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London Ontario Mass Murder- 8 Dead

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Folks- these bodies have been found just south west of  London. (Shedden). This is  known area for local biker gangs to dump bodies. A few years back, a little punk "wanna be" biker (who murdered a local police officer) was found dead in this vicinity.

There will most certainly be retaliations.

From CBC, reproduced under the fair dealings provisions of the Copyright Act.


8 bodies found on Ontario farm
Last Updated Sat, 08 Apr 2006 21:39:50 EDT
CBC News
The bodies of eight men were found Saturday morning in a farmer's field west of St. Thomas, Ont., in what police are calling one of Canada's worst mass murders.

A farmer found the bodies while doing his morning rounds in an isolated, wooded area near the tiny village of Shedden, about 20 kilometres southwest of St. Thomas.

A body is shown in the back of this car at the crime scene near Shedden, Ont., on Saturday. (Steve Martin/Canadian Press) 
It is believed to be the biggest mass murder in recent Ontario history.

"This is a very peaceful area," said OPP Sgt. Dave Rektor. "This type of grisly finding is very shocking to a lot of people, including us."

Susan Pedler of CBC News reported from the scene that the bodies were found inside or close to three cars and a Toronto-based tow truck, just off a dirt road on the farmer's property in southwestern Ontario.

The body of a large man in grey clothes could be seen from the air, lying on his side in the back of a silver hatchback.

Ontario Provincial Police have confirmed they are investigating a multiple murder. They declined to offer further details of what they have found, saying their investigation is in its preliminary stages.

OPP are planning a news conference at 10 a.m. Sunday morning.

They would not comment on early reports that the victims were members of a biker gang who were shot and dumped at the site on Friday or early Saturday morning.

The bodies were found in four vehicles spread about 200 metres apart on the dirt road. A small silver car was hooked onto a tow truck that had a Toronto registration number. A hatchback was parked nearby with its back door open, and a van was sitting in a field some distance away.

Police vehicles block off an area under investigation near Shedden. (Steve Martin/Canadian Press) 
"It is a very long, very dark road leading to the place where this happened," Pedler said.

Police rushed dozens of officers to contain the scene Saturday morning. The area was searched with dogs and helicopters, but police found the murderers had already left.

The murders were an isolated incident, police said, with no danger to local residents.

The members of the OPP Criminal Investigation Branch and the Ontario chief coroner headed to the area Saturday morning to search for evidence of the murderers. Police said the bodies would be inspected at the scene and sent to Toronto for further forensic tests.

The farmer who discovered the bodies is not considered a suspect. He was reportedly being treated for shock by a grief counsellor.


CBC News reported that local residents were horrified to hear there had been a grisly mass murder in a quiet farming community where witnesses could not remember the last time there had been a serious crime.

"It's quiet and calm. Nothing ever happens here," said Darlene Deslandes, a neighbour who had a full view of the scene from her back window.

The last mass murder in the area was the savage killing of the Black Donnellys in February 1880. Five people died in a famous massacre that was blamed on fueding Irish settlers.

Police have appealed to the public for information on anything they may have seen in the Shedden area in the 24 hours before the bodies were discovered. They had no witnesses early Saturday afternoon.

Copyright ©2006 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - All Rights Reserved

Can't say too much, but the history of the area is in keeping with the event.  This may be the beginning of an interesting summer... :-\

whiskey601 said:
There will most certainly be retaliations.

That is a safe bet.  Unless it turns out to be someone doing "in house cleaning". 
Okay, further to my last....
CTV just spilled that the dead guys are "believed to be" members of the Bandito's.  Everything else is still pretty tight.
I will be interested until the inevitable;

"...victims were known to police...."

"...possible biker gang members..."

"...possible turf war..."

Why does it seem that no law abiding, tax paying, drug free people ever end up in the trunk of a civic with three rounds in the back?
From CBC, reproduced under the fair dealings provisions of the Copyright Act.


Police raid house near location of 8 bodies
Last Updated Sun, 09 Apr 2006 20:44:19 EDT
CBC News
Police have raided a farmhouse owned by a former motorcycle gang leader as they continued their investigation into Ontario's biggest massacre.

Neighbours told CBC News the house is owned by a former leader of the St. Thomas Annihilators and the now-defunct St. Thomas Loners motorcycle gangs.

Police would not comment on the reasons for their raid on the house, which is only a few kilometres from the farmer's field in southwestern Ontario where the bodies of eight men were found early Saturday morning.

Police set up a roadblock in the municipal area near a farmhouse in Shedden, Ont., under investigation on Sunday afternoon. 
About a dozen police cruisers were parked outside the biker's residence, while other cruisers blocked roads in the area.

Police have closed an area of 15 square kilometres around the death site while they search for clues, CBC Radio's Jean Carter said from the scene.

The eight bodies were found in and around four vehicles in a wooded area near the quiet farming village of Shedden, about 30 kilometres south of London and 200 kilometres west of Toronto.

Police declined to identify the victims beyond saying they were all from the Greater Toronto Area and knew each other.

It's the biggest mass murder in recent Ontario history.

"Obviously, we're not used to having eight people at one homicide scene," Det. Supt. Ross Bingley, a spokesman for Ontario Provincial Police, said at a news conference Sunday morning.

"In 27 years of policing, I don't recall that number of people at any one location, so obviously it's fairly significant."

FROM APRIL 8, 2006: 8 bodies found in Ontario farm field

But he stressed that police wouldn't comment on the cause of death until they got more information from the coroner's office in Toronto. Autopsies were scheduled for Monday.

No names will be released until the victims' families are notified, Bingley said.

Police refuse to comment on possible gangs link

OPP also refused to discuss any possible links between the killings and organized crime, although surrounding Elgin County has a history of biker gang activity.

Several motorcycle clubs have been known to be in the area, including the Loners, Bandidos and Hells Angels.

"The Hells are present in Ontario; everybody knows that," Bingley said. "But as far as me discussing the Hells or anybody else, we're working on this murder case and we're not talking about the Hells."

Aerial view of three of the four vehicles (two at top and one to the right) found as police discovered the bodies of the eight men on farmland. (Steve Martin/Canadian Press) 
A couple found the bodies on their property at about 8 a.m. EDT Saturday, just off a dirt road near Shedden.

The bodies were removed overnight and taken to Toronto.

Police seek witnesses who saw vehicles

Bingley identified the vehicles as:

A grey Pontiac Grand Prix.
A silver Infiniti sport utility vehicle.
A green Chevrolet Silverado tow truck.
A silver Volkswagen Golf.

He urged anyone who may have spotted the vehicles in the area to call police.

The slayings have shocked people in Shedden, where residents told reporters they couldn't remember the last time there had been a serious crime.
GO!!! said:
I will be interested until the inevitable;

"...victims were known to police...."

"...possible biker gang members..."

"...possible turf war..."

Why does it seem that no law abiding, tax paying, drug free people ever end up in the trunk of a civic with three rounds in the back?

You can safely remove your interest, then. 
Wasn't there some sort of saying about living by a sword, or something to that effect?
Further to my last:


Eight men found dead on remote Ontario farm linked to Bandidos: police

And the pertinant part:

"One officer called the killings an "internal cleansing" within the gang itself. "

Maestro, queue the wawa!

Guess they didn't do so well on their PER's. 

author=Piper link=topic=42003/post-364599#msg364599 date=1144702859
On an unrelated note, is that a VW Beetle OPP cruiser in the picture in my linked article?

Yes, yes it is  :rofl:
Everyone used to laugh at the German Polizei VW Beetles that used to tool around the autobahn in the '70s also. Till they found out they had a Porche power pack in them ;)
Piper said:
On an unrelated note, is that a VW Beetle OPP cruiser in the picture in my linked article?

Bloody hell.  Thats all we need.  Can marked Smart cars be far behind?
LPS has a VW as well. In addition to an RG armoured car. I don't think they can't use the Bisons from the armoury on Highbury anymore.

In the early 90's [maybe even 1990], LPS had the RCR bring a grizzly over to Eggerton street to assist with a raid on the Outlaws fort like armoured house. I don't think anyone was home at the time. :(

Personally, I think the Chief and all the deputies would look good in Smart cars.  ;D

Once we move into Smart Cars, we are way off topic.   ;D

Listening to the News this morning, it says that the victims had refused to go out to Winnipeg to 'Enforce'.  Sounds like some may have chosen the 'Straight and Narrow' and were done in for it.  Haven't found any printed version of that yet, but I'm sure it will appear soon enough.

Oh!  Dave.  Later the Polizei upgraded to Porsche 911 and 940 for the Autobahn.  Then they also had those BMW Bikes with the kool Polizei Leathers in Green and White.    ;D
George Wallace said:
Once we move into Smart Cars, we are way off topic.   ;D

Listening to the News this morning, it says that the victims had refused to go out to Winnipeg to 'Enforce'.  Sounds like some may have chosen the 'Straight and Narrow' and were done in for it.  Haven't found any printed version of that yet, but I'm sure it will appear soon enough.

I heard the same thing on the news this morning.
They were wanting to get out of the gang, but were obviously prevented from doing so.
George Wallace said:
Once we move into Smart Cars, we are way off topic.  ;D

Listening to the News this morning, it says that the victims had refused to go out to Winnipeg to 'Enforce'.  Sounds like some may have chosen the 'Straight and Narrow' and were done in for it.  Haven't found any printed version of that yet, but I'm sure it will appear soon enough.

Oh!  Dave.  Later the Polizei upgraded to Porsche 911 and 940 for the Autobahn.  Then they also had those BMW Bikes with the kool Polizei Leathers in Green and White.    ;D


Yes.  I remember sitting in a stau for 4 hours because of an accident about 30K ahead of us.  Both lanes on our side had moved the vehicles completely off the road way so that the polizei and other emergency vehicles could go screaming up the middle to get to the scene.  There were a bunch of us going from Lahr to Baden to go to McDonalds on the last weekend of August which meant the highways were packed and it was brutually hot.  We broke open the trunks of the vehicles in our caravan to discover we had floor hockey equipment as well as a couple of tennis rackets and balls.  So, in between the periodic polizei vehicles, we played road hockey and tennis on the autobahn.  I think the Germans thought we had gone mad but after about 2 hours, it started to attract their attention too!

It was a blast and is one of my favourite memories from Lahr.
militarygal said:
That is just disgusting!!! Why would people do that?

Are you talking about enforcing for bike gangs, killing non contributing biker members or driving Smart cars?  
Personally, I find the cars disgusting too.
scoutfinch said:
We broke open the trunks of the vehicles in our caravan to discover we had floor hockey equipment as well as a couple of tennis rackets and balls.  So, in between the periodic polizei vehicles, we played road hockey and tennis on the autobahn. 

Way to perpetuate the Canadian sterotypes ;D :cdn:
Forgive me if I sound rude and like an ass...but I could careless if these people kill each other. Most of the time these people are just off each other so I don't think its anything to get to worried about. I just hope no law abiding person gets killed or hurt.
bikers.... dealt in drugs, prostitution, intimidation, extortion and all the other glamorous crimes...... if these are proven to be biker gang members: good riddance to bad rubbish!
They've saved the public the cost of a trial and incarceration
Bobbyoreo said:
Forgive me if I sound rude and like an ***...but I could careless if these people kill each other. Most of the time these people are just off each other so I don't think its anything to get to worried about. I just hope no law abiding person gets killed or hurt.

The thing is that, often, innocent people do get caught in the crossfire. Google the name Daniel Desrochers (sp) he was the pre teen boy killed in a biker bomb blast in Montreal, his death brought international attention to the Quebec biker wars a few years back. From the reading I have done on the subject it seems as though the Quebec cops had the same attitude as you until this young guy was killed.

I'm not disagreeing with you as I feel the same, just adding some more truth to the matter.