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Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

Basic Parachutist - maybe.

Recce - not likely as a candidate. Those spots normally go to those who may be employed as a recce dude.

Thanks for your quick reply. I had a few more questions as well. When I request posting to a Combat Arms unit, will my previous history an Infantry Reservist play a role in their decision as to where to assign me? Also, since I would be in the Reserves as an Infantryman, am I eligible to go into the Recce, Basic Para, etc. while in the Reserves? (Please keep in mind this is all assuming I make it into the CF, I don't presume to be anything I'm not and I don't mean to offend anyone.)
I'd worry more about getting in first...depending which reserve unit you get into, I wouldn't count too much on getting a Basic Para Course.  Recce maybe.  As for you getting the posting you want as a Med TEch, my experience is that you tend to go places that you actually ask to avoid like the plague, even if you're asking for batshyte crazy stuff nobody else wants...just the way our the career managers have been in the last little while.

Thanks guys for your responses. I'm looking at the Queen's Own Rifles in Toronto as the unit I'm joining. And yeah, I'm guessing you guys get overexcited guys like me all the time asking questions, so for that I apologize.
2ndChoiceName said:
Thanks guys for your responses. I'm looking at the Queen's Own Rifles in Toronto as the unit I'm joining. And yeah, I'm guessing you guys get overexcited guys like me all the time asking questions, so for that I apologize.

Don't apologize for asking pertinent questions. You don't know,  do you asked. Good for you.
medicineman, i was confused by your wording, i get that you were saying that the military doesnt generally give you exactly what you want, but did you also mean that wanting to be an embedded medic was ''batshyte crazy''? And Jim, thanks for your encouragement.
2ndChoiceName said:
medicineman, i was confused by your wording, i get that you were saying that the military doesnt generally give you exactly what you want, but did you also mean that wanting to be an embedded medic was ''batshyte crazy''? And Jim, thanks for your encouragement.

No, what I meant was that people who volunteer for some stuff - stuff that others think is nuts and therefore don't want to do - tend to be thought of as trying the reverse psychology thing.  Suffice to say I've volunteered for some stuff people shyed away from and got sent to the opposite side of the country doing very little related.  Having said all that, giving intimate medical support to any unit is one of the top jobs in the military hands down - be it a platoon/company/squadron medic or on a ship (or other maritime unit), or in my present case, a small town.  If you're good at what you do and you get involved, it pays dividends back and gives you an over all good feeling.  But, you'll likely have to prove yourself in a field ambulance first, show that you're keen and learn to ply your trade from all the various angles, including stuff that'll make you go "WTF do I have to learn this nonsense for??!!" - but those are things you need to be able to deal with to make you a well rounded medic and soldier.

Good luck.

If you're going to the QOR won't you get a Basic Para if you stick around for a while anyway?

Don't get me wrong, Med Techs do get Para courses (sometimes) depending on their posting; but I have a fuzzy gut feeling you may have a better chance of getting jump when you're in a unit with a Parachute Coy. than a med tech posted somewhere in the universe.

Yeah, the only reason I wouldn't be staying in the QOR is because I want to go Reg Force, and I'm pretty sure they aren't accepting applications for Reg Force Infantry anymore, plus the QOR isn't a Reg Force Regt.

EDIT: Whoops, that's not to say that I'm not that keen on being a medic.
2ndChoiceName said:
Yeah, the only reason I wouldn't be staying in the QOR is because I want to go Reg Force, and I'm pretty sure they aren't accepting applications for Reg Force Infantry anymore, plus the QOR isn't a Reg Force Regt.

EDIT: Whoops, that's not to say that I'm not that keen on being a medic.

... >:( Thanks, Tips.

You also completely missed my point.
2ndChoiceName said:
I'm planning on joining the Reserves this year when I turn 16 as an Infantry Soldier.
Is this even possible. Can you still join at 16 or is it now 17? Is reserve infantry even open for enrollment now?
When I graduate High School and turn 18, I'm going to transfer to Medical Technician and I also want to go Reg Force.
May not be that easy. Getting into the Reg. Forces as a Medical Technician is not as easy as applying.
To increase your chances maybe staying in the Reserves a few extra years while doing a Paramedic course through a Community College would be a wise idea.

Good Luck
X Royal said:
Is this even possible. Can you still join at 16 or is it now 17? Is reserve infantry even open for enrollment now?

Age is 17 as far as I know. Reserve Infantry recruits differently, at least in 38 CBG. Can't say for TO.

To increase your chances maybe staying in the Reserves a few extra years while doing a Paramedic course through a Community College would be a wise idea.

It sounds like the Original Poster is from the Toronto area.
It's pretty competitive locally:

Pjgary, I guess what I was trying to say is that I'm not planning on staying infantry in the Reserves any longer than I have to( ie once I turn 18) also if your 16 you can join the reserves with parental permission.


Basic Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to apply to the Canadian Forces, you must meet the following three minimum requirements:
1. Be a Canadian Citizen
2. Be 17 years of age (with parental or guardian consent) or older, except: • Regular Officer Training Plan – Junior applicants, who must be 16 years of age or older

If you want to join the Reserves to essentially kill time untill you can join the Reg Force, don't bother with the Reserves just go Reg Force.  Joining the Reserves isn't a quick process, neither is a Componet Transfer into the Reg Force.
2ndChoiceName said:
Pjgary, I guess what I was trying to say is that I'm not planning on staying infantry in the Reserves any longer than I have to( ie once I turn 18)
Your timeline, and the actual age you can apply to the Reserves, precludes you having completed basic Infantry training, so the cool nintendo stuff like recce and para is a non-starter. I'm also pretty sure that, although you may have completed BMQ and SQ, it might not be quite enough to have the Medical Branch falling over themselves to scoop you up.

I guess what I'm trying to say is......why are you wasting the QOR's (or whoever's) recruiting/training efforts, and taking the line-serial from someone who's interested in dedicating time to the Infantry?  Want to be a RegF Medic....apply to be a RegF Medic.