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July 18 Selection Board

I hope that they didn't mess up something cause my local CFRC didn't get any results on me yet.. :(
I hope I don't get put off till Dec, Jan or Feb.  I was merit listed around July 24th of this year.  Just missed the July 18th selection.  I have noticed that many people seem to get their call about two months after they are merit listed. 

Knowing what I know now I should have put in a month earlier. 

Has anyone else been merit listed for Sig op around the same time?
"Has anyone else been merit listed for Sig op around the same time?"

I was merited listed July 26 and my first choice is Sig Op.  I'm hoping to get the call for September or October as well.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Kincanucks said the results are in... drum roll... Selected 043- Combat Engineer. One step closer. Just waiting for the official call.

Thanks for all your help Kincanucks and all the others who answered any questions up to now.

Selected 022 Air Defence Artillery, thanks kincanucks.

Like Dakota, awaiting the official call, and a time for BMQ.
I am also waiting for the call! I was selected for Vehicle Tech. I am so happy! now we wait! good luck all!
YES!!! Selected for 031 Infantry! Anyone received the actual call yet? Let us know when you do. Also, I was under the impression that trades like Infantry and SigOps were being fast tracked. So recruits for trades being fast tracked who didn't make the July 18 selection board still have a chance of making a September or October BMQ right?

  And one more question. What is the likelihood of us who have just found out we have been selected for our respective trades getting into a September BMQ? If the chances are good than I would like to let my boss know so we can get someone trained for my position (my boss informed me he would like a months notice before I quit). This is probably an impossilbe question but any insight would be apprieciated.  :salute:

Just thought that I would say congratulations to everyone that has heard either officially or not!  Good luck to all of you!  ;D
Congrats you bunch of gimps. Now get on your pretty little faces and give me 50, remember "pain is temporary, pride is forever"  ;D
Hey all, I got the call today. I was offered my first choice, 043- Combat Engineer. I accepted. I get sworn in September 13. Fly to St.Jean on September 25 to start BMQ on September 26. The wait it over for me and onto BMQ. I feel I was lucky only waiting 5 months to get the call, seems quicker than the most.

I just want to thank everyone for their help in answering questions and all the helpful chatter. It made the wait more bareable. This is not goodbye to this site, just onto to next challenge and more forum chatter in the future.

Thanks and good luck to all of you who are still waiting and hope to see some of you at BMQ on the 26th.

Congratulations Dakota!

Sounds like you are on the exact same schedule as I am - if you are leaving from Halifax I will probably be on the same flight (and at the same swearing in ceremony)

Good Luck!


Sorry for the excessively long "woo's ", but I just got the call !  Basic oct 3rd to dec 16th!!!!  WOOO YEAH.
I put my app in june, and got the call today, aug 24th. Not too shabby.
I talked to the RC today and was told that all my paper work is final  and I quote " your file seem to rolling down hill".  I really didn't like the way he put it, but he did re-phase that everything was good to go.  He told me I should be getting a "conditional" offer very soon.  Is that what all offers are....conditional?  And what are the condition?
Keep the hopes up. I never thought that this call would ever reach me, but today, while eating an oven pizza and watching a re-run of Third Watch, the phone rang. Then bam! Offer accepted.
    HELL YEAH!!! I also got my call today while I was at work! My boss handed me the phone and said, "it's the army!" I knew right away why they were calling. So I ship out October 1 and BMQ starts October 3. Can't wait. But in the mean time I'll be training hardcore. Hey Fry, what are you going for?  :salute:

  I'm goin Infantry. I read that you're doing your BMQ in Borden. Are you sure about that? What are your dates for Basic?