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Merged Quotes and Sayings Thread; some useful, some junk

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Shameless self promotion: myself teaching a MITSIP course many eons ago

"Marching is like walking. If you can walk, you can march. If you can't walk, you shouldn't be here!"
During inspection the MCPL says after looking at a girlfriends picture "any mug that ugly should have a handle on it"


Different MCPL concerning taking a wife/girlfriend out to the bars "taking a girl with you is like taking a sandwich to a banquet. You wouldn't do that either would you?"
"what's that on your head Vannooten?" "...Apparently not my hat MCpl" - Militia summer course morning inspection.

"That kid could figure out the square root of a pickle jar, but couldn't tie his shoe laces" Pl WO to Pl Comdr. (re: same Kid)
On BMQ, my section commander providing some positive feedback when I found myself a bit confused about radio procedure..

"Hunter, get yourself unf#cked RIGHT NOW!"
Heard on a range weekend when I was in the reserves, from an MWO:

"We're going to rv for breakfast ot oh-seven-double-bubble."

to which one of my buddies replied:


Hmmm... RQ to the hapless middle rank customer.....

Piss poor planning on your part does not make an emergency on our part..........
wait your turn!
During an inspection on my BMQ, my Mcpl asked me what name he should call me (I have two names). So I said : I dont mind, call me the one you want, Mcpl. Then he said : come here , scumbag! Don't ever give me the fucking choice of the name i'm gonna call you again, or you may not like the fucking answer!

me, trying not to laugh : 'yes Mcpl!'

Of course, it happenned in french so I translated it the best I could.... aahh good times!


I got this from Matt Fisher, it's from one of his posts on the recce vehicle thread and cracks me up - he is poking at our preception of superiority

"Americans are dumb, Canadians are smart, if we didn't have a small population and beer and hockey were never invented to distract us, we'd rule the world..."
This one is from "Bomber Boys" on the History Network. The Sgt after seeing how well one of his recruits can shoot on the range

"Godfried, you are a feather plucked from the wings of the angel of death!"
"Walk in step, taber-slack!"
"I would sooner put my wife and kids in CMTT than my rucksack."
Both attributed to one R22eR MWO.
From  one of my BOTP Sgt.s, ex-airborne, now PPCLI:

Take away peanut butter and the word fuck and I'd starve to death and wouldn't be able to tell anyone about it

I've got a university degree... a degree in common sense.
" alright we will play rank poker, I see your no chevrons and I will rasie you my two "


" wow you can find the back barring and the distance but you can't find the off button"

this was adressed to me by a Sgt on a gps exercise

in my defence I was freezing and I spoke with out thinking..... do that alot .. heh heh  :-\
Polish Possy said:
" alright we will play rank poker, I see your no chevrons and I will rasie you my two "

I prefer a rousing game of "Paper, rock, rank..."
After we had inspection another Sgt came along and he thought he had to inspect us too, me being the course senior I got called.

Sgt: "Docherty run like you are on fire!"
Me: So I run down the stairs like a numpty.
Sgt: Stop, Drop and Roll!
Me: I looked at the Sgt and he looked serious, so I hit the floor and started rolling around.
Sgt: Get up you are going to get me charged!
*** We walk into another room, and the troops are starting to clean up.
Sgt: Is this lock part of the layout?
Me: No Sgt, it's not.  We have already been inspected and have been instructed to clean up.
Sgt: I am all ****** up this morning.
Me: It's ok Sgt.
I came,
I saw and
now I'm leaving

(sorry Caesar ;))
While on Range 1 in WATC with a Res QL2 crse:

Pl WO: Without a doubt Pte "X" you are the embodiment of the next Clock Tower sniper!

Pte "X" to his buddy: Did you hear that?! The WO just called me a sniper! Cool!
rifles on S for function test, one rifles fires. Cpl runs over "oh, that's the other safe, the one where it's safe when you run out of rounds" rifle of course on automatic!
ok one more.

the Mcpl is teaching the detailed strip, and what to use the oil on, and what not too, and kept telling us to treat it like a lady.
he told us not to jam the cocking handle in, when it falls out, but to push it in nice and gentle, and all that nice stuff. refering to the rifle as a lady again.

later when dealing with the spring, and it's whole.... he told use we don't need to oil that, and to just 'jam our fingers in with a swab to clean it" it's late sunday on the weekend BMQ and i lose it. he loOKs at me, and i say "so we are to jam our fingers in without lube now?" a damn nasty look from the Mcpl, not for my comment, but because he didn't think of it first.
Bosnia 1994, Jean Chretien (with helmet on backwards) decides to use the radio in Canbat 2 to call out to the OP's. "Hallo dis is Canada one, how do you ear me?"

An unidentified OP replies over the air "not too good, maybee you should buy us better radios"