too far and they're going to snap. I tell ya, a part of me wants to be there, but doesn't want to, when that happens. Something bad may happen.
Aspects like these embarrass me for being associated with the Canadian Forces. We have absolutely nothing to be "Proud" about. This is the modern age. Treat your workers better. You need them.