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Logistics Officer - Sea [Merged]

Yup, I was selected by the HCA selection board which was convened on 15th August last year. I believe I was one of eight, because there were only eight openings.

I'm glad that I refused it, because someone who really wanted it must've been offered the job.

What I really want is Artillery, closely followed by Armour and Log.
Well I know someone that was jut selected logO and she had a kinesiology degree

I just got merit listed last week and have a double major B.Comm in business and economics. I also have a post grad diploma in HR Management and 5 years related work experience.

So these are the things you have to compete with.

Don't give up though because the 3 things that contribute to your placement on the merit list is CFAT score, education/experience and interview. Just kick ass on CFAT and interview and you might end up with a higher score then someone with the education but bombed the CFAT ...

If its what you want go for it!
seawolf said:
Well I know someone that was jut selected logO and she had a kinesiology degree

Thanks tips, thats why I said "probably".  Ideal/Preferred education will give someone higher standing than acceptable, but yes there are also other factors used to come up with the final MP Score.  I can tell you right now though, the expectation coming down the pipeline is to hire those who have the preferred/ideal experience/education vice merely acceptable.
seawolf said:
Well I know someone that was jut selected logO and she had a kinesiology degree

Hmmm someone on the outside looking in and not knowing all the details or....

Hatchet Man said:
Thanks tips, thats why I said "probably". 

Someone that knows.  I wonder who is right? 
Ummm both of us??

Cause I'm 100% correct that there is someone at BMOQ right now as army logO with a kin degree and I'm sure hatchet man is 100% correct they prefer to hire people with more related degrees.

I was just informing the OP that it is possible and to at least try, and see if his RC will take his app.

You guys need to relax a bit.
Yep, the days when you could become a Log O with a degree in languages/literature are probably long gone.  Good thing I got in when I did.  ;D

Seawolf's commentary about maximizing your chances in the other parts of the application process seems sound.  Probably a good idea to highlight the experience part, in your interview.  Maybe there'll be a chance to ask what addl quals are in demand, in the event your first try isn't successful.  Good luck to the OP.
seawolf said:
Ummm both of us??

I wasn't doubting that there is a one of with an undesirable degree at BMOQ.

Rather that you are...

MJP said:
someone on the outside looking in and not knowing all the details

arguing with someone who has the info.

Hatchet Man said:
I can tell you right now though, the expectation coming down the pipeline is to hire those who have the preferred/ideal experience/education vice merely acceptable.

Having proof of a one off means sweet crap all without context. 

Again - I was not doubting that they want related degrees, in fact I originally wasn't even talking to hatchet man with my reply. I was addressing the OP.

Hell I have 3 related degrees and 5 years related work experience.... So I could care less about non desirable degrees - but the OP cares and I was just trying to say its still ok to try. Which is what we are all saying... So again -  relax - man this forum is quite entertaining sometimes.

I wonder why there is even a recruiting section as 90% is just arguing with anyone that asks a question
I know a guy currently in Borden who has a Political Science Degree and became a Logistics Officer within the last two years or so. It's best to talk to the recruiter to find out your chances, but it was possible to do this fairly recently so hopefully it is for you too! Good Luck!
seawolf said:
I wonder why there is even a recruiting section as 90% is just arguing with anyone that asks a question
Normally due to:
a) people who don't know what they are talking about posting wrong/contradictory information;
b) people asking repetitive questions that could be answered without posting had they done even minimal searching;
c) people stomping their feet because they don't like the answer received;
d) people asking such specific questions that they can be answered only by contacting a recruiter themselves.

To answer the original question, the chances of becoming a Logistics Officer with a Political Science degree is 1-in-23.84....plus or minus 2.....19 times out of 20. Your best bet is to go see a Recruiter on a Tuesday morning. Wear something blue; vertical stripes are slimming.

Fucking recruiting threads.    :brickwall:
seawolf said:
I wonder why there is even a recruiting section as 90% is just arguing with anyone that asks a question

It's a hell of a lot better than the potential troopies playing Romper, Stomper, Bomper, Boo. Then again, I can see the merits in ''mirror, mirror'', type approaches that alleviate us of these types of threads. But then we'd get complaints about not having the ''real'' info...sigh.

It's also because some people flat out do not like the answers they get when, in actuality, the answer they are getting is straight dope, likely from someone who is in the know (G'head, ask me how I know that)

That or see Journeyman's reply.

MMSS said:
I'm still waiting for my medical file to come back from review in Ottawa, so have not yet had any interviews. I'm not optimistic about making this selection, but I've waited this long, have to take it as it comes.

Just as an update, medical file came back (approved), but have been informed that LogO selection has come and gone.
Yea happened Aug 29th.

Are they going to merit list you though? There's always a chance they pull a couple more people.

I'm in same boat - probably waiting until next year
Not sure. MARS was always my first choice, and I've just been informed that it has opened up again, so I'm currently pursuing that option.
Guessing next year for me, still waiting on my Prior Learning Assessment.  It's been about 7 weeks now and still no word.  I have heard that they are extremely backed up with them in Borden. 

I'm hoping for January, realistically it will be April/May/End of Summer though..

Waiting with you man.

I'm merit listed for MARS as well. But i have decided to pass of that if offered and wait for LogO
Or, you could look at it like I am - who knows if they will even call me for MARS... So if i call - I'm actually creating work that may not be needed.

they did tell me after MARS interview I am way more qualified for LOG...so I'm guessing i'm not super high on MARS list anyways.
SentryMAn said:
Guessing next year for me, still waiting on my Prior Learning Assessment.  It's been about 7 weeks now and still no word.  I have heard that they are extremely backed up with them in Borden. 

I'm hoping for January, realistically it will be April/May/End of Summer though..

I hear you, man. Put my application in, and immediately sent supporting documentation, over a month ago. Still waiting.

But that's fine, waited all this time to join, whats another 4 or 5 months, you know?