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Medical Rejection: How to Appeal? [Merged]

someguy81 said:
I took it for a short time and now im off it. And now I wonder should I bother applying again as this is something I really want.

If it's something you really want then, by all means, go for it. However, the CF is not exactly recruiting like they once were, that makes competition extremely tight. You also have something in your medical history that makes them a little leary - that is, at least for now, a strike against you. Combine the two and you have a recipe for being turned down.

If your heart is set on it then keep trying. Wait the requisite amount of time and go for it again. But be prepared to be told, 'We're full" or that you still do not meet enrolment standards.

Having the desire to join does not qualify you for anything.

Sorry, that's honesty
I know the pains of waiting. I initially applied to the CF as an infantryman in 2008, got all the way to medical and BLAMMO... kidney stone history got me. I was told I needed to be 100% clear of stones (as in stones that require medical assistance to remove) for 5 years. January 2012 is the 5 year anniversary of my last surgery... so if they say you need to wait 5 years before you can apply, then guess what: I did it. So can you :) I'm not at all guaranteed entrance (and I am researching what other professions of arms there are that I can enter with my newly gained skills in those intervening 5 years), but there are those of us that have had medical rejections and told to wait, and we have waited patiently. So buck up, chin up, wait out the period (if given one) and try againĀ  :cdn:
Vagabond said:
I know the pains of waiting. I initially applied to the CF as an infantryman in 2008, got all the way to medical and BLAMMO... kidney stone history got me. I was told I needed to be 100% clear of stones (as in stones that require medical assistance to remove) for 5 years. January 2012 is the 5 year anniversary of my last surgery... so if they say you need to wait 5 years before you can apply, then guess what: I did it. So can you :) I'm not at all guaranteed entrance (and I am researching what other professions of arms there are that I can enter with my newly gained skills in those intervening 5 years), but there are those of us that have had medical rejections and told to wait, and we have waited patiently. So buck up, chin up, wait out the period (if given one) and try againĀ  :cdn:

I hope everything goes smoothly for you this time, read your your story in the original post, must of sucked royally.
I have a question for all the recruiters out there, if they could give me assistance, it would be greatly appreciated!

I applied for DEO positions back in August, and was told by the recruitment center that the trades I had chosen were closed, and that I probably would not hear from the CF until the new fiscal year. (I knew that going in, so I wasn't surprised, the trades I picked aren't open often)

Yesterday, I received a letter in the mail explaining that my application was reviewed and although I have a satisfactory application, my application would not be further reviewed for my trade. It is a standard form letter, without any indication of what trade I was being refused admittance to. I have not been to the center, have not had a CFAT, completed a fitness test, or interview. I am unsure as to which trade I am being rejected for, and was not aware that any trade that I had applied for was open. Can anyone give me any further explanation as to what exactly has happened? I am just a little confused as to how I was rejected, what I was rejected for, and what I could do to improve my application. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Is this common though? Why do centers review files? I just never thought that I would get a flat out no without anyone meeting me. I thought my application was fairly solid, no credit issues, complete application including transcripts and degree. Can I choose other trades without having to reapply?
ttlbmg said:
I thought my application was fairly solid,

I guess you were wrong.

Give the RC a call when they open back up, i'm sure they will be able to explain things to you.
Would that mean that one of the trades that I had applied for became open? Or all of them? I guess that I was hoping that someone could speak to this in generalities, as opposed to a specific situation. What is the process of rejection in this manner? That is my question.
Do you not met one of the basic criteria to become a CF member? IE Age, Citizenship, etc?
I am a Canadian citizen (Canadian born), under 30, currently hold a Bachelor Degree (which was earned with a B+ or higher average), never been arrested or convicted of a criminal offence. I have all my transcripts handed in, to my knowledge they completed another security screening, which I know that I passed through, as I had it completed prior in regards to a CSC position. To my knowledge, my credit is in good standing. I have yet to complete my interview or any other component that would merit me.
This is all second guessing with a healthy dose of angst.......it's been said....check with the recruiting office.
Okay, then that aside, is it still possible for me to change my trade choices without having to wait, and reapply in the new fiscal year?
I am trying to say the following gently...

Contact your CFRC

And new members wonder why the more seasoned folks here get pissed off and eventually snap in the recruiting threads, or ignore them altogether. The above line has been repeated several times in this thread alone.

People have to learn to accept the following:
-The CF is full. Short of hanging a "Closed" sign on the CFRC's, which would just cause the forums to implode with all of the associated panic and hand wringing, it cannot be spelled out more clearly.
-As such, what you think is a "solid application" might not be so solid after all. Less jobs and more competition. Do the math.
-They do not generally process files when there are no jobs to be had. If they did then there'd be a whole host of people bitching that the CFRC wasted their time by processing them for nothing.
-Desire to join, and a feeling that you'd do well, doesn't stack up very high. It does matter but it's not the be-all, end-all.

The above list is not exhaustive.



Edited to highlight the very first line, it was missed by someone...
Sorry for bringing this topic back to life...

I was wondering if we could be made aware of where our files are at?

I might not be very clear, but yeah, if anyone understands, I'd love to find that out!
If your are looking at the ref. of when your file is copied and sent do DMCA. Then when the file gets to DMCA, they should send your unit a notice.

Be patient though, it can take some time for the files to get copied ans sent off.
Just an FYI - sometimes it take quite a while to approve when you have additional medical notes, etc.

I had my medical July 17th - I was deemed medically fit September 14th. YAY! Except my selection date was Aug 29th.

Nothing I could do - and just had to grin and bear it - and wait for next fiscal.
I think I might have to bear and wait as well, but hey, I still have years ahead of me!