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Job Posting Availability


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Hello Everyone,

I hope this is in the right place, and I apologies if there is something similar to this already posted somewhere.

I've been considering the forces for some time now and every time I have applied, or considered, something has come up. The first time I applied was prior to graduating High School (17 years old, and completed the aptitude test), and last summer I was considering reserves but prior obligations were in the way (only went to the information sessions). Needles to say it didn't pan out.

I just turned 22 in July and I am in the home stretch of my undergraduate degree with eight months left. Even though I enjoy what I am learning in school, I honestly can't see myself working a job in this sort of field. It is a Bachelor of Technology at Ryerson in Toronto. Believe me sounds fancier than what it actually is.

Anyways off topic a bit, I was curious to know what the intervals were for job openings. Something like Infantry would open yearly, while other are less frequent. How would someone get the scoop on something like this.

I am seriously looking at Imagery Technician, and from when I first applied in 2010 I don't think I have ever seen it open up. I am willing to join and switch careers while in the military but I don't know if there are restrictions on something like that. Truth is I don't want to jump in to any random career just to hope a spot opens sometime in the future.

I've always been passionate for the military, and it's history, and really want the Forces to be a part of my life.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,

Finish your degree, then join. If you have a degree you're more valuable to the forces. With a bachelors degree in technology, if you applied for Naval Communicator for example, you could get in as semi skilled and it would drastically cut the training they would have to provide for you. With a degree you could also go in as a NCM, then transfer over to the commissioned side of the spectrum after you obtained your leadership qualifications as a Master Corporal or Master Seaman without having to do BMOQ, depending on your chosen element.

That's just some food for thought tho.
Transferring is far from a guarantee. Never join a trade simply to get to another one. That wastes your time, and the CF's time and money. As well, if you don't get the transfer as soon as you're eligible, you'll be pissed off and think the CF is out to get you.
I have looked at Naval Communicator, I have a friend out in BC who is one, haven't spoken too much about his experiences.

Only issue I have is it's kind of hard to get a grasp of the "day in the life" of most of these positions. Videos never do the real thing justice.

What PuckChaser said, I completely agree it's not, I just don't know if it would give me a leg up from the competition.

As for my degree I figured if I applied now, got things rolling I would be good to go when I graduate in April.
To my knowledge, you'll get a good idea on what opens up job-wise April 1st every year. That's when all the number crunching is finished and the CF knows what trades needs more recruits.

When it comes to Image Techs, it's highly competitive. I looked into applying for it a yr or so ago and the recruiter I spoke to said they only had 1 opening for the entire yr and it was already filled. Apparently they aren't that "in-demand" ever. If you're heart is set on it, you can apply but chances are you wont get it. I'm not trying to be a downer, just a realist.

As other's have already stated, transferring isn't a guarantee. And really, do you want to spend approx 3 years training and becoming qualified in a trade; only to then try and switch and have to go through the whole process again? Seems like a lot of wasted time, money and effort.