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Looking to enroll with small child.


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  Hi I am looking to enroll for Feb 2008. I am waiting so long because my 5 month old son is nursing and should by then be onto regular milk. If accepted I am looking to live on base. Are there childcare centers on base? How much is estimated cost of living on base, say in Ontario (food, childcare, rent, utilities)? I can not think of any other questions at the moment even though I must have had about a hundred fly through my head. Any insite would be much appreciated.
You wont able to live on Base with your family until after you have completed your training and have been posted to your new unit.

As for living on base yes it possible as most base's have PMQ's though they may e filled to capacity. Child care is often offered by the local Military Family Resource Centre all you have o do is contact them and they will give you a list of names and address's where you can go and see for yourself what t atmosphere is like. In Petawawa it runs about $25 a day which is not too bad in my book. All Daycares are vetted by the MRC who do random inspection on them to make sure everything is being run well.

Any other question I am sure can be answered.
I'd say you can start by looking here http://www.cfha-alfc.forces.gc.ca/info/housingloc_e.asp- just pick a city and clicks "Homes" which shows the rates.

You might get a ton of responses from people with better insight, but it's a good starting point anyway.

Childcare in Ontario can run you anywhere from 750-900 dollars in Ontario for a 7-4 day.  Too many factors to consider though......like what type of care you'd be looking for and if you'd qualify for assistance (probably at first depending on your combined income).  

I really think you could benefit from some searching around about what jobs you are looking to do.  If you are single, you have to take into account a very busy FULL TIME (like 24 hours) schedule for your basic training.  Not to mention you may have a few moves in the first 6 months depending on what trade/training you'll require.

Start reading up and take a drop by your local recruiting office for more info.  It's best to start early though - I wouldn't apply in January if you hope to be wearing a uniform in Feb.  You'll see lots of more info if you search around.

Good luck.

lookingintoit said:
  Hi I am looking to enroll for Feb 2008.

What element, and what trade are you looking into?  You are asking about Ontario, and unfortunately, sometimes you will never be sure where you will be posted to until you are actually there.  But if you can let us know what you are hoping to do, it will help people narrow down where you might be headed for.  As well, you will be able to find out what other courses and training you will be required to do, and for how long, before you are posted.
  Thank you very much for the input.

  That is the thing. I have no idea what I am looking into to do. I am just looking to enroll and discuss with a recruitment officer what my options are and what I would best be suited for. The only reason why I said Ontario is because I understand the cost of living here and it would give me a general idea of what to expect as far as costs go. I understand I could be placed anywhere and I have absolutely no problem with that at all. Thanks to everyone again for such a promt response.
lookingintoit said:
  Thank you very much for the input.

  That is the thing. I have no idea what I am looking into to do. I am just looking to enroll and discuss with a recruitment officer what my options are and what I would best be suited for. The only reason why I said Ontario is because I understand the cost of living here and it would give me a general idea of what to expect as far as costs go. I understand I could be placed anywhere and I have absolutely no problem with that at all. Thanks to everyone again for such a promt response.

At many bases, living in the PMQs really only benefits you for convenience as the rents tend to be comparable to market rates. Most bases probably aren't too bad but you'd probably want to try to avoid Ottawa, Alberta and Victoria for the first few years until your pay catches up. Again, it all depends on what trade you're looking at.

Oh, I almost forgot. CFHA (the people who run the base housing) won't charge you more than 25% of your income regardless of the current rate if there are any PMQs available.

Good luck!
they don't let small children in the forces....bwahahahha....sorry, couldn't help it ;D
  Darn it!!!!! Why not??? I thought that way I was entitled to half his pay as well and he would be out of my hair for a little while!!!! Well scratch that then lol.

  That was cute. :cdn:
lookingintoit said:
  Darn it!!!!! Why not??? I thought that way I was entitled to half his pay as well and he would be out of my hair for a little while!!!! Well scratch that then lol.

  That was cute. :cdn:

To actually add something useful, one of my many ex wives was a service member. She enrolled as a single mother, had family take care of the two young ones until she got her first posting and did just fine. The military community is large, babysitters are easy to find, even when you need to go away. Long deployments may be an issue, but family is also invaluable.
Thanks for that last little bit of information there! That is quite helpful. Most children take really well to Army life right?? I just want to make sure that I do what is best.
You looking at Regular Force or Reserves?

Two different (but closely related) animals.
lookingintoit said:
Thanks for that last little bit of information there! That is quite helpful. Most children take really well to Army life right?? I just want to make sure that I do what is best.

My experience is that if they grow up with it from a young age, they adapt to the moves etc quite well. I do know members with teen's who have had some problems if there's a posting but that usually blows over once the child stops holding their breath and pulls their fingers out of their ears. Usually at 16 or so they get all defiant and say they're coming back to base/city X as soon as they are 18....don't know if I've ever seen it really happen.