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July 2009 BMQ

IIMedicII said:
Wow, cutting in close much?!?
I got my notice yesterday.....I leave on Wednesday :P

Anyone else on BMQ July 2nd in Edmonton?

PRes BMQ @ LFWA TC Wainwright? See you there! I leave for my flight in 3 hrs, cant sleep :)
lucasbutts said:
I wasnt even told that i had to fill out security clearance forms..

?? Um you might want to check into that. Its your "hire package" call the CFRC and request them to email it to you. Its IMPORTANT...or so they make it seem so.
scottM said:
i still have not recived my hire package ! ????? i phoned on thursday , i am going to phone again today !

You too, get one! I called and talked to my file manager, she emailed it to me within the hour. Not only do you need that paperwork for your swearing in, but you have to walk in to St. Jean with that in your hand to give them. At least thats what I was told when I went in there yesterday. If you cant get one let me know, I will FB you with mine ;D
I swore in earlier today and you have a lot of paperwork that you get to carry to St. Jean, on top of eyeglass prescriptions and immunization booklets.

I'm leaving Deer Lake at 1825 to arrive in Montral at 1910 to catch the 2000 shuttle bus to the CFLRS on Saturday.

I guess I'll see the other 6ers sometime after that  ;D.

It says in the joining instructions for the CFLRS to bring your prescription.
Yea, I also read somewhere that you need your actual glasses, but I may just be making things up haha. Thanks anyways!
lmfao, funny how I managed to graduate with Honors With Distinction, it seems as though I am quite the idiot.

But on the notion of prescriptions, I will have to go and pick that up sometime haha.

Thanks a lot for the info!
No problem.

There are a lot of small things like that in your joining instructions. If you don't read it carefully, I'm guessing you'll forget some things that may cause you some distress in the near future.
Tulach Ard said:
You too, get one! I called and talked to my file manager, she emailed it to me within the hour. Not only do you need that paperwork for your swearing in, but you have to walk in to St. Jean with that in your hand to give them. At least thats what I was told when I went in there yesterday. If you cant get one let me know, I will FB you with mine ;D

My swearing in ceremony is on July 2nd, and they never told me about this "paper work" which I am supposed to fill out before I show up for the ceremony. I even asked the person on the phone if there is anything I have to bring or prepare for the day and I was told just come on time with my photo ID. Now I'm confused and worried.

EDIT: Can somebody send me a copy of that form via e-mail? Thank you.

I just spoke with my recruiting officer yesterday, as I had questions about the forms. He advised me not to worry about them to fill out what I could, and we would review the rest before,or after, my swearing in on the 6th. You can find the joining instructions here http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/pd/ir-ji/index-eng.asp However, this link does not have the forms we are referring too.
Good luck, see you in St. Jean  :salute: Happy  :cdn: day

fuzzy806 said:

I just spoke with my recruiting officer yesterday, as I had questions about the forms. He advised me not to worry about them to fill out what I could, and we would review the rest before,or after, my swearing in on the 6th. You can find the joining instructions here http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca/menu/pd/ir-ji/index-eng.asp However, this link does not have the forms we are referring too.
Good luck, see you in St. Jean  :salute: Happy  :cdn: day


Thank you. Happy Canada Day.

EDIT: Yeah, I did some searches on this site, in regards to this form... Apparently some people get to know that form on the actual day of their ceremony. So I'm not worried. I will eventually get it when I show up tomorrow. Cheers.
I don't know about you 6'ers out there, but I feel like it's christmas!
Where my dawgs at!?
Pmath I am nervous myself. This is my last night living in the US as tomorrow I fly to Toronto to swear in on the 3rd and fly to BMQ on the 4th.

The only thing they told me to bring was ID and SIN card. I have not been told what to bring or paper work. I go the things to bring from the St Jean website.

See you soon Pmath the beginning of our life begins soon
What times are you guys making it to Montreal? I got 1910, which means 50 minutes to make the shuttle :o.
I hear ya Eagle, moving from the US would make me a lil' jittery as well. Just sit back and enjoy your free flights!

I'm leaving my place (driving) around 0700 on Sunday, getting there for probably around 1400. Enjoy your first nights there, I'll be up and at it on Monday eager to get jacked up!

PS... YES I have a car so on our weekends off we can maraud around Montreal and blow our $ at Black Jack  :king:
sweet someone who has a car on course! cuz I know jack about the bus system there ha!
Supra buddy, your name is a type of car... LIAR!
You had me all wet thinking you were bringing one to the Mega...  :threat: