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Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

jollyjacktar said:
Looks like there was an "incident" in Brussels, guess it must have a rough neighbourhood too ...
Steeeeeeeeeeeady the Buffs, there ...
Phew.... looks like they almost raised the threat level to "incident" in Paris today.  Close shave....that.

ut another thing that Karbani didn’t disclose was that he previously ran as a Wildrose candidate in Calgary-McCall in 2011. The party became suspicious when 6,000 memberships had been sold leading up to the election. And he was disqualified when the Wildrose Party discovered that people that didn’t want to join had been signed up, members were living at addresses that didn’t exist and duplicate memberships were sold to the same person.

It looks like Khalil Karbani is another opportunist that will run for any party in order to get elected, much like Progressive Conservative candidate Prab Gill.

The candidate was also the Chair of Events and Communications with the Muslim Council of Calgary from 2013 to 2015. And while he was in this position, the council posted a booklet entitled “Answers to Non-Muslims – Common Questions About Islam” written by radical Indian hate preacher Dr. Zakir Naik who believes that all Muslims should be terrorists, that Jews are Islam’s staunchest enemy and that child marriage is okay, as long as a girl has hit puberty. Naik was even banned from speaking in Canada.

In this booklet, Naik also maintains that Sharia Law is preferential and that chopping off the hands of thieves is acceptable punishment.

Sounds like a great addition to the Wildrose Liberal team.
Jarnhamar said:
Sounds like a great addition to the Wildrose Liberal team.

Wow! they are calling Zakir Naik a radical hate preacher? that is interesting,  his view on all Muslims being terrorists is taken out of context im pretty sure. I remember watching a video of his were he stated it.

Maybe he has changed in the last few years, but last time I watched a video of his he was very passive. maybe he readicalized.... but i doubt it. Ill be back when I can find evidences for or against... this just seems suspicious.

He was denied entry to both Canada and the UK in 2010. His Canadian ban was due to the founder of the Muslim Canada Congress warning MPs of his extremist views.
PuckChaser said:
He was denied entry to both Canada and the UK in 2010. His Canadian ban was due to the founder of the Muslim Canada Congress warning MPs of his extremist views.




First link is an overview of his opinions. second link is a fatawa from a strict group in south Africa, saying his debating is ok but his answering questions of Islamic jurisprudence should not be followed. The last link is his refutation of being taken out of context with someone who rips him up a bit.

From what I knew of him, he did follow the Salafi madhab, was controversial because he was a debater and denounced by the Ulema of the four Major Madhabs as spreading fitnah. But I didn't know he had jumped up to being classified as a radical, but I do see why he is classified as such. The problem with people who like their own voice, they tend to get in trouble.

God knows best, wether he is or isn't. But I cant blame anyone for considering him one. So I guess I'm sorry for trying to defend him, well I'm not in a way, just kinda saddened he is going this route.... if its true.


p.s Madhab means school of thought, the four major school of thoughts (Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki and Shafi) make up about 80% or more of what the general Muslim populace follow. Hanafi Madhab being the overwhelming Majority.

Ulema, Means Islamic scholar. Fitnah essentially means to create confusion or problems... Saying daesh is a fitnah is correct. if that helps you understand
I watched Dr. Zakir Naik get schooled by a former muslim current medical student aethiest

Truth is Dr Naik does not impress me much, like very little to no logic in his arguments and lots of shouting

You better understand, military people are very "spock like" meaning they are very logical thinkers that thrive on logic, facts, evidence, science, etc. Hence why Liberals are usually not very popular on army.ca

George Wallace had put a fantastic video IMO about moderation in Islam and a few progressive thoughts on it

Also, you stated earlier that you did not bother to watch Dr Bill Warner's video on history of Islam. If you want to prove him wrong, please state some specifics. I have been slowly cross checking what he says about the wars between islam and Christian through the ages and so far, all seems acurate. BTW he does point out the blood and evil on the hands of Christians and Jews in that video.

I watched almost all the videos you sent me a link for (made understanding some of the Quaran passages much easier to understand, I will admit)
ArmyRick said:
I watched Dr. Zakir Naik get schooled by a former muslim current medical student aethiest

Truth is Dr Naik does not impress me much, like very little to no logic in his arguments and lots of shouting

You better understand, military people are very "spock like" meaning they are very logical thinkers that thrive on logic, facts, evidence, science, etc. Hence why Liberals are usually not very popular on army.ca

George Wallace had put a fantastic video IMO about moderation in Islam and a few progressive thoughts on it

Also, you stated earlier that you did not bother to watch Dr Bill Warner's video on history of Islam. If you want to prove him wrong, please state some specifics. I have been slowly cross checking what he says about the wars between islam and Christian through the ages and so far, all seems acurate. BTW he does point out the blood and evil on the hands of Christians and Jews in that video.

I watched almost all the videos you sent me a link for (made understanding some of the Quaran passages much easier to understand, I will admit)

Sorry for my late reply ArmyRick.

Truth is I was considering how to reply and if one was warranted.

Zakir Naik, does not impress me much either, hence why I am not up to date on him. I was just suprised he is considered a radical. He is not a speaker who is fine tuned to speak to Military spock esque types, hence why it makes sense you dont like him.

The amount of Muslim speakers doing good work, to combat the bad image of Islam are quite a Many and I am glad you liked the personality that Mr.Wallace supplied. I just hope more good personalities come into existance or the media spotlight.

One of the major reasons I do not feel compelled to debunk absolutely everything that can be debunked is because I am not qualified to do so. I am not saying everything Dr.Warner said is wrong, but my gut and my current knowledge disagrees with some of it. I supplied Mufti Menks life of the prophet youtube link to you, so you could understand there is more to the story. Towards the end of the 40hr series it starts detailing more of the wars, but not extensively, but enough for me and to be honest I dont know much more then what Mufti Menk said in this series.

Just remember I am just some guy, feeling compelled to defend the other side of the story a bit. Mayhap I am making mistakes that makes my conveying ideas to you harder.. but I will try to pick my fights and supply as much evidences as I can... aka ill try to be spock like ;) but just remember, it would be like me going to a Muslim forum and defending the Armed forces.. I'm mostly ignorant, but I'd try.

In closing I will say, my belief is that Islam is perfect, but Muslims are just Humans. Islam is no threat to the west, but radicalized ignorant Muslims may be, yet those Muslims who are properly practicing Islam are going to be amongst those who stand with you to defend this country from radicals of all kinds. I also believe this is true for Sikhs, Christians, Jews etc. People claiming to be or who are Muslims, have done some heinous acts that there is no excuse for and for that divine punishment or mortal punishment should be dealt out.

I honestly and sincerely hope we all end up kicking it in paradise together in the next life and we can laugh about these small things.


p.s I'm not a liberal ;)
Mufti Menk does speak well and some interesting lessons but when he slips in certain arabic phrases I get lost. I like the bit about not being greedy on charging interest because the poor get poorer and rich get richer.

Of course some interesting history in there too.

I am also fascinated by the difference experiences between his life in Mecca vs his life in Medina. Hence the suras in Meccan or Medinan?

He faced plenty of hostility.
ArmyRick said:
Mufti Menk does speak well and some interesting lessons but when he slips in certain arabic phrases I get lost. I like the bit about not being greedy on charging interest because the poor get poorer and rich get richer.

Of course some interesting history in there too.

I am also fascinated by the difference experiences between his life in Mecca vs his life in Medina. Hence the suras in Meccan or Medinan?

He faced plenty of hostility.

I am happy to hear it and yes the Meccan and Medinian surahs have different significances.

If you want or if you need it I can help with the arabic if you can jot it down for me, Ill try to figure out what it is or just tell me which video at which time.

If not here are some common sayings

for an explanation on difference surah styles i believe it is in tafsir Maariful quran i quoted earlier. I can find volume and page number for explanation if you wish. (i have a hard copy at home.)

Thanks for the good review of Mufti Menk, I always enjoyed listening to him

A interesting read on people doing deradicalization work, not sure where else to put it.

Franco web based news here in Quebec reports two explosions, with a second one at a subway station, with 21 confirmed death so far.

Once again Europe's open borders policy has trumped security.Secondly the Belgians caught a terror leader,but he did not give up the details of these attacks.
tomahawk6 said:
... the Belgians caught a terror leader, he did not give up the details of these attacks.
Assuming he knew about these attacks, right?
Jarnhamar said:
Maybe the attackers were just mentally ill.
Bombings happen all the time in Belgium, everyone shouldn't panic, right?
tomahawk6 said:
Once again Europe's open borders policy has trumped security.Secondly the Belgians caught a terror leader,but he did not give up the details of these attacks.

Sadly, that reflects on North Americans as well.  Both Canada and the United States of America have no "Pass Controls" between Provinces and States; only at International Border crossings.  Once a 'terrorist' has landed in either country, they have free movement between Provinces/States.  So, open borders in the Schengen Zone is a bit of a stretch here; as it is much smaller zone than what constitutes either the US or Canada, but still has much more actual security than found in North America. 

First reports of the capture of the last Paris Bombing suspect did mention that they believed he had plans for future operations.  These three bombings may have been just some of them. 