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Army.ca Veteran
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A neat 4 min. vid.

Note some of the exits.
Also no one counted rivets. ;)
A question for our Para's .
After watching the vid over a few times and the differant attitudes of fall did any of you find a perfect exit that limited your say twist,tumble before your shute opened?
Bare ass ramp jump
Ooh you kinky bugger ;)
All jokes aside those who have many jumps eventually learn how to exit and adapt that is what I'm asking.
Just an old fart who never got the chance to get the Jump Course!
My Brother got it and he always said it is the best rush you can ever get!!
High adrenaline high because you are scared but you have to go,noise the rush,jerk,silence ,calm !!
Those are his words from my side!!
heres a funny vid i found on another site...warn u it might take a bit to download but its pretty funny

Bare ass ramp jump
Oh DOH !!
Silly me :-[

Yes wqe do ramp but have you done side door as teh Yanks and Brits do?
If so do you have your own exit style say?

I know level and wind but to clear the side so you don't tummble or flip or is just up to God how you leave and land or how you exit?

Just a honoust question :salute:

Thats all I'm asking.

Also my brother said he was scared every time he jumped I think he did what 12   jumps while in Pet with the so called SSF  and he stated any man who was not scared when jumping was a fool or a nutter.
Bare ass is not his idea of a good joke, although I can certainly see how it would sound. It is a term used to refer to jumping without equipment (rucksack, rifle, vest/webbing or snowshoes etc). I would have to agree wholeheartedly that a bare ass ramp jump is sweet, it is pretty hard to screw up and you will get a perfect opening almost every time. As far as double door, mass exits with full equipment, which is what is depicted in that ROTC video, in the para company that is what we do more than anything else. It is considered the most likely method of operational deployment (the US dropped 1000 paratroopers into Northern Iraq this way recently) so it is what we practice the most. The method of exit we use in the CF is called a 'JAB' which ideally will give you a good strong exit and minimize some of the brutal exiting you can see on that video. A proper bare ass JAB exit involves aggressively throwing your static line towards the aft end of the aircraft, a strong stomp with the inboard foot to drive you through the door while adopting the stance of being doubled over at the waist, chin on the chest, thumbs behind the reserve, elbows in, feet and knees together. All of that becomes a little harder to do with any finesse as you add more and more equipment and the end result can seem more like a waddle and then tumble (there are some differences also in the JAB when involving a shoulder load/weapon). Although I have never been to the US Airborne School, I have jumped with them on a number of occasions and it has always seemed to me that the Americans tend to just run out and hope for the best. My sweetest exit of all time has got to be bare ass from a Griffon, 2000ft. over DZ fluffy pillow (Anzio).
Thanks Abn,for the clarification.
Just asking,from a old fart who never got the chance.

The only first hand is from my brother,as I posted it is the biggest adrenalin rush you will ever get as he said.

Thanks agian. :salute:
Then, of course, you have the German airborne exit: the JM gives you a big shove out of the door of that Transall.  Biggest fucking shock of my life  ;D  Tried to do the CPC approved JAB exit, only to find myself flying out head first before I was quite ready - the risers got nice and twisted...  Ah well, the steins of beer at the mess afterwards made up for it all.
A couple comments  On the video and  the replies,
  Jumped with 1 Cdo and they emptied the Herc. in under 20 sec. so dont tell me about sqaring away
in the door, at that rate you would be run over,and the rest of the Regt. wasnt much slower either.
  Asf far as the video was concerned I thought the exits were about average ,the one guy in the middle of
the stick who went ass over T could have been in a bit of trouble though.
  Anyone who throws himself out of an aeroplane has every right to be scared and if he isnt he should
get into another line of work,the important thing is how you deal with it.
Fun jumps, any Chinook jump,planned water jump Ottawa river or CT2 jump DZ Gorvad from 2800ft.
Great fun but dont forge
  t double door mass from aC130 is, or was in my case, our bread and butter.
I cannot believe you bleeped out ALPHA SIERRA SIERRA but I guess P:C: is completely out of control
in Canada just another reason for me to stay in Lahr I guess
I have 195 static and a few FF its great. Americans pass their static lines, their do not throw them. As a JM, you loose some fingers if your not careful with our fellas. I jumped in Bragg, and the first thing the American JM said was " DO NOT THROW YOUR STATIC LINES". As stated we can empty a aircraft quicker than s123, with a jab. Americans are slower. I thing when our DZs are 28-30sec long it matters. Theirs are 60-2 mins+.
Recce41 said:
I have 195 static and a few FF its great. Americans pass their static lines, their do not throw them. As a JM, you loose some fingers if your not careful with our fellas. I jumped in Bragg, and the first thing the American JM said was " DO NOT THROW YOUR STATIC LINES". As stated we can empty a aircraft quicker than s123, with a jab. Americans are slower. I thing when our DZs are 28-30sec long it matters. Theirs are 60-2 mins+.

Reece41, when did you jump down in Bragg?..I jumped there during All American Week in 1987 and the US J/M's said the same thing to us!!!.........well, it was more like, "Dont throw those F($&#@ static lines at me!"
Makaveli said:
Do all regular infantry do jumps or is there a specific job?

There must be a thread on this somewhere...

But the answer is no. The infantry is the trade where you are most likely to get loaded on a parachute course, but I would say that about 30% of infanteers have the course. (In my batallion anyway)

Just having the course is only half the battle though. The only place you will actually use it is in a parachute company, which is the "specific job" I assume that you are speaking of. That job is called "parachute infanteer" and means that you jump into battle, as opposed to driving in a LAV or walking.