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London (Ont.) Police Service Constable provided info to the Hells Angels

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Sting nabs crooked cop

The London officer disclosed confidential data he knew could be passed to the Hells Angels.

A former London police constable who disclosed confidential information he knew could be passed on to the Hells Angels motorcycle gang was snared in an intricate sting aimed at uncovering his illicit activities.

Details of the undercover investigation that led to charges against Frank Boros, 35, of London were outlined yesterday in a statement in the Ontario Court of Justice.

Boros pleaded guilty to criminal charges of breach of trust, trafficking in a controlled substance -- anabolic steroids -- and possession of a marijuana stash found in his home when investigators executed a search warrant.

The breach of trust was passing on confidential police information to someone not authorized to receive it.

Confronted by the officer who arrested him in September, 2004, about the possibility of confidential information he provided going to a motorcycle gang, Boros responded: "Sorry I let you guys down."

After accepting the guilty pleas, Justice Deborah Livingstone delayed sentencing until March 9 to allow preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Police began investigating Boros after an RCMP officer working with the biker enforcement unit alerted London police that someone called "Frank the cop" might be passing on confidential police information to a woman friend of a police informant.

Frank the cop was Boros.

After police surveillance of Boros in late 2002 confirmed doubts about his integrity, police put together an investigation plan called Project Opportunity.

The team assigned to the probe was headed by OPP criminal investigation officers and included members of the force's biker enforcement unit and the OPP technical services branch.

Police investigators recruited an agent, identified in the statement of facts only as 3034, to gain the trust of Boros.

"Mr. Boros was familiar with the agent's past standing as an affiliate motorcycle gang member," says the statement of facts.

After Agent 3034 befriended Boros in 2004, he agreed to sell the officer a special chainsaw needed for a tree-cutting service the constable operated.

Boros told the agent the saw cost about $900, but he'd be willing to pay $300 for one. He stipulated the saw not come from a residential crime.

Investigators purchased a saw for $1,000.44 and it was delivered to Boros in July 2004. He agreed to pay with cash or steroids, although no payment was made initially.

As the investigation progressed, the agent asked Boros to check out several names for him. The names were fictitious, provided by investigators and flagged to reveal any queries made through the Canadian Police Information Centre.

The requested information was provided by Boros, obtained through the police computer system while he was on duty.

In one case, the agent told Boros he wanted information about a man named Randy Murray -- again fictitious -- for his Hells Angels brothers. Boros was paid $300 for the information, obtained through his police mobile data terminal.

Another part of the investigation involved Boros providing steroids to the agent. On one occasion, Boros delivered material he said was from his own personal supply. Later, he handed over steroids he said were from his supplier.

The deliveries were recorded on videotape by investigators. One occurred while Boros was on duty in a marked police cruiser.

Boros delivered vials labelled Finaplix and containing a yellow liquid. Analysis showed the liquid was a steroid called trenbolone acetate.

Boros was arrested on Sept. 16, 2004, while leaving his home on Maidstone Lane in London.

Investigators searching the residence found the chainsaw Boros had purchased from the agent, a small supply of a green leafy substance that turned out to be marijuana and used and unused containers of suspected anabolic steroids.

Boros, who joined London police in January 1998, and served as a uniformed constable, also faced charges under the police services act.

The police act charges were wiped out when Boros resigned.

Do us all a favour and stab yourself in the heart traitor.......
wow... all the time and committment it takes to become a police officer, and these people are just throwing it away with stupid stupid actions.
Far more serious is the willingness to provide information to possible members of a motorcycle gang!

By doing that he knowingly put every member of the police service and their families in danger.

That, by itself, is quite unforgivable.
You know, during wartime (or anytime for that matter), you pass information to the enemy and it's called treason.  I don't see this as any different.  This guy should fry.
It is amazing what some officers will end up doing while "on the job" and think they will get away with.  Getting involved with drug trade and providing information in this manner are probably two of the worst, especially in this case when the information was being provided to the OMG's,......discracefull.
I agree with Blackhorse.  This POS is a traitor and should be taken out.  The HA's are the some of the biggest A-holes in this planet.  If they kill a police officer, they get a special pin for their vest, like a medal. 
As much as it pains me, I think we have one her in Windsor as well.  He is on indefinite suspension and is charged criminally for a couple of things, but it is his friends that are the concerns.  He has spent much time with confirmed members of organized crime (HA's and otherwise) and hopefully will be punted soon.  I can only hope the Horsemen are also running a similar op on this jackhole.  I will be thrilled to post the link from the Windsor Star once he is turfed.
There should be news from the past.  He got arrested a couple of years ago in a illegal card game in a known mafia/HA billiard hall.  I've been trying to google it up, but it is proving difficult.
zipperhead_cop said:
I agree with Blackhorse.  This POS is a traitor and should be taken out.  The HA's are the some of the biggest A-holes in this planet.  If they kill a police officer, they get a special pin for their vest, like a medal. 

Have you seen the Harley with the gas tank mural painting of the YRP copper being strangled at the wheel of his cruiser? The owners initials are DM. Now there's a walking sack of diarrhea.
Haven't seen that one yet, but I have to imagine that the owner is likely a suspended driver by now.  PM me with a plate if you have one.  I've got friends up that way.
whiskey601 said:
Have you seen the Harley with the gas tank mural painting of the YRP copper being strangled at the wheel of his cruiser? The owners initials are DM. Now there's a walking sack of diarrhea.

Is it Wrong to Envision Said motorcycle and Driver being T-Boned by an 18 Wheeler Hauling Steel?

what about if it was travelling at 120kph?

and didnt hit the brakes?

Bottom Line, if youre a freind of the Hells Angels, youre no freind of mine.
Cpl Thompson said:
Is it Wrong to Envision Said motorcycle and Driver being T-Boned by an 18 Wheeler Hauling Steel?

what about if it was travelling at 120kph?

and didnt hit the brakes?

Bottom Line, if youre a freind of the Hells Angels, youre no freind of mine.

Right on, brother.  But I see it more as a steam roller or wire brush street sweeper going about 3 km/h.  Perhaps one of those two decker snow blowers you see out east?
Not to be to much of a troll, but more than one LEO I know has told me that as bad as the bikers are, they are upstanding citizens compared to the Jamaican and asian gangs that they feel would fill any hole left by the HAs.

Any truth to this zipperhead?
GO!!! said:
Not to be to much of a troll, but more than one LEO I know has told me that as bad as the bikers are, they are upstanding citizens compared to the Jamaican and asian gangs that they feel would fill any hole left by the HAs.

Any truth to this zipperhead?

Not really.  The HA's are smarter and have a more business-like approach.  They try not to draw attention and try to come off in public as "rough around the edges, hard drinkin partiers".  The line that drives me up the wall is "if you don't f_ck with them, they won't f_ck with you".  If screwing with them includes law enforcement doing their jobs, then I guess that means the various murdered police and jail guards, along with countless acts of fire bombings and intimidation were okay, because those individuals "f_cked" with them. 
Asian gangs tend to be pretty remorseless to their own community, and other gangs that they tangle with, but they too have learned to keep a lower profile. 
Jamaican gangs seem to like being lightning rods, and do some pretty outrageous stuff. 
Any police officer that makes any sort of concession to the HA's is, at best, painfully naive.  Maybe they were just speaking to general tactics.  Just remember that once a HA kills someone for the club, they get to wear a special patch on their vest that says "Filthy Few".  If you see that on the vest, they have earned it and you are looking at a murderer.
They all suck. :threat:
Another fallen angel. Discipline by example please! Again the integrity of the police is at bay. Never forget such bike gangs are indeed organised crime, and run a VERY tight cut-throat business.

Drugs, prostitution, illegal firearms, or any other profiteering contraband, not forgetting extortion and murder. Anyone who panders, aids and/or assists/supports them in any matter is on the wrong side of the team.

My 2 cents.


"Far more serious is the willingness to provide information to possible members of a motorcycle gang!
By doing that he knowingly put every member of the police service and their families in danger.That, by itself, is quite unforgivable."

- The worst effect is 'Witness Chill'.  LOTS of  pukes get turned in by ex-hos they dumped on ("H_ll hath no fury like a woman scorned"), and they get turned in to CRIMESTOPPERS.  When the confidense in the security of the witness or crimestoppers or informant system drops, leads dry up.  Why?  People fear anything they tell the cops will get back to the gang.

A buddy of mine - a cop - told me back in the 1980s that every city of over 100,000 people in Ontario had a leak in it's PD.  Invariably on the civilian staff side.  The cops just don't have all the resources to do really good reference and security checks on all of those secretaries, and the gangs target the secretaries to develop intimate relations with them.  The relationship comes first - the 'hook' comes later.
Don't forget the "dequaillo" patch they get to wear for assaulting a P/O.
zipperhead_cop said:
Not really.  The HA's are smarter and have a more business-like approach.  They try not to draw attention and try to come off in public as "rough around the edges, hard drinkin partiers".  The line that drives me up the wall is "if you don't f_ck with them, they won't f_ck with you".  If screwing with them includes law enforcement doing their jobs, then I guess that means the various murdered police and jail guards, along with countless acts of fire bombings and intimidation were okay, because those individuals "f_cked" with them. 
Asian gangs tend to be pretty remorseless to their own community, and other gangs that they tangle with, but they too have learned to keep a lower profile. 
Jamaican gangs seem to like being lightning rods, and do some pretty outrageous stuff. 
Any police officer that makes any sort of concession to the HA's is, at best, painfully naive.  Maybe they were just speaking to general tactics.  Just remember that once a HA kills someone for the club, they get to wear a special patch on their vest that says "Filthy Few".  If you see that on the vest, they have earned it and you are looking at a murderer.
They all suck. :threat:

I believe that they were speaking from the POV of "average joe" when they stated this. The statement was something to the effect that if you have nothing to do with the drug or sex trade, the chances of bikers wrecking your day is nil, wheras the Jamaican and Asian gangs will can cause you some serious grief for no reason other than that they can.

All scum, plaim and simple.  I had one of our local dealers just last night have the audacity to get upset with me that her cousin nearly died of an OD on heroin.  Three days ago our ERT Team did a kick on her place with a drug warrant.  Five guns, cocaine, crack cocaine, and heroin recovered in the search.
