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July 4th BMQ?


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I am supposedly going to be in the July BMQ after I graduate, thats what the people at the recruiting centre had told me. Anyone else going to be in the July BMQ?
Woops, sorry bout missing that info. Reg force, they said prolly St.Jean but a slight chance of Borden.
Do the reg force do bmq wit reserve because if so i ll b there wit u bro if not then good luck, I'm a GGFG so I'm reserve :salute: peace
Kid recruit,
Please check the MSN speak at the door, if you can't be bothered to type correctly then I can't be bothered to let you post here.
alright, just got the call an im being sworn in on june 24th (i live in ontario, mississauga) and BMQ starts July 4th.  Anyone else?

and i'm also wondering, why is there a 2 month period from the time i got the call and the actual BMQ course?  i heard it was held every 2 weeks?  can anyone shine some input on this?  thanks a ton!

oh, i got accepted for Vehicle Tech! 
I got my call on March 30th and leaving for BMQ on June 10th in Borden for a June 12 course. Man i hate waiting around. And the reason for the big gaps in time from phone call to actual date is its the start of the fical year, and the end was the big push to fill everybody in. And i dont even have a swearing in date yet. They said near the end of May. God love the CFRC!!!
i got my call last week... getting sworn in on may 12 and leaving for valcartier may 14... got accepted as vehicle tech too  :cdn:
hey mountain19, at least you get to leave early.  and your lucky its in borden i guess, unless you don't live in Ontario.  But i'm also excited to train away from home for a good 2 months straight.  i cant wait!

Hello everyone, brand new to the site, i'm hitting St jean on the 4th for basic, from ottawa area, i no longer know anyone going to basic and would like to know someone atleast, oh i'm also joining as a Sig Op, so anyone else going into that trade, hi
My son is in Borden since a month now. He didn't pass the running in the endurance test which was the 4th day of boot camp. He nas been held up in pat platoon and will do 5 weeks of remedial training and start boot camp in July.He hated it ( pat platoon) but now he accepts it as part of his Navy life. He will never give up he says.
Was your son not fit enough for the fitness? We all should be at this point trying to get ourselves ready for this be it physically or mentally. Some just dont want this, i know i do. I ran my butt off and changed my lifestyle for a start at this career, and i lost 60lbs. Now I am in and cant be prouder and i know i wont screw up!!
I'm still waiting to find out when I'm going to sworn in. I'm hoping to go to Shilo in July, joining as Sig Op.
I'm in Mississauga Ontario now, and I'm joining the 709 (Toronto) Comm.
Yes, my son was fit other than the running. He lost 62 lbs, worked out at the gym regularly.He was under the supervision of a dietician. BUT... the guy is 6'3 and is very big bone structurely. He was 10.5 when he was born so he had a good start. He was not a runner because of his size and he wasn't pushing it as he should have been. He will pay for it now. He is sticking it out though. No pain...no gain is his motto now. LOL .I am so pleased to see how much he has matured since he went there( to Borden).He is a great guy. He worked two years in a Rest home for the elderly doing housekeeping duties and laundry. He was an exceptional worker so I'm sure he will shine through in his duties there.The residents loved him and sure do miss him.Hope you get to know him if you go to Borden.
Im being sworn in sometime this week.  I should have been sworn in last week already but my recuiter called me that day and told me there was no way they could do it that night.  I was pretty upset after that phone call.  I was lookin forward to finally and officially being sworn into the Canadian Armed Forces.

However, the day after I recieved a call from my recruiter again asking me if I was able to start my BMQ at the end of the month (May 29th to June 29th) at the Meaford Tank Base just down the road.  Now im just waiting to hear back from them for confirmation that i will be included.

So, its a simple questions i put out, Who is going to St. Jean on the 4th?? and what trade are you entering after your done? I'v joined as a Sig Op.

Also curious about the June 3rd swearing in, who else from ottawa is attending? It's with the Chife of The Defense Staff Gen. Hiller, and i'm wondering if anyone has any idea what its going to be like?