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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

The previous post has been fixed by the way. Thanks for correcting me.

Hi guys. I was just wondering... what courses in high school would be beneficial to help join the Army? From grade 9 - 12.
Tell you what........I'll merge this question to a long topic on what education you need to join the CF.  You can also look at some of the Trades in the various forums and their education requirements.  (Do a SEARCH to find one that may be of interest to you.)  As we don't know what your goals in life are, we can not recommend a career path, nor the courses to take to reach your goals.  You won't need Grade 12 Biology to become a Cook, but you will need it to become a Medic.  Have fun reading.
I suggest Physical Education for sure, and depending on what career in the military, build on from their. Please look up your most wanted career in the forces and see what you need. Their is a wonderful search button up top. If you need anything, let me know.

matt101pwn said:
I suggest Physical Education for sure, and depending on what career in the military, build on from their. Please look up your most wasted career in the forces and see what you need. Their is a wonderful search button up top. If you need anything, let me know.


I think you meant "most wanted career" there, Mr Freud.
This is the 2nd time someone has called me Mr, something or other. I am in Highschool and during my lunch I gather information about the Military as I am hoping to make it a future career. I try to help others out, but I am in a rush and have little time, so I rush. I am sorry to everyone for my grammar and spelling mistakes I might make when I type.

Thanks; Matt
Matt, not to add fuel to the fire but:

Mr in referring to a subordinate officer (often used on OCdt's and some 2Lts in particular) is a derogatory slam.  But when an officer addresses the RSM of his unit as Mr it is supposed to be a compliment. 

Take it as you wish.
matt101pwn said:
I try to help others out, but I am in a rush and have little time, so I rush.

Some free advice:  Focus on quality, and not quantity.

If you want some background on those "Mr" references, I would start with Googling "Freudian slip" and "Nostradamus".  Things should make a bit more sense then.  ;D
ajp said:
Matt, not to add fuel to the fire but:

Mr in referring to a subordinate officer (often used on OCdt's and some 2Lts in particular) is a derogatory slam.  But when an officer addresses the RSM of his unit as Mr it is supposed to be a compliment. 

Take it as you wish.

In previous posts, Matt was referred to as "Mr Nostradamus" and "Mr Freud." I believe the intent was sarcasm.

But thanks for contrinbuting to the thread......"Mr Completely Missed the Point"    ;D
I did not read the full thread but would like to share my story with you.
I got kicked out of school in grade 9, So i would of been about 14/15 range I think. Now I am 20 years old, which this is what has been my life. Living pay check to pay check, Never had a real good career. Always bouncing trying to make a living, now I am 20 years old and look back and say WTF was I THINKING. One buddy, has done 2 tours, owes a house and is set for life. My other buddy, is already done all his helicopter mechanic training. Another owns a company. Here I look at myself and what do I have? a 1994 chevy with a gf that I wanna kick out the door. Now i am 20 years old, wishing I would of stayed in school cause Now i am doing it right now. Older I am getting, longer its taking and time I am losing. So here I am 20 years old in grade 10, seems out of place to me.
So Just wanted to say all you kids, trust me on this. Stay in school, I wish I could go back into time and change everything. But whats been done has been done, so I pay the price. My recruiter even told me, apply now with grade 10 and wait. The CF wants grade 12, he told me. Infantry and laughed, seems like Pilot will be easyer to get into. Too many war movies, videos games. All these young kids watch and play games, think thats how it really is.
Just stay in school.. Wait it out..
Thanks, will do. I beleive many people can learn from your story, and many people can learn from it. Thanks for the post.

matt101pwn said:
Thanks, will do. I beleive many people can learn from your story, and many people can learn from it. Thanks for the post.


WTF?  Put yourself on receive only for the next 5 years.
kincanucks said:
WTF?  Put yourself on receive only for the next 5 years.
I'm not sure that's the nurturing attitude Mike had in mind in his dogpile post    ;D
Journeyman said:
I'm not sure that's the nurturing attitude Mike had in mind in his dogpile post    ;D

I know but I have never been accused of being the nuturing type.  I have no excuse for my behaviour and I have taken steps to correct it.

matt101pwn - Please read what you written before posting, carefully.  It is not necessary for you to comment on everything as people will soon tire of you and even if you have a good point it may be ignored.  Perhaps taking some time to digest the information rather than spitting it out for the sake of wanting to contribute would be the best approach.  As you gain more experience, say in about five years,  I am confident that you will become a invaluable contributer to these forums.
I hereby accuse you of being the nurturing type, based upon your last post.
I said thankyou. Whats wrong with that? I read his post, thought it might help others, and told him how i felt.
Back on topic folks,..........if we can find it.
I have my grade 11 and dropped out of high school because nothing I was learning was relevant to what I wanted to do in life. What I am wondering is, if I join the army will my career be forever be hindered by the fact that I don't have this little piece of paper? The army is what I want to do with my life, and I am VERY serious about serving my country and being all I can be, its just a weight on my mind that I might not be able to achieve my full potential as a NCM all because I stupidly left high school. Going back is not an option for me, I am enlisting in the spring. Any thoughts or words of comfort would be appreciated.