Once you are on the merit list you can be selected at any time... nationally or locally, this week, month or maybe this year depending on the trade you apply for. Trust me, if you are on the merit list for Arty, Armd, NE Tech or the like, you'll be selected pretty quick. Regardless of the trade, once you are on the merit list, there is nothing you can do to change the outcome, likewise the CFRC can't do anything for you. Unless of course something happens that directly affects your application: medical problems, legal issues or upgraded education. Once you are selected from the merit list and an offer is tendered for you, the CFRC will hunt you down like a rabid dog to see if you accept. For Pylon ... file managers are the busiest of the CFRC lot and really don't have time to call you every week to let you know you are still on the ML. Likewise they can't impact the speed of your Air Factor coming in. Good luck and when you least expect it, you'll get that call. It's worth the wait.