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just been enlisted as qualified... question about getting my kit...


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Hello everyone,

I have just been enlisted as qualified so I don't have to go through BMQ or QL3.  I will be Able Seaman.  They posted me in Esquimalt from July 28th but until then, I will work at the CFRC in Montreal.  They said I would get my uniforms when I get to Esquimalt so I will have to work in civies at the CFRC.  My question is:  Wouldn't it be possible for me to get all my kit here in Montreal at CFB Longue-Pointe?  What difference does it make if I get my kit here or in BC? 

Any replies would be appreciated...  thanks in advance.

Stoker34    :salute:
I'm not sure exactly what all is at CFB Longue-Pointe, but my guess would be that they don't have what is required for you there.  I know even at clothing stores here in Esquimalt, they have scaled back on the kit they have due to the clothing on-line system.  And going against that, a logical reason is that you then don't have to worry about packing and shipping all of that kit out here with you.
yeah, I know it is a paint to ship all the kit but it sucks to work in civies, I wonder what kind of work they will make me do for 1 month at the CFRC dressed in civies.  someone told me that Longue-Pointe is Canada's main supply for clothing, don't know if it is true.  If it is, it would be better to get my kit here without worrying if they will have all the thing on hand, right?
Try to see if you can get your kit there, but I doubt they have everything you will need out here.  At least they could hook you up with some NCD's or Salt and Peppers. 

I say wear your civies, complete with the "Down with Authority T-shirt"
ok guys, thanks for the replies...  I will do like Sub_Guy said and try to get at least the NCD's...  I just don't want to stand out of with my civies. 

You could, of course, make a 'good' name for yourself right off the bat by questioning each and every thing you are told.  ;D

Mud Recce Man said:
You could, of course, make a 'good' name for yourself right off the bat by questioning each and every thing you are told.   ;D

You should really warn us when so much sarcasm is incoming!! lol  ;D
The "big grin" wasn't enough?  I will do better next time.  :D
Mud Recce Man said:
The "big grin" wasn't enough?  I will do better next time.   :D

Ha ha....there is nothing quite so funny as guys that have been around for a long time. When I was in Basic I had the hardest time keeping a straight face when the Warrants and Sgts would come out with their outlandish and colourful sayings...even though they were generally insulting us it was all just too funny for words. all of it totally un politically correct nowadays of course. Some examples follow:

Warrant (during drill) "Staighten up Mr Bloggins, you look like a dog f**king a football!"

Sgt (during inspection) "Mr Bloggins you look like 10 pounds of sh*t in a 5 pound bag!"

MCpl  "Pte Bloggins, did your mother have any children that lived?"

I could go on....... ;D
There is/was a thread full of those...let me see if I can find it...
In Hoc Signo...lots of yuk yuk's on this one!

Mud Recce Man said:
In Hoc Signo...lots of yuk yuk's on this one!


Thanks...my sides are hurting after three pages...gotta take a break :rofl:
ASU Montreal/CFB Longue-Pointe is Canada's main supply and QM they should have everything you need. Also try CFLRS St Jean as I now they would at least have your element uniform.
Stoker34, you first asked about this almost a week ago.  Have you started work at CFRC yet, and if so, have you not broached them yet with any of these questions?  It's great to get ideas and opinions from the people here, but that is what the divisional system is for too.
my apologies navymich, you are right, I did ask a week ago.  I did ask at CFRC today as I was sworn in this morning, they said I could try to get my kit as CFB St-Jean but they doubt I will get my kit here.  I will probably get my kit in Esquimalt after all.  Anyways, the recruiting center told me they don't have much work for me to do overthere, they want me to do all my clearing in's from the CFRC, dressed in civies even if I could get my kit.  That is the latest news... 