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Memories of Pain and Smiles


  You walked through the valley of the shadow of death,
  You and your friends feared no evil,
  Your carbine and comrades comforted you,
  Your enemy prepared an ambush before you,
  You walked tall, you did not waiver, you did your Coy and country proud. 
Get better soldier we are all thinking of you and your friends and wishing you the best. Pick up the quarrel with the foe. I hope you make it back to your Coy.

You are an inspiration to all, thankyou! :salute: :cdn:
Thank You for sharing, your story and I'm so glad that we could be here to give you the courage, and friendship, to move forward. Just like someone else said here "Get back in there Soldier"  :salute:

I have no words.  Consider this a firm handshake and knowing look.  Thank you. Take care.
Glad to hear you've healed physically, and are still getting better emotionally. You are a shining example of the quality of Canadian soldiers. I'd like to think I would have the courage to go back after having gone through what you have, but I really don't think I could. Stay safe and give 'em hell.  :salute:
HoM, you've brought a tear to my eye with you perseverence and dedicaton.  Get well, heal and hug that wonderful woman by your side. (if you don't she might just push you down those stairs..lol)

"You've done your duty, now let others do theirs."
Something we had to do everyday during recruit school was read from the book of honour, mostly Royals.  I went thru combat arms platoon.
CustomsChris said:
Glad to hear you've healed physically, and are still getting better emotionally. You are a shining example of the quality of Canadian soldiers. I'd like to think I would have the courage to go back after having gone through what you have, but I really don't think I could. Stay safe and give 'em hell.  :salute:

HitorMiss has been back for a while, haven't heard from him since he got there, but no news can be good news.

I sent him off for the second time this year, and told him he's walking of his next plane home, or else. I know he appreciates the sentiments, and the support everyone has given him.

Another person to keep in mind is HitorMrs, who's stood by him, pushed and helped him to heal, and saw him off for the second time this tour. Truly a strong person for that.

Stay safe, Brother. I'll see you there.
I've heard from him...

And i've spoken with his wife and she's heard also

Things are just the way he left it (for the most part)
I can't believe I missed replying to this when he first posted it. I think it's pretty impressive to go overseas on tour in the first place, but to return now like he has, wow that's something. I too have warned him that he better walk off the plane home this time. He's definitely in my thoughts. Stay safe you, and we look forward to having you back on the boards in a few months!