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Just for Fun - Christmas Questions!

Mark said:
8. What is your favourite Christmas song or carol? That light show with the house and christmas lights syncronised to Trans Siberian Orchestra... that was cool. Other than that, I dont really have any favourites

I love that, too. A co-worker forwarded that on to me a couple of years ago and I've watched it at least a dozen times since then.

Celticgirl said:

1. When will you decorate for Christmas?  Already started!

2. Real tree, artificial tree, or no tree?  Artificial

3. How much of your Christmas shopping have you completed?  Very little sadly

4. What would you like the Jolly Fat Guy to bring you this year?  Hmmm....I don't think I can put that on here.  ;D

5. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?  Christmas Day

6. What do you eat on Christmas Day?  Big turkey dinner

7. Do you host or attend any holiday parties?  Both...can't have enough parties

8. What is your favourite Christmas song or carol?  White Christmas

9. Do you attend a Christmas Eve or 'midnight' church service or mass?  Sometimes

10. Do you send Christmas cards?  Yes

11. Do you have to work during the holidays this year?  I hope not.

12. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?
  Yes...but being in Vancouver, I'm not counting on it.
Celticgirl said:

1. When will you decorate for Christmas? Already done

2. Real tree, artificial tree, or no tree? Artificial for the first time because we will be in California

3. How much of your Christmas shopping have you completed? none till Dec.22

4. What would you like the Jolly Fat Guy to bring you this year? not a thing a trip with my kids and grandson is enough

5. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Eve

6. What do you eat on Christmas Day? usually leftovers

7. Do you host or attend any holiday parties? every year except this one

8. What is your favourite Christmas song or carol? Silent night

9. Do you attend a Christmas Eve or 'midnight' church service or mass? yes

10. Do you send Christmas cards? no
11. Do you have to work during the holidays this year? no

12. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?
no way if it snows in California I want my money back.
1. Did it last weekend, not by my choice though
2. Artificial
3. Not a bit
4. Anything in a brown coloured bottle, even a clear one would work
5. One on Christmas Eve, the rest Christmas Day
6. Turkey
7. Not usually, just the one's the RSM strongly suggests I go to
8. Gramma got run over by a reindeer
9. No
10. No
11. No
12. Only for Christmas Day, the rest I want as green as the Grinch
1. When will you decorate for Christmas? Usually the week before

2. Real tree, artificial tree, or no tree? Artificial

3. How much of your Christmas shopping have you completed? None ,Into last moment dash

4. What would you like the Jolly Fat Guy to bring you this year? Believe it or not pots and pans

5. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Day

6. What do you eat on Christmas Day? traditional christmas dinner,turkey,stuffing,potatoes,veggies,gravy,desert

7. Do you host or attend any holiday parties?Usually no

8. What is your favourite Christmas song or carol? I'll Be Home For Christmas

9. Do you attend a Christmas Eve or 'midnight' church service or mass? Not in years

10. Do you send Christmas cards? Yes

11. Do you have to work during the holidays this year? Yes

12. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Just a little
1. When will you decorate for Christmas?  When I get home for leave from Winnipeg, 2 weeks from now :)

2. Real tree, artificial tree, or no tree?  Artificial.

3. How much of your Christmas shopping have you completed?  Shopping?    Almost all, now I just have to wrap it :S

4. What would you like the Jolly Fat Guy to bring you this year?  A posting to Greenwood when I am done my course

5. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?  One small gift on Christmas Eve and then the fun begins at o crap it is early with the kids :)  They could teach some of the instructors in St. Jean a thing or two about getting people up quickly really early in the morning :)

6. What do you eat on Christmas Day?  Left overs from Christmas Eve, we do our big dinner Christmas Eve so we can enjoy Christmas Day with the kids and then maybe nap when they are done opening gifts, usually by 0700, yes I did say earlier that we get up at O crap it is early  ;D

7. Do you host or attend any holiday parties?    Both, we also take part in the SnowBall on our street every year.  Hubby makes up ALOT of Moose Milk

8. What is your favourite Christmas song or carol?  Any of them

9. Do you attend a Christmas Eve or 'midnight' church service or mass?  We try to

10. Do you send Christmas cards?  I try to  ::)

11. Do you have to work during the holidays this year?  Nope, on leave from Dec 12-Jan 6.  One good thing about being on course!

12. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?  Yes, but then I hope that when I go back to Winnipeg to continue my course that global heating hits and that it is nice and warm in the New Year there  :D  I think I may be out of luck  >:D

Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!!
newmet said:
7. Do you host or attend any holiday parties?    Both, we also take part in the SnowBall on our street every year.  Hubby makes up ALOT of Moose Milk

Re: SnowBall...Is that a military thing or just a Greenwood thing? We were asked to join those in recent years, but we're antisocial. lol  ;D
Celticgirl said:
Re: SnowBall...Is that a military thing or just a Greenwood thing? We were asked to join those in recent years, but we're antisocial. lol  ;D

You never took part in a Snowball?  You don't know what you have been missing...........just don't be the last house.  >:D
I have completely lucked out and I will be home on HLTA for the holidays.  Well, I leave to come back to the sandbox on the big day, but I get the whole leadup and eve and morning, so I’m not complaining at all!

1. When will you decorate for Christmas?  When I get home…the family has brought the boxes up to the living room so I can get started right away!

2. Real tree, artificial tree, or no tree?  Artificial.

3. How much of your Christmas shopping have you completed?
  A bit of it.  Will be doing most of it the day before I fly home!! :D

4. What would you like the Jolly Fat Guy to bring you this year?
  I just want him to bring all of Roto 6 home safely.

5. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
  Typically everything is opened on Christmas Day, but with me leaving then, we are doing it all on the afternoon of the 24th.  Well, except for stockings….those will be done on Christmas morning of course ;)

6. What do you eat on Christmas Day?
  As above, we’ll be eating on the 24th this year.  And I can’t wait to make turkey with all of the fixings!  And lots of time for leftovers Christmas morning, and a snack for the plane too! 

7. Do you host or attend any holiday parties?
    We will be having our annual open house, and I will be home in time to go to a work dinner and dance too.

8. What is your favourite Christmas song or carol?
  Most of them!

9. Do you attend a Christmas Eve or 'midnight' church service or mass?

10. Do you send Christmas cards?
  Usually, although not sure if it will happen this year.  Depends on how time is going.

11. Do you have to work during the holidays this year?  Nope, HLTA!!

12. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?  I don’t have to dream.  Home is North Bay!  I KNOW I’m having a white Christmas!!  lol

Happy Holidays to all, even those bah humbug people. 
1. When will you decorate for Christmas?  I don't

2. Real tree, artificial tree, or no tree?  Myself no tree.

3. How much of your Christmas shopping have you completed? None usually leave it till around the 20th of Dec

4. What would you like the Jolly Fat Guy to bring you this year?  A new recce smock from Drop Zone

5. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?  Christmas morning

6. What do you eat on Christmas Day?  Turkey dinner

7. Do you host or attend any holiday parties?    I usually crash 48th Regulators place and we have our own party

8. What is your favorite Christmas song or carol?  Fairytale of New York by The Pogues & Kirsty MacColl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrAwK9juhhY&feature=related

9. Do you attend a Christmas Eve or 'midnight' church service or mass?  No

10. Do you send Christmas cards?  No

11. Do you have to work during the holidays this year?  Do not know yet, find out next week when I report to LFWA TC

12. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?  Yes
Celticgirl said:
1. When will you decorate for Christmas?

Not likely...wont be around home.

2. Real tree, artificial tree, or no tree?

No tree

3. How much of your Christmas shopping have you completed?

None. Thats what December 24th is for

4. What would you like the Jolly Fat Guy to bring you this year?

A Canon 75-300mm IS lens and a Macbook Air

5. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?


6. What do you eat on Christmas Day?


7. Do you host or attend any holiday parties?

Attend. I dont like having to clean up.

8. What is your favourite Christmas song or carol?

"jingle bombs"

9. Do you attend a Christmas Eve or 'midnight' church service or mass?

No, i get real hot and start catching on fire when i get close to a church.......

10. Do you send Christmas cards?


11. Do you have to work during the holidays this year?

Yes.....the fun never stops

12. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?

No. Grey skies and rain will do nicely as usual.
1. When will you decorate for Christmas?  ummm, we don't take down the outside lights after Christmas, so I guess December 1999 when we moved to Pet.

2. Real tree, artificial tree, or no tree?    Ever since we got our dog, we use a small 4ft tree, that is 4 or 5 years older than I am.

3. How much of your Christmas shopping have you completed?  That's what boxing day is for... cheap crap that you know you want.

4. What would you like the Jolly Fat Guy to bring you this year?  A girl that can... I mean... lots of family time... yes that my answer....

5. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? We each get a stocking with a Christmas Orange in the toe, A chocolate letter that is the Initial of our first name, candy and small gifts. Some big gifts. More of a family thing then anything. As my younger brother gets older his enthusiasm to get up at a indecent hour is waning, so we usually get up by 10:00 am, when mom and dad wake us up.

6. What do you eat on Christmas Day? Whatever mom makes  (usually standard fare)

7. Do you host or attend any holiday parties?    Our family usually has a low key day, although before I come home from school in between after exams we party like it's a bodily function

8. What is your favourite Christmas song or carol?  Jingle Bells, Batman Smells

9. Do you attend a Christmas Eve or 'midnight' church service or mass?
  Pffft [Insert Politically Incorrect/ Blasphemy here] I mean no.

10. Do you send Christmas cards? No, but if I receive a gift from someone, I write them a thank you letter.

11. Do you have to work during the holidays this year?  Unemployed, so no.

12. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?  I like snow, so yes. Before we moved to Pet in '99 it was alway too warm for it to snow and stay at Christmas.

As a side note, when we lived in Germany, we used to celebrate Sinterklaas and or Christkind on Dec 6.

CDN Aviator said:
No, i get real hot and start catching on fire when i get close to a church.......

Either that or lightning strikes.....
Celticgirl said:

1. When will you decorate for Christmas?  outside Early Nov but no lights on untill after Nov 11

2. Real tree, artificial tree, or no tree?  Artificial ( love real but not the mess )
3. How much of your Christmas shopping have you completed?  98%  only a few stocking stuffers left

4. What would you like the Jolly Fat Guy to bring you this year?  Damm married now so will go with..... world Peace....

5. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? I do Christmass morning, Wife is french and does Eve, so generally we do Eve.  But with a Kid on the way I would like it back to Day again.

6. What do you eat on Christmas Day?  typical Breakfast, Snacks mid day,  Turkey that night.

7. Do you host or attend any holiday parties?  Host wine and cheese for freinds, will attend with invites.
8. What is your favourite Christmas song or carol? Silent night

9. Do you attend a Christmas Eve or 'midnight' church service or mass?  Use to dont as much, will again with kid.

10. Do you send Christmas cards?  wife does.

11. Do you have to work during the holidays this year?  On stand by for repats ( that is what Santa Can bring me, No need for being called in!!!!!!!!!!
12. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?
  I will see a white Christmas
George Wallace said:
You never took part in a Snowball?  You don't know what you have been missing...........just don't be the last house.   >:D

It just seems like a house version of a pub crawl. Not really my thing.  :P  I do like house parties, though. ;)

CDN Aviator said:
No, i get real hot and start catching on fire when i get close to a church.......

This explains so much.  >:D

helpup said:
..... world Peace....

I just knew that sooner or later, someone would give the Miss Universe pageant answer.  ;D

helpup said:
But with a Kid on the way

Congratulations!  :cheers:

Celticgirl said:
1. When will you decorate for Christmas? When I get home, if my Girlfriend hasn't already done so by that point.

2. Real tree, artificial tree, or no tree? Artificial, but I prefer real trees.

3. How much of your Christmas shopping have you completed? About half.

4. What would you like the Jolly Fat Guy to bring you this year? Being with my Girlfriend and son is enough.

5. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Both, one on the eve, the rest on tht day.

6. What do you eat on Christmas Day? Turkey

7. Do you host or attend any holiday parties? Yes

8. What is your favourite Christmas song or carol? Jingle Bells, gotta respect the classics

9. Do you attend a Christmas Eve or 'midnight' church service or mass? Not for a long time.

10. Do you send Christmas cards? I give them in peson, if anything.

11. Do you have to work during the holidays this year? Nope.

12. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Heck yes.
1. When will you decorate for Christmas?  Sometime after Dec 15th.

2. Real tree, artificial tree, or no tree?  Artificial so the pets aren't tempted to destroy it.

3. How much of your Christmas shopping have you completed?  75% - already have a list for the rest, but haven't made the trip yet.

4. What would you like the Jolly Fat Guy to bring you this year?  Nothing, there is nothing I want for me this year.

5. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?  Christmas Eve - LATE.

6. What do you eat on Christmas Day?  Turkey and left overs from the Ukranian feast on Christmas eve. (and baked goodies, of course!)

7. Do you host or attend any holiday parties? Usually both, this year only attending a few.

8. What is your favourite Christmas song or carol?  I'll Be Home for Christmas and Go Tell It on the Mountain. I love carols and can't limit this to just one.

9. Do you attend a Christmas Eve or 'midnight' church service or mass? Nope.

10. Do you send Christmas cards?  Usually, yes, but not this year.

11. Do you have to work during the holidays this year?  No, very grateful for approved vacation time!

12. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?  Only if it snows on Christmas Eve and melts on Boxing Day...that would be ideal! :)
Jingle Bombs!!!

Dashing through the sand
with a bomb strapped to my back.
I have a nasty plan
for Christmas in Iraq.
I got through checkpoint A,
but not through checkpoint B.
That's when I got shot in the ass
by the US Military...

[it's not funny!]

Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
Mine blew up you see.
Where are all the virgins
that Bin Laden promised me?
Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
U.S. soldiers shot me dead.
The only thing that I have left
is this towel up on my head.

I used to be a man,
but every time I cough,
thanks to Uncle Sam,
my nuts keep falling off.
My bombing days are done.
I need to find some work.
Perhaps it would be much safer
as a convenient store night clerk.

Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
I think I got screwed.
Don't laugh at me because I'm dead
or I'll kill you...
