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Military families against Afghan mission speak out

In exclusive interviews with CanWest News Service.................
says it all folks
I had James Finan as a Professor, I have no doubt if he was troubled with the contribution of Dorn, then there are serious academic reasons as to why. 

"Our boys are getting our asses kicked and could be dying in vain because things aren't getting better," said Wilson. "I grieve for all the families who must feel this same frustration."
Are we?, getting our@sses kicked.
How would the serving member feel about their families saying these sort of things? No wonder his son didnt respond when he told him he didnt have to go and that he'd support him not going, Son must have felt betrayed, embarrassed and let down. My mum and i talked about this, while she opposes Iraq and Afghanistan she's promised to never bring me into the debate.
Do these people feel they'r doing us all a favour by talking to media and using sons and daughters as leverage for their own agenda's? Its pretty disgraceful i reckon, especially with the NDP slant to it as well.
I thought of a term the other day for what these detractors would like us to do: The Icestorm-army.
Basically just wait around for nasty weather in Quebec and Ontario as our main function, not just a small part of our it.
What do you all think?
The answer to a question above, wondering whether we are getting our asses kicked.......A short answer is no. We have not lost an engagement with the enemy since we began working there. This is not to say that casualties and deaths do not occur on both sides, but as we have become accustomed to saying, the cost of doing business is not just bullets and bombs.

Family members who are speaking out against the mission while their loved ones are overseas are doing them a great disservice. The soldier believes in what he/she is doing, yet you do not? How is publicly expressing your disappointment or displeasure at their CHOSEN path, supporting them? You have no idea the negative effect you are likely having on them emotionally. There are consequences to not having your mind in the game because they're worried that their families don't approve of THEIR choices to serve honourably.  They will likely never tell you, the emotional roller coaster they are on ANYWAY, without the pressure of hearing this kind of tripe in the media.

Shame on those doing it, and shame on the bottom feeders who continually seek out and publish this type of story to further their own agendas.
HollywoodHitman said:
There are consequences to not having your mind in the game because they're worried that their families don't approve of THEIR choices to serve honourably.  They will likely never tell you, the emotional roller coaster they are on ANYWAY, without the pressure of hearing this kind of tripe in the media.
This actually bothers soldiers?  I never thought of it that way.  When my family gets bothered by news from Afghanistan, I just feel sorry for them.
I think it bothers everyone on some level. I too feel sorry for those who don't understand, only because they're not soldiers.....

Anyway, it was a thought and obviously not applicable to everyone in all situations. I was lucky......I had amazing support.
exsemjingo said:
This actually bothers soldiers?  I never thought of it that way. 
Yes.  See my thoughts from the NDP thread, and then imagine the position of a soldier that has family talking like this.

MCG said:
Mr Layton, ... You do discourage the troops.  Nothing was more discouraging that being over there and seeing people like yourself postulating that my friends & coworkers were dieing for a frivolous & unappreciated cause (especially groups the CPA that goes so far as to call us war criminals; why is it you are willing to speak for thier events?).
WRT the 90/10% thing... I am surprised that this strategy was not in place earlier...I mean really, WWII would have ended alot sooner and the Nazis would have backed off if London was under reconstruction whilst in the midst of the Blitz, correct??

C'mon people...Peacekeeping is dead. Peacemaking is the deal now.

My hubby is on the TF, and though he had no worries about me and what I'd say, he has been coaching and instructing his parents to say only positive things like: "He's doing what he believes in", "This is what he trained for", etc...he knows they don't agree with the situation, nor are they happy he is going. But they understand that under no circumstances are they to say anything negative WRT the mission. They support him, and by supporting him they will respect his wishes.

If those parents and sisters were my family, I would be angry, but mostly dissapointed in them. It is one thing to have an oppinion, but there are appropriate times and places to talk about it. I don't believe an exclusive interview with Global News Media is one of them.
I realy don't know how I'd feel if this was my mother.... ???
Soldier’s mom joins marchers in Halifax; rally held in Antigonish
Military mom Andria Lehr told the crowd that Ottawa’s Afghan mission is "basically wrong, inhumane, unconstructive and unsustainable." She urged other people with loved ones in the Armed Forces to question Canada’s military action in Afghanistan.

"Only by asking questions can we actually have a true democracy," Ms. Lehr said.
PB&J said:
I realy don't know how I'd feel if this was my mother.... ???

As a mother, she put her best years into raising her child. She has earned the right to speak up and/or speak out because she has a direct stake in an potential outcome probably unthinkable to her only a few years ago.   
Her "child" is an adult, capable of making their own decisions. Some of these people need to loosen the apron strings.

Either you have faith in what you taught your kids (speaking as a parent of two) and will support them as best you can, or you think you "went wrong" somewhere.

My wife has no desire whatsoever for me to go to A'stan. Neither does my Mom (or any other family member/friend). However, they are very aware that I am ready to go at the drop of a floppy hat and would never say anything in public that would go against what I believe in. To do so would be just plain disrespectful of myself and what I have worked so hard for.

I think that these people should be re-evaluating their positions and stop pushing their personal agendas by using their family members to give them some sort of legitimacy.

If you want to speak out against the war (that is what the war is all about, after all, freedom) that's fine, but do so on your own two feet, not the backs of your sons and daughters.
I think that these people should be re-evaluating their positions and stop pushing their personal agendas by using their family members to give them some sort of legitimacy.

If you want to speak out against the war (that is what the war is all about, after all, freedom) that's fine, but do so on your own two feet, not the backs of your sons and daughters.

Bingo.  Couldn't have said it better.
"However, they are very aware that I am ready to go at the drop of a floppy hat and would never say anything in public that would go against what I believe in. To do so would be just plain disrespectful of myself and what I have worked so hard for."

This is so true. I have told my family not to talk with the media when I go. I have made it very clear that talking about how the war is wrong etc is disrespectful of myself and also of them. They raised me to beleive that protecting the weak, the poor, the innocent and fighting for democracy is the right thing to do. If they talk behind my back while I am gone, then obviously they failed. I would lose all respect for them. Our relations would become very frosty.  >:(
whiskey601 said:
As a mother, she put her best years into raising her child. She has earned the right to speak up and/or speak out because she has a direct stake in an potential outcome probably unthinkable to her only a few years ago.   

She only had that chance because a soldier erarned it for her.  She should be proud that her son is nobler than she could ever be.
As far as being unthinkable, well, far worse wars have snuck up on mothers more naive than she is. :o
The following is a letter written from my husband once he left his FOB for good and was in KAF before coming home at the end of his tour (Jan-Aug/06) I think the email says it all. I AM PROUD OF HIM AND EVERY SOLDIER!!!!

looks like living in the sticks has it drawbacks lol. Is that mean that the
tv is down too lol? Oh well, I can say this baby, i love you and no matter
what, doesn't matter if we have to move into a cardboard box, I love you. 

I almost feel euphoric, like i am on drugs or something, all dopey, I am
coming home, and I have no more worries, no more edge, like i am coming down
off a caffeine rush. It feels good though to be like that, my actions no
matter what i do right now, does not hold a life in the balance, either my
own, or somebody else's. i feel proud of what we have accomplished here, we
have done a tough job, to make the world a better place, not only for these
people, but what happens in one place in the world, affects us all, and
knowing that I have done some good, despite the loss of fellow soldiers, and
the casualties, I am proud. I am still a soldier baby, but i think I will
be a much better husband and father when i come home. Not that I felt that i
was a bad one. Heck i think i am rambling, i am tired, i have had to stay
awake when there were times when all i wanted to do was sleep, but i
couldn't, life depended on it. I had to be alert, when there were times i
wanted to daydream and think about home, but i couldn't, because again, life
depended on it. Crazy ain't it, to live like that, but that is what a
soldier sometimes has to endure honey, a fellow soldier, a comrade, a
friend, is hurt or killed, but you have to suck it up, there is no time for
loss or grievance, cuz once again, life depends on it. Wow, its gonna be
great to not have to worry about life for awhile, and just enjoy it. Do you
understand now maybe why I talk the way I do, I am not sad, I am happy,
proud, and anxious to get home. Oh you are finally back on, so i send this
now, love you baby