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LAV III Roll-Over, 02 Mar 06, 6 Injuried and 2 Dead

Condolences to MCpl Wilson's family -

Prayers to the 2VP.

RIP soldiers -

My brother is not coming home. The only comfort I can find is thinking back to the last time i saw him before he left. He was happier than I have ever seen him in my life. He loved PPCLI. He said his section was the best group of soldiers he's ever served with, every last one of them. He told me it was being called the 'body bag ' tour. He was very at ease with the possiblity of not coming back. It was his job.

Things are going to get worse, Tim said the spring would bring bad news. Please, all the soldiers who read this, tell your family how you feel about the CF, and the job you are doing. Tell them its what you WANT. Tell them you know the RISKS.

I can never be the soldier my brother is. He had no fear, and only thought of his buddies. And he chose his destiny

I love you Tim
RIP Patricias...  :'( :salute:

highlandgirl, I checked CTV's website, and there is full mention of MCpl. Wilsons selfless act.  Being only two hours from Grande Prairie, this hits pretty close to home for me.

I've found CTV's coverage to be far better than CBC.  On CTV Newsnet Mike Duffy Live and Question Period, Mike Duffy, Craig Oliver, Jane Taber and Lisa Laflamme have all said that Canada should be in Afghanistan and that our mission there is just.  CBC is much more ambiguous.

I realize there is little we can do, but please know that the community is here to support you and your family. If there is anything we can do, just let us know.

My sincerest condolences to the families of our latest fallen soldier. May he rest in peace. :salute:

My thoughts and prayers also go to the injured and their families, may they recover fully and swiftly.

Thank you, for everything you do for us. :cdn:
Paul and Tim rest in peace guys.you guys where both great soldiers and outstanding guys
my heart goes out to there family's and friends still over there.

Rest in peace Master Cpl. Timothy Wilson
this now brings us to ten cdn soldiers that have died in Afghanistan
Chris, I am sorry for you and your familiy's loss.  :'(

It is because of fine soldiers like your brother, who knew the risks and yet who continued with their service because it was the right thing to do that I will keep serving for a long time to come.

PRO PATRIA  :salute:
Our fallen  brothers,

May you now rest in peace.

My Family and I have you in our prayers

dileas gu brath

john tescione
Words cannot convey my feelings for those who remain behind.  :salute:
Knowing Sgt Haggerty, Cpl Davis and Mcpl Wilson I can say that they were an all star roster.  That section would have been the envy of B Coy in my opinion.  I hope Sgt Haggerty gets back with the rest of his boys because they will need his strength.  The CF as a whole has lost 2 of its best (and that is not to belittle the loss of our previous members at all).
RangerRay said:
RIP Patricias...  :'( :salute:

highlandgirl, I checked CTV's website, and there is full mention of MCpl. Wilsons selfless act.  Being only two hours from Grande Prairie, this hits pretty close to home for me.

I've found CTV's coverage to be far better than CBC.  On CTV Newsnet Mike Duffy Live and Question Period, Mike Duffy, Craig Oliver, Jane Taber and Lisa Laflamme have all said that Canada should be in Afghanistan and that our mission there is just.  CBC is much more ambiguous.

CTV had a great report tonight.  Lisa Laflamme even looks good in a helmet...

The organ donations were mentioned on the CTV news also, not just the website.

Hopefully this isn't an inappropriate bit of levity, but during the news there was a reminder that things never change - a shot of an O Group showed a Lieutenant Colonel planning an operation which was apparently - inevitably - taking place at the junction of three separate mapsheets. 

Haven't seen CBC's coverage but given the comments here, don't really see much point in switching.
I came across this person's blog entry tonight...I found it really refreshing, and touching.. Thought I would share. (MOD's if it's not OK to post this, please remove it)


"Thank you, MCpl Timothy Wilson

Ordinary Canadians join our armed forces to protect other ordinary Canadians. They travel to the other side of the world, at great risk to their own lives, so that our travels to school, work and the grocery store are peaceful. When they are successful in protecting our peace, we forget that we need their protection.

Today, Master Corporal Timothy Wilson, of Grande Prairie, Alberta died of injuries sustained in a vehicle rollover in Afghanistan, on March 2, as part of the Canadian Forces mission supporting the democratically elected government in that country. Corporal Paul Davis of Bridgewater, N.S. passed away shortly after the accident. The Canadian Forces are fighting for peace, and fighting against terrorists associated with those who have threatened Canada and who killed Canadians in attacks on North America, on September 11, 2001.

At 10:20 pm, on March 2, I was comfortably in my "routine" of reading a magazine, on the couch, in my quiet home just outside of Dawson Creek, British Columbia. According to the Department of National Defence, at that point in time, on the other side of the planet, a young man, about my age, who also comes from my Peace River Country was on a "routine" patrol in Kandahar. In the silent seconds while I was reading in my living room, one Canadian soldier was killed, another fatally injured in the service of their country. My country. Five other young men of Bravo Company from the 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry were also injured.

And I continued reading, on the couch, blissfully unaware of the sacrifice that had been made to preserve my peaceful life in the Peace Country of northwest Alberta and northeast British Columbia.

Today, though, I know.

I know that peace is bought at a price, paid by those willing to stand up for it, by those who fully understand its cost. I know that it is far too easy to forget that this peace I enjoy was bought at a price, paid by my great grandfather, and his generation, by my grandfather and his generation, and, indeed, by the brave among my generation.

And, today, I remember. "