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map modeling


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Can anyone tell me, show me where I can find, information for putting to gether items for a map modelling kit for use in the field?
Off the top of my head you can use different colour wool, use those small plastic soldiers to identify known friendly and enemy locations, small place cards that have been laminated that you can write on to identify things like ORV's, objectives, etc.  I'm sure others will chime in with other suggestions.  These types of items are good for when you have lots of time and daylight to see what you are doing.

I like to use use coloured chalk to draw a map model on an air mattress when issuing orders in the dead of night.  It's quicker and easier to set up at night.  So you might want to have some chalk in your map model kit for use at night.
I carry a small ziploc bag of old tinker-toy sticks at different lengths and colours  with lminated blank business cards for identification of key points and resources.  Along with this I canrry a small square sheet I had made a couple years ago (5' x 5' white on one side green on the other).  You can push the sticks into the ground quickly and at different heights based on map relief information then lay the sheet over top to demonstrate the rise and slope of terrain in the area of operation.  The sheet can also be used at night with chalk and easily cleaned.  The tinker toy sticks also ahd a slot in them so they work great to hold the laminated business cards or photos if being used.  works great if you have about a half hour to set-up, but for work on the fly, my sheet and chalk are all I use.
In mine i carry the following:

Different Types of Wool - Lots of different colors, maybe 8 or so.
5 Nails - To be used as 4 posts to wrap the woll around making a perfect square
Laminated squares with the following: En x 2, Obj x 2, Support, Assault, HQ, A Sec, B Sec, C Sec, D Sec, Recce, VP, RP, ORV
Monopoly houses and hotels

Any other items you can think of to make a better map model, I've seen plastic army men before used...
Foot powder is handy for "drawing" things on the ground.  I've also seen a fellow carry little plastic bottles of cheap watercolour paint powder for the same purpose.  The disadvantage is that these things get used up, while wool, string, little army guys, etc. can be reused.

Best way to approach this is to think about what it is you believe you're going to have to model, then use your imagination.  All of the suggestions so far are good; I carried wool, nails, little soldiers, laminated 3x5 index cards as mentioned, as well as popsicle sticks (good for "sculpting" sand and dirt, and can be used to represent things), foot powder (which I was carrying anyway), grease pencils (to write on the cards; wouldn't smear with sweat/rain), and some coloured wooden blocks (blue, red, white, green...they were just off-cuts of 1x2 that I painted with cheap enamel) to represent various things (vehicles, bunkers, buildings, etc.)

Don't forget to discuss your map modelling with your 2ic, and maybe practice making a quick model with him/her, so it gets built the way you want.  Your 2ic will, after all, usually be the one building your model for you, while you carry on with battle procedure.