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Fraser said:
From what i hear the minimums are really really low and you should be able to do more then that before you go to BMQ. Has anyone else heard this?

They are low. Just don't do like one joker in my  Platoon did if you are ok with the PT levels:
Sgt: "How you making out there Bloggins? How was PT?"
Bloggins: "It was nice Sir. I thought it was going to be a lot harder."

There were a lot of people who passed the express test with flying colors who were done after two clicks; if that. Don't panic either. You aren't going to be running the Boston Marathon on day one. Make sure you attitude is in shape too. A large part of the game is being positive when your mind says, "**** I don't want to run today" or "Are we lost MCpl? That's far enough!" Good luck on course.
Slaw said:
Hows everyone else doing in PT?

I am running 5km in 30min every morning. I can do 13 whole push ups lol they kill me! I start at the gym tomorrow with my personal trainer. WOOT WOOT!
See You all there!!!!!
Do as many push ups as you can a couple times a day and you should have no problem once basic starts , wow 5k every morning!! i wish i could do that god job!
If anyone is having trouble with the push ups then you should check Army.ca and use the pushup program some posted. It gets you to build your self up to 50 push ups in 8 weeks. I have been doing it and iv almost doubled my push ups in under 3 weeks.
I'm sorry but IMHO there is no magical pushup cure.  You just do them.  As many as you can, then stop.  Go do something else for a little bit then do it again until you have to stop.  Repeat that process throughout the whole day.  And you will start to notice after time you can do more before your arms give out.  Repeat this until you can do a high desired number without pause or strain.

Couple years ago I broke my humerous in three places(stupid me) and needed physiotherapy for a year.  Middle of last year I could barely do five it was pathetic.  So even if a cripple like me can do it, anyone can.  ;)

Good Luck People! 

Hey everyone,
BMQ July 21st I am going infantry coming from BC
Anyone else out there coming the 21st and if so what is your PT at at the moment? Just checking it all out!
djrecon001 said:
PT? i don't need no stinking PT

hahahaha Dear goodness I hope you're kidding.  If you're not... and you're going to BMQ... good luck cause you'll probably need it. (Unless you have supernatural strength like superman...)

I've been training for the past... 10 months or so and I'm still a little worried about how I'll do physically! (and I certainly don't slack off!)
of course i'm kidding.  I mean, i do play golf to stay in shape.  I may not be superman. but i like to think of myself as the Hulkster...
Oh man, well I guess all that matters in the end is what happens on course, we can prepare as best we possibly can and then hope for the best. I don't think any of us really know what we are getting ourselves into so perhaps doing your all at home before course is best! I just want us all to have a great course and become the best soldiers we can be!!  :salute:
I get confused when people freak out or become unclear about the Express Test and BMQ physical standards.  I mean, the numbers they expect are given to you.  It's pass or fail.  You can either do it or you can't.  So if you can do 19 pushups and situps at home...

Plus...and I hate to refer back to this but maybe someone can shed some light.  In Episode ?? of that "Basic Up" thing, that one recruit can only do 13 pushups during his Room Inspection and thats during week six!  Is that right?  Should he not have been put on PAT by then?  Or will they really let you continue that far into the course?
MedTechStudent said:
I get confused when people freak out or become unclear about the Express Test and BMQ physical standards.  I mean, the numbers they expect are given to you.  It's pass or fail.  You can either do it or you can't.  So if you can do 19 pushups and situps at home...

Plus...and I hate to refer back to this but maybe someone can shed some light.  In Episode ?? of that "Basic Up" thing, that one recruit can only do 13 pushups during his Room Inspection and thats during week six!  Is that right?  Should he not have been put on PAT by then?  Or will they really let you continue that far into the course?

:P You know I'm not freaked out about the standards.  For me personally it's not about the standards but more the obstacle course!!
I thought that if you fail a strength component but pass the beep test you are retested on the strength portion later. (So you're not PAT) But agreed about that episode... 13 is pretty weak for week 6, especially considering male standard is 19. 
I can see were you are coming from Med, it seems that although most people know the standards and requirements we are wanting to strive to beat those standards yet I am not sure "impressing" the instructors on course will make a difference, it is better to just do your best without standing out too much. But that being said being in top physical shape is never a bad thing at all!
Just to clarify, I was not pointing out anyone on this forum.  It just seams like a lot of people on the forums get freaked out, and unsure of if they are ready.  My point was just that, you know if your ready because they tell you exactly what is expected.  Yes it is good to strive to beat the standards, or simply complete the standard with ease and not struggle with any of the physical.


What is more annoying in here sometimes, is when people (usually people my age or younger) say stuff like:

**I'm 5'10 and can run "INSERT HUGE km AMOUNT", I can do about 100 pushups and situps, and 14 pull ups, and my tears bring back dead puppies, etc etc...is that passible at BMQ?!**

Its like, they know that the CF is not asking 100 pushups of them, and the only reason they are telling us this is to attempt to awe us with their peak physical condition (of which I don't care).  Or they are just talking out their *** to get attention.  Not saying I've seen that in this thread, just thought I would throw it out there as the opposite of the "freaked out people".   ;)
Haha very interesting to see the vast differences. All I know is I am excited to start training again and do what I feel I was meant to do, serve my country.  :cdn:
CPInfantry said:
Haha very interesting to see the vast differences. All I know is I am excited to start training again and do what I feel I was meant to do, serve my country.  :cdn:

Good for you my friend!  :)

Best of luck to you!