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Media Bias [Merged]

ModlrMike said:
CBC also asked the question today "What kind of military can Canada afford?" I suggest you wrap your head with a tensor bandage to minimize the inevitable explosion when you read the comments.


It's painful. I sometimes hope that many of those people are joking, but then I realize their knowledge is so little that there's no way they can't be serious. I hadn't realized people could be so... dumb  ???

As long as "those types" remain a very small and indistinguishable minority, I'll be :ok:
ModlrMike said:
CBC also asked the question today "What kind of military can Canada afford?" I suggest you wrap your head with a tensor bandage to minimize the inevitable explosion when you read the comments.

Love it.  This one was a gooder:

Dors_Venabili    2012/11/12  at 7:38 AM

Let's be honest. If Canada were truly attacked, it would be by a force the size of Russia, China, or the USA. Regardless of the invader, we haven't the military budget, technology or population to ward off an invasion from any of those contenders for more than 48-72 hours.

There's a reason why countries like Switzerland don't bother with a military - because it's a futile waste of time and resources.

I  see that she doesn't know that the whole country is an army of conscripts.  They all have issue weapons in their homes.........Oh my GOD!  In their homes......not on the streets..... In their homes.......in their town.....( Guess there are no Liberals there.)  The whole nation.  OH!  MY GOD! 

And their murder rate is much lower than ours .......  :-\

I wonder if Rick Mercer gets some of his stuff from those posts?
George Wallace said:
.... Dors_Venabili    2012/11/12  at 7:38 AM
Let's be honest. If Canada were truly attacked, it would be by a force the size of Russia, China, or the USA. Regardless of the invader, we haven't the military budget, technology or population to ward off an invasion from any of those contenders for more than 48-72 hours.

There's a reason why countries like Switzerland don't bother with a military - because it's a futile waste of time and resources.
I  see that she doesn't know that the whole country is an army of conscripts.  They all have issue weapons in their homes.........Oh my GOD!  In their homes......not on the streets..... In their homes.......in their town.....( Guess there are no Liberals there.)  The whole nation.  OH!  MY GOD! 

And their murder rate is much lower than ours .......  :-\
You HAVE to wonder how such people would comment on stories suggesting military personnel here would be allowed to bring their weapons home.  Love it - thanks for sharing!
The very reason we still have a CBC is that the average Canadian is clueless. That's why the the tiny handful of good excellent programmes on CBC (Ideas, Tapestry, Writers and Company) have so few listeners.

I do listen to selected programs on Radio 1 too.  The remainder of CBC is a waste of rations.

Ezra Levant talks about the smear campaign, and CBC's anti-military narrative. Good little rant, and he reads Tommy by Rudyard Kipling in the end.
In a complete twist: a former PPCLI corporal bites the CBC on the subject of the spoof video.

I didn't say names so all kittens are safe.
Scott said:
In a complete twist: a former PPCLI corporal bites the CBC on the subject of the spoof video.

I didn't say names so all kittens are safe.
Yeah, I read that too, however, I don't concur with it being offensive but otherwise it's spot on.
Their own tame talking heads failed to rise to provocation and they still think there's a story here?  :facepalm: :facepalm:
milnews.ca said:
Interesting .....
On Remembrance Day, a war memorial in Toronto’s Coronation Park was vandalized scrawled with the words “CANADA WILL BURN PRAISE ALLAH”.

The news hit the pages of the Toronto Sun, CTV, Global and the Toronto Star with the Toronto Police investigating the incident as a “hate crime”.

CBC.ca, however, has not reported on the incident at the time of this writing.

Perhaps it doesn’t fit their narrative?

Days ago, a video of soldiers mocking Osama bin Laden dressed up in a turban in “brown face” surfaced and the CBC cleared space for the “exclusive”. A warning even preceded the story suggesting that viewers/listeners may be offended by the video.

Sources in Ottawa report that CBC was in possession of the video for at least a couple of months and sat on the “story” until Veteran’s Week ....
An update:  CBC.ca did, indeed, carry the story.
CBC's latest.......  :not-again:

Memo warned Toews of risks in dropping gun show rules
Elimination of long-gun registry raises concern over gun show sales
By David McKie, CBC News

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews was warned by his department about the risks of failing to tighten up surveillance of gun shows months before he announced a proposal to repeal long-delayed gun show regulations.

[SIX paragraphs into the story]
Such an incident occurred at the Brandon Gun and Hobby Show on Dec. 12, 2010. Two men were arrested for selling spring-loaded knives and improperly registered guns. Police searched their homes and found about 150 weapons, and what was described in media reports as an "undisclosed amount of cash."
[Really? spring-loaded knives and improperly registered guns? -- had they been "illegally" registered rest assured it would have been stated; but no, they crossed the bureaucrats. Citing "what was described in media reports" is a link to another CBC story  ::)  ...as an "undisclosed amount of cash." Cash is illegal?]

The briefing note points out that such incidents are rare, but said, "this could change in the future and, should a significant incident occur, there could be criticism that the regulations were not implemented." [OMG!! Not criticism!]

[OK, the article goes on and on with no further hint of fact, ending with....]

"And if a lack of oversight over these arms shows facilitates the leakage of weapons into the illegal drug trade, then that should be a concern." [Yep. "If" then "should".....shame there was no evidence of "if" in this long-winded article]

If you have detailed information about this issue, please contact David McKie at david_mckie@cbc.ca
I think it's most fitting that the author ended, in his own italics, with......"if you actually have some facts about this..."

And that was simply the 'factual' part of the "news" story. I can only assume that the nuance of staff advising those who are charged with making decisions are not bound to slavishly adhere to those recommendations.....that whole "Memo warned Toews of risks.." Yep, it did; he weighed that and decided otherwise. Too complex for CBC's situated estimate.

Nope, this diatribe on the 'risks' of eliminating the long-gun registry is tied to someone selling switch-blade knives at one gun show.  :facepalm:

Bottom line: Is CBC hiring Grade 9 students as "investigative journalists"??
Journeyman said:
Bottom line: Is CBC hiring Grade 9 students as "investigative journalists"??

No, but a BA in Journalism appears to require about the same amount of actual intellectual capacity and effort as was demonstrated by the guys with (sometimes suspect) Grade VIII certificates from places like Kapuskasing, ON and Blacks Harbour, NB with whom I soldiered in 1960. But (most of) those guys, unlike most 21st century journalists,* demonstrated the virtues of integrity, hard work, perseverance and actual moral courage.

Plus, see my mini-rant, here; Journalists are NOT professionals - not unless we now count used car and insurance salespersons as professionals. They are tools in the marketing business - most akin to the Watkins Man - a peddler - who used to visit us, on the farm, back in the 1940s; he sold patent medicines (I guess the liniment was OK for normal farm use on sore backs and shoulders) and spread gossip: exactly what journalists do, today.

*Of course there are exceptions ~ and I don't mind, publicly, excepting e.g. David Akin and Mercedes Stephenson (neither of whom work for the CBC) from that broad generalization.
Journeyman said:
And that was simply the 'factual' part of the "news" story. I can only assume that the nuance of staff advising those who are charged with making decisions are not bound to slavishly adhere to those recommendations.....that whole "Memo warned Toews of risks.." Yep, it did; he weighed that and decided otherwise. Too complex for CBC's situated estimate.

Nope, this diatribe on the 'risks' of eliminating the long-gun registry is tied to someone selling switch-blade knives at one gun show.  :facepalm:

Bottom line: Is CBC hiring Grade 9 students as "investigative journalists"??
Hey, at least on this story, you can read the briefing notes in question to compare/contrast - but I wonder how many folks will/do?  :(
SPJ (US) Code of Ethics.

Read and laugh.  On the list of adjectives describing people who cleave to the "Journolist" philosophy, "professional" is absent.

Sometimes a "journalist" is just a paid concern troll.
I love this part in McKie's article:

"The briefing note points out that such incidents are rare, but said, "this could change in the future and, should a significant incident occur, there could be criticism that the regulations were not implemented."

If you read the actual Note as disclosed in Milnews' post, you see that this "concern" comes immediately after the Notes' portion that reads: "From a risk management perspective, gun shows are not a significant public safety concern."

So the Minister is being advised that this is no big deal, but CBC makes a plateful of it because it relates to OMG: Guns!!!!!

Now, it gets even more hilarious from a reporting point of vue: If Mr. McKie took the time to read and fully comprehend the briefing note (hey, I'm French Canadian and I understand it better than he), he would have noted that the proposed new regulation's purpose is to actually simplify and reduce the safety/security burden currently imposed on gun show participating businesses that currently automatically apply as a result of the lack of regulation specific to such shows.
Anyone care to forward these comments to the CBC to see what sort of nonsensical response comes from their lips? (Better yet, anyone care to forward this to Ezra Levant for an entertaining rant on Sun TV?)

Harper: No tears for CBC revenue problems
By Daniel Proussalidis, Parliamentary Bureau
Article Link

OTTAWA - The CBC shouldn't come crying to him for more money, Prime Minister Stephen Harper says, even if a continuing NHL lockout reduces ad revenue from Saturday night hockey broadcasts.

"CBC has its funding voted annually by Parliament," Harper said Friday from Quebec City. "That is the amount we are giving it for the year."

The last federal budget trimmed taxpayer support for the state broadcaster by about $55 million and ended a special $60-million subsidy for Canadian content production.

That means the state broadcaster will have to make do with about $1 billion from taxpayers, plus almost $370 million in ad revenue.

The loss of NHL hockey for a whole season could knock $130 million off CBC English TV ad revenue, according to the Friends of Canadian Broadcasting — a figure the CBC wouldn't confirm.

New Democrats are now circulating a petition calling on the Conservatives to reverse CBC budget cuts and provide "adequate and stable funding."
More on link