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Legion Poppy Copyright issues (bikers, NHL, etc.)

muskrat89 said:
A bit off-topic, but I believe pertinent. For those of you frustrated with the RCL but value the good work done for veterans, there is an alternative.


Yup. Everywhere i find myself on Remembrance day, i will go to them rather than the RCL.
I just have to add this article from Facebook:

The story of how the Poppy became an international symbol of remembrance is a remarkable one.
This is just pure silliness on the Legion's part.  Full disclosure, I am a Legion member, but my Legion pays for my membership.  To be honest, I would have never thought about becoming a member.  I have seen these silly stories or actions by the Legion over the years and they wonder why their membership is decreasing????

Take a long look at this thread Legion executives.  WE ARE THE FUTURE OF YOUR LEGION.  This is reality.  Deal with it.  These silly actions will not increase your numbers.  If your response is that the Legion will survive without us, then really, you want to become an organization that apparently looks out for veterans, but will almost entirely be run by civvies?

I agree that a large org needs to represent our interests, but be careful Legion, you may not be that org in the future.

Legion, why didn't you just send the biker org a letter, explain the need to register the use of the poppy to them, and then see what response you got.  These strong arm tactics at the beginning of any contact is simply unacceptable.  Grow up and start realizing that you are only alienating the future.
Similiar sentiments as above, during my 24 years I've only been into a Legion <10 times. The one time I found the civilian members w/o any previous service to be less than cordial. Their relevance as an organization is pretty bad when they need to go after another Vets association for something like this. That Halloween fiasco last year did it for me / something they would all rather collectively forget.
If I wanted to write a letter to my local legion regarding my feelings on this and the legions overall image who would I addres it to, the branch manager? I assume they have some type of chain of command.
Grimaldus said:
If I wanted to write a letter to my local legion regarding my feelings on this and the legions overall image who would I addres it to, the branch manager? I assume they have some type of chain of command.

Send it to the Branch President and ask that it be read aloud, and entered into the minutes, at the next General meeting.
Jimmy_D said:
I am surprised they allow the design of veterans plates with poppies on them, with the way they are going. What is the difference between a poppy on you license plate, to a poppy on a patch of a VETERANS bikers club?

The RCL are the ones that give permission, through Dominion Command, for you to be issued the plate. They control it.
cdnleaf said:
Similiar sentiments as above, during my 24 years I've only been into a Legion <10 times. The one time I found the civilian members w/o any previous service to be less than cordial. Their relevance as an organization is pretty bad when they need to go after another Vets association for something like this. That Halloween fiasco last year did it for me / something they would all rather collectively forget.
What was this - I must have been asleep at the wheel.
recceguy said:
Send it to the Branch President and ask that it be read aloud, and entered into the minutes, at the next General meeting.

I think this is exactly what I will do. Thank you.
Pat in Halifax said:
What was this - I must have been asleep at the wheel.

As long as this is a now a "once again the RCL stomped on it's johnson" thread and in the intrest of full disclosure


Now I know why I didn't volunteer to be my branche's PRO.
Oh my.
My brother works.... let's just say; mid-level at a RCL here in the Ottawa area-I will ask what his thoughts are (about the poppy issue, not the 'other' one).
Whoa!  I missed that one.  They really were dancing on their gear with golf shoes.  I bet they would love to have a "do over" on that one.  Idiots.
I wish there was an organization that lobbied for Veterans who served after Korea. RCL never stood up for us when the New Veteran's Charter screwed us. They really hung us out to dry. They will not get anything but scorn from me till they have some balls and stand up for Vets.
The Legion just dropped off our counter top poppy pin, and I just paid for one and put it on out of habit.
Nemo888 said:
I wish there was an organization that lobbied for Veterans who served after Korea. RCL never stood up for us when the New Veteran's Charter screwed us. They really hung us out to dry. They will not get anything but scorn from me till they have some balls and stand up for Vets.

I'm sure its shrinking, but what about the Korean Veterans Association?
The subject of this story is a friend of mine... The Legion does not do a very good job of even sticking up for it's own.


In 2005, she was elected president - just in time to preside over the historic organization's demise.

Three months after Raymond's installation as president, the 79-year-old institution that was her new companion collapsed.

Hobbled by a debt that had swelled beyond $350,000, Branch 9 folded. The charter was surrendered to senior legion officials. The building was closed and all assets sold. More than 400 members, including many who had been No. 9 members for decades, scattered. Some joined another Kingston branch, No. 560. Some quit the legion in disgust.

Two years after Branch 9 closed, debts and questions linger.

Raymond, now a 68-year-old pensioner, lives in an apartment with a pet cockatiel named Joey on $1,300 a month.

She has been told by the Canada Revenue Agency that she's personally responsible for a $40,000 debt that the branch racked up and remains unpaid.

- See the article for more.

I would like to support the Legion, and see them support vets... But alas, I view the Legion as an entity that has lost it's way and reason a very long time ago.
Teeps74 said:
The subject of this story is a friend of mine... The Legion does not do a very good job of even sticking up for it's own.

May 2007: Former executive members of Branch 9 receive notices from the Canada Revenue Agency saying they may be liable personally for unpaid taxes. Some people get second notices saying they are liable and must begin paying while the cases are under appeal.

This is the scary part for me.  I wonder if it was a flaw in the Charter of that Branch specifically or if this an issue that Legion executives of all Branches are liable for.  If it is the latter...
garb811 said:
This is the scary part for me.  I wonder if it was a flaw in the Charter of that Branch specifically or if this an issue that Legion executives of all Branches are liable for.  If it is the latter...

The officers of any organization can be liable for what it does - something to investigate before taking on a role in any organization.  Many carry liability insurance for the executives, so they won't lose everything if things go bad.