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June BMQ- 2009

When you get the call they will not offer you several dates. They will explain what the offer is exactly and that the start date for the next BMQ course available is such and such a date.
You have the option of saying that you can't start until a later date if you have personal or work related issues you need to deal with and won't be able to get done before the date specified.
As far as people getting offers in the order you're talking about, freakerz, I believe it all depends on what Recruiting Center you are going through. Some of them fill up their courses faster then others by the pattern we're seeing in these threads.
Hope that helps somewhat, I can understand your confusion.
Oh ok, so courses aren't nation-wide (and language specific), it's CFRC specific... interesting.
So there's no way to guess BMQ start dates.

Thanks a lot LukerB!
Well there are courses starting every week essentially but as far as which one you will be on is anybodies guess. Like I said, judging by the post's in these threads different CFRC's will be giving people different weeks to start on the same day. My guess is that it's how fast that specific CFRC is filling up their "quota" so to speak for courses.
As far as where the courses are, they will tell you when they call. 99% of the time it's going to be in St. Jean, Quebec anyhow so you can pretty much bank on your Basic being there. A friend of mine did his in Base Borden near Barrie, Ontario but I don't think that happens very frequently.
As far as language specific I believe you can ask to be put on a French or English course, but when you hand in your application you put down whether English or French is your primary language and they just go with that, to my knowledge.

When they called me last week the Woman I spoke with laid out how long the contract was, where I was heading, what regiment I was joining, and when my swear in date would be. She also explained everything I need to bring to the swear in and went over dates and times and they will then ask you if you'd like to accept the offer.

I hope some of this information is what you're looking for, freakerz.
Thank you very much, it does answer other questions I've been searching for answers (but couldn't find).
Well my application is going through, unless theres a problem with my application, they told me I probably will be heading to my BMQ June 29th. See you guys there, those going the same time. Not 100%, but I'm excited.
This is my first post here, and I just wanted to say that I'm looking forward to Meeting all of you out in St.Jean on the 29th of June.  I just got my call yesterday, and I'm super excited to be a part of the CF.  See you there, and good luck to all of you still waiting.
Got my call today!! June 29th as well, Infantry is my trade. See you all there!!
Went down to my friendly neighborhood recruiter today, I was told not to expect to move until July.       >:( !
  Please understand my frustration, I am not trying to rip on recruiters, I understand the scope of work they must do in order to get each Soldier in, but seriously...

  Medical file "lost" ... twice....Once in Toronto, once in Ottawa... stayed lost for 3 months
  Prior learning assessment "lost"  but found soon after
  Back check paperwork... I went in to check the stat of my file a solid month after I was assured it would be sent out... I was assured of this. It was still on someones desk in the back, four weeks later!
  Today I was told that it left the building on April 24th, and should be back any time. As soon as it returns I will be merit listed immediately. I am assured of this.
   I applied in August of last year to the reg force. I "might" get a job offer 11 months later.

  I apologize for my rant, it was not my intention to hijack this thread, I just had to let that out. My question: Anybody have a solid date for July? Im in Ontario btw, Windsor area
I have been told that I was going to be signed up for a June 2nd start for my BMQ. The thing that is kind of worrying me is that I’m doing my physical fitness test in 5 days. How can they give me a date when I am not done my fitness test?

Just a general question- for you who got a phone call how long did it take for you once completed everything to receive a phone call?

This BMQ for everyone’s information is a reserve BMQ in Edmonton. :-\
in ontario there are is no bmq training in st-jean in may because they left it for all the officers to be trained, but im from ottawa and going for v-tech, im schedualed to be leaving june 21st to st jean, swearing in june 5th in ottawa. hope that helps
Im not sure if most of you have done this or not but, if you look on a units site.(ex salh.net) and go to calander they show you when the BMQ's are for that area...
Hope that helps
I was told my BMQ might be in june, my training NCO is in Suffield right now so I have no clue if i am going but i was wondering if anyone knows where the BMQ might be as my Res unit is out of WPG.
Topper2804 said:
Headed to June 8th BMQ for infantry. See you there

Sweet. June 8th too. AES OP.

I have my swearing in ceremony in vancouver on the 21st of may (next week) still haven't recieved any information about flights, or what to bring to bmq, or anything. most likely i'll be told the day before.
That's strange. I also have not been sworn in yet (June 5th) flying out June 6th. I don't have specific flight info yet but was told it would be provided on the 5th and most likely would be early in the morn. I was given a 'Welcome to CFLRC' pamphlet with detailed instruction on what to bring, as well as an additional background check to fill out and a essay to write to bring to St. Jean. Perhaps you could pick up one of the pamphlets from you CFRC. 
Point taken, mine is the only experience I have to draw conclusions from. However it was presented as required reading to me, and the Leading Seaman who went over my course dates made a special point to make sure I understood I was to have completed a biography before I showed up, so I thought it strange. I do encourage anyone to ask for one of these as they are extremely informative and include a pre course checklist, what to/what not to bring etc. 
Topper2804 said:

Its like i'm talking to a brick wall.........

He gets sworn in on the 21st of May..........His course doesnt start until the 8th of June. How many days does that give him to read over paperwork that they will give him the day he swears in ?

Think about it. Its not rocket science. How much time does one need to read and understand the simplest instructions the military will ever give you ?
Wow, I can assure you I am not a "brick wall."  Not everyone on here has 20yrs experience in the CF. I had been given the pamphlet before I was sworn in, he was not, those are the facts I was going by. Someone else was looking for information and I provided what I thought would be of some assistance. The nature of an internet forum is it consists of 100's of people with varying levels of experience.