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Killing Blair would be 'justified', Brit MP says


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Killing Blair would be 'justified', Brit MP says
May 26, 2006. 10:41 AM

LONDON (AP) — Maverick British politician George Galloway has said it would be "morally justified" for an assassin to target Tony Blair but that he was not advocating such an attempt on the prime minister's life, according to a magazine interview.

In comments published in GQ magazine on Friday, Galloway was quoted as saying an attack on Blair that caused no other casualties would be a justifiable response to the war in Iraq.

"It would be entirely logical and explicable — and morally equivalent to ordering the deaths of thousands of innocent people in Iraq as Blair did," the magazine quoted Galloway as saying.

However, Galloway added that if he knew anyone was planning such an attack, he would inform the police.

As to comment, Blair's official spokesman replied: "I think it's best that we say nothing."

"We may say nothing, but we think plenty," added the spokesman, who was contacted by telephone in Washington where Blair met with U.S. President George W. Bush.

Galloway was kicked out of Blair's Labour party for urging British soldiers not to fight in Iraq. He subsequently won a new seat in the House of Commons last year as founder of the Respect party.

Galloway was in Cuba and not immediately available to confirm that he made the comments.

This is the same knob that Blair kicked out of his party a while back. I think he was involved in the oil for food scandal in Iraq a few years back, as well as claiming that Canada was just as responsible for the situation in Iraq because we sent troops into A- stan in order to free up man power for Bush to invade. Knob... :p  Someone should assassinate him... but I'm not advocating such an attempt on this buffoon's  life.
anyone who says something like that  is just plain stupid, almost like asking some one to do it. then ducking out on the blame by saying if he knew of any plan he would report it.
He's probably upset about Iraq - I mean, Hussein thought that executions without trial were justified too. No wonder he hates Blair.  ::)
One never knows what could happen.  Soldiers everywhere could start referring to the latrine as the "galloway".
Galloway was in Cuba and not immediately available to confirm that he made the comments.

Why does this not surprise me! ::) Buenos Dias, comrade!
Is he not the same one who went to Iraq and heaped praise on Sodamn Insane prior to one of the Gulf Wars?
Larry Strong said:
Is he not the same one who went to Iraq and heaped praise on Sodamn Insane prior to one of the Gulf Wars?

I do believe you are correct! Waste of both sperm and oxygen, maybe they should assassinate him! :eek:
Brad Sallows said:
One never knows what could happen.  Soldiers everywhere could start referring to the latrine as the "galloway".

I LIKE this one.....Let's run with it!  ;D
He's lucky to be a semi-prominent figure. I'm pretty sure anyone saying "I think we should kill the Prime Minister" would be arrested on the spot and thrown in prison for a good chunk of his life, no matter what he added afterwards to "reduce" the effects of it.
Oh man! I'm ;D about  to crap my pants in a horrible way.....I really need to use the "Galloway"!