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Just Wondering

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Jr. Member
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I was just wondering as more a matter of curiosity, if you met for example a MSCPL on civi street and you got into a fight with him and you beat his ass, could you be charged by the military?
I think he means MCpl, but no matter how you cut it, not a bright question at all...
I'm wondering how a MSCPL could let himself get his ass beat by an 18 year-old.
Look i didn't ask for any smart ass remarks, it was a question that i asked and i asked it on this website because I'm looking for an answer, and as for ass beat by an 18 year old don't judge a book by its covers. and if you don't have an answer post your irrelevant comments elsewhere please
I think he means Ms. Cpl as in a female Cpl. Didn't your Mom ever tell you not to hit girls?  :o Bully.
Dear dumb***

I believe the response you are asking for is NO. As I recall under the CF's rules & regs there would be no way for the said unfortunate MCpl to have this matter persued.

Having said that there is two other ways to respond:
1. Civvie street + assault + Civvie charges = up to 2 years less a day (AND criminal record).
2. Dark stairwell + push = retaliation.

I hope this clears up matters in your pointy little head.

In fact, the Master caporal can do something about it in the army, he can charge (soory french term I don't know if it's the same in english) the guy for having diminished the army image...that can lead to an expulsion of the CF.
I was going to lock this, but I think I'll let it run for a bit instead.

Cool your jets there bub, and have a look at the guidelines before you start going off again. BTW, what's an 18 year old 031, doing posted to Ottawa?
DannyBoy said:
I was just wondering as more a matter of curiosity, if you met for example a MSCPL on civi street and you got into a fight with him and you beat his ***, could you be charged by the military?

1.  Are you Reg F or Reserve?
2.  Is the MCpl Reg F or Reserve?
3.  (Hypothetically) Do you plan to start the fight?
4.  (Hypothetically) Do you plan to goad him into starting the fight?
5.  (Hypothetically) Could you prove that you in no way initiated the fight?
6.  Are either of you subject to the Code of Service Discipline? - either Reg F or a Reservist (enroute to your place of duty or returning; under contract (Class B. etc.), or any other conditions as described in QR&Os.)
7.  Even if not under the CSD, would you be able to prove that there is no service related connection to the altercation?
8.  Are you wiling to risk being charged in either civilian or military systems?

Since you seem to be contemplating an assault, even if the Code of Service Discipline does not apply, the Criminal Code may.

There are a number of variables that might affect the results of an altercation. No-one should be advising you that you definitely will not be affected (by either disciplinary or administrative action, in military or civilian jurisdictions) in order to give you the impression that you have license to assault someone.
TO: Michael O'Leary

          Man, I think that's the best anwser anyone could give, great job. :salute:
DannyBoy said:
Look i didn't ask for any smart *** remarks, it was a question that i asked and i asked it on this website because I'm looking for an answer, and as for *** beat by an 18 year old don't judge a book by its covers. and if you don't have an answer post your irrelevant comments elsewhere please
boy, you asked a stupid question, so you got stupid answers.
1. You are talking about assaulting someone (which is inherently stupid),
2. you are talking about assaulting a superior (which is inherently stupid),
3. you are doing so on a public website (which is inherently stupid),
4. a public website frequented by military members, one of whom may be the 'MSCPL' you plan on assaulting (which is not only inherently stupid, but incredibly poor tactics), 
5. a public website frequented by law enforcement personnel, most of whom take a very dim view of assault (which is not only inherently stupid, but incredibly poor tactics), 
6. you did so with a lousy grasp of the English language, leading all of the readers to assume you haven't much going on between your ears.

You are talking about doing something in public that would reflect very oorly on the CF in general, and your unit in particular. You are talking about a course of action directly contrary to the good conduct and prejudice of the military. You are talking about a course of action that is flat-out illegal. You are 18 years old and think you are bullet-proof. That 'MSCPL' was once your age, too, and behaved as you did. He's got more experience, more training, and more reasons to be angry than you do, but you think you're going to hand him a beat-down.

You display your incredible lack of wit and intellect to the world and wonder you are mocked for attaining the level of "dumbass-ness" you have. Boy, you ain't right.
SO alot of people have jump all over you dannyboy. I am curious to hear your side of this.
lol it was a good answer, no I'm not a cadet, I'm going to school in Ottawa for recceguy, and my side of this was it was more of an honest question and not that I'm going out trying fight a mcpl but since most of the time a question that is asked is always responded to by people acting like know-it-alls who can afford to put down smart ass comments that ridicule the person who wrote the post instead of answering it. Thats why the forums are here right? questions for? not hey i got a question and its replied to with witty belittling comments. Anyways it was just a question that i was wondering on the outcome of what would happen, and to those who actually answered my question i thank you, to those who didn't good job not following simple directions.

DannyBoy said:
to those who didn't good job not following simple directions.

You probably wouldnt recognize direction if it bit you in the *** !!

How long have you been in the military ? ......dont look at your watch !!
I would laugh so hard if someone took your pic from your avatar and id'd you, and in conjunction with your chain of command, either

a) locked you in a dark room with the "MSCPL"

b) charged you with something

c) both >:D

I don't often commit crimes of great significance, but when I do, I usually don't put a picture of myself next to my plans and post them on the internet.

DannyBoy said:
lol it was a good answer, no I'm not a cadet, I'm going to school in Ottawa for recceguy, and my side of this was it was more of an honest question and not that I'm going out trying fight a mcpl but since most of the time a question that is asked is always responded to by people acting like know-it-alls who can afford to put down smart *** comments that ridicule the person who wrote the post instead of answering it. Thats why the forums are here right? questions for? not hey i got a question and its replied to with witty belittling comments. Anyways it was just a question that i was wondering on the outcome of what would happen, and to those who actually answered my question i thank you, to those who didn't good job not following simple directions.


So to sum up... you get your kicks out of making yourself look stupid by asking stupid questions for no reason other than to ask a stupid question and see if it illicits a smack down response.  "stupid is as stupid does"  as Forrest Gump said.

If you wanted attention on the forum you should have used the education provided to you and asked an intelligent question. Less amusement maybe, but far more respect. I've heard it said that to some people bad attention is better than none at all.  Maybe you don't have the requisite intelligence to garner the more favourable type of responses?
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