If I remember correctly, the LAV 3 was intended to be purchased around the 1200 vehicle mark to replace the M113 and Grizzly.
When the price tag came in too high, we ended up purchasing 650 LAV 3 and upgraded the M113 to the TLAV standard.
The purchase of this vehicle was meant for low intensity & medium intensity conflict, which is what we had been dealing with for decades at the time, re: Bosnia, Croatia/Serbia, etc etc. The UN 'glory days'.
The Tacvest was designed for the same type of theater. It was meant as an upgrade to the webbing with the old olive drab uniforms, and part of the new CADPAT uniform & kit. It was designed with low to medium intensity peacekeeping & peace support operations in mind.
A lot of this equipment started to roll out in the late 90's, and I believe the LAV made it's debut during a peacekeeping deployment to Ethiopia & Eritrea. At the time, it was a HUGE generational leap ahead of what anybody else was fielding for those kinds of operations. The Coyote still had an extremely impressive surveillance system up until a few years ago too, and has since been updated accordingly.
Then 9/11 happened, and Afghanistan happened. A theater we hadn't remotely prepared for, as it was a complete divergence of what we had been doing for decades. We had the Iltis, green camo, C3 and LG1 Mk 2... the best vehicle we had at the time, and most other NATO countries wish they had, was the LAV.
Obviously there was a pretty generous shopping spree once Afghanistan kicked off, and the armed forces as a whole filled out with a lot more modern and decent kit.
But yes, our purchase of the LAV 3 did predate the American decision to go with the Stryker. Our intended use, and their intended use also, was different than what the vehicle eventually evolved into doing.
(I could be wrong on the above. I realize yesterday when talking with a colleague, I joined 20 years ago...wtf happened? Where did that time go?)
