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Is This Liberal Mailout A Slap In The Face To Those Who Serve?

Fact is it worked very good for the Lie....um liberals.

Fact is here are a bunch of sensible (for the most part)people here on this site very angry about something that is slightly slanderous.

Fact is it made the news today that you can't travel proud around the world as a Canadian.And half our population heard and believed it on the morning news.

Fact is half of this country is so far for our views here it unreal.And now that this has caused outrage across the country,there are liberals saying in their hippie communities.."wow Bill outside Canada people don't like us anymore" "well Jill I just read it was Harper's fault" "He sent our boys to Afghanistan and Iraq"

Fact is most Liberals have zero interest in what the truth is.Zero care what country we are fighting in.

(Note kayaking last week I was asked if I was in Iraq yet)

I dare you all to go to CBC and read any comments on that site."Dog dies in freak gasoline fight accident"


-We wouldn't have gasoline fights if Harper didn't invade Iraq for Oil.

If I read CBC comments again I will be marching into mental health and getting some little blue pill's.

I say we treat anything Liberal as we do when they show how easy it is to make crystal meth on television.Skip half of it so no one knows anything about it and tell everyone how f-ing dangerous it is.

To the liberals: It's a sad existence to base your worldly opinions on something I use to line my compost bin.
X-mo-1979 said:
If I read CBC comments again I will be marching into mental health and getting some little blue pill's.

Reading them causes erectile dysfunction...?
Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
Got the same POS propaganda in the mail yesterday from the "Honourable" Hedy Fry.

Who is this MP and where is their riding? Sure as hell not around here in NB.

It doesn't matter where the originating MP's riding is, they have franking (free postage) privileges anywhere in Canada as long as the "mail" is from (or to) their parliamentary office.  If the mail-out is from someone other than your MP, then another sitting member's identity is used - a common practice by all parties with at least one member in the House.  Even if it is one of the lower classes of mail (e.g. unaddressed admail) you can't even refuse to accept it.  While Canada Post can be told not to deliver junk mail to your address, any mailing from an MP, whether addressed or not, has to be delivered.
Oh my, just in and catching the news - to watch Hedy deny that this has anything to do with AFG & Canadian soldiers (as they conveniently forget once again that they are the party who sent us there...) and that we soldiers and the Conservatives are essentially making this offensiveness up ...

Sorry Liebrals ... History repeats & ergo my vote will repeat itself should you actually be silly enough to think that I want to vote again anytime soon ...

Soldiers. In our streets. With Guns. In Canada.

2006 ... and here we go again - you seem to be making a habit of it.
(Yep, you're certainly all about claiming innocence after the fact ain't 'cha?)  ::)

As citizens and taxpayers, we should be allowed to vote to not have a vote.


The Liberals...someone mentioned Monty Phython.

Same except for the name, and Monthy Phython was funny.
A different handout but don't ya think the folks running the show would learn?

Liberal MPs apologize for offensive flyer
By Christina Spencer, SUN MEDIA

OTTAWA — Liberal MPs apologized Wednesday for distributing a household flyer that attacks the government’s handling of H1N1 among aboriginals with the slogan “No vaccines, just body bags.”

The flyer, mailed as a message from Liberal health critic Dr. Carolyn Bennett, features a picture of body bags in a lab and a sick aboriginal child.
Grand Chief Ron Evans of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs told a parliamentary committee the flyer was “very disturbing...it’s really troubling to our people.”

The pamphlet arrived on doorsteps after an investigation into an incident in which an official ordered 100 body bags for a First Nations community in Manitoba struggling with an H1N1 outbreak. The investigation concluded there was no ill will and the number was a miscalculation.
Evans said the fact the flyer was apparently sent after the incident was resolved suggested the affair is now being politicized.

Bennett apologized, saying her party’s intentions were honourable.
Using the Cree expression for “I’m sorry,” Bennett said, “We would never do anything to offend; we did believe that raising attention for the real dire needs that we saw when we were [in Manitoba] was uppermost in our minds.”

Fellow Liberal MP Rob Oliphant suggested the flyers had been printed before the outcome of the body-bag investigation was known.
But Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq wasn’t satisfied. She told the CBC, “We are in a pandemic situation where Dr. Bennett should know better.

“First Nations communities should not be used as punching bags for a political party.”
I frequently get mail from all 3 main parties in my riding, I do what I always do, deep six them were they belong.. At least the paper is recyclable.

Now its of to watch bugs bunny and the road runner hour... No I don't mean question period... :P
This mailout as well as any Bovine Scatology, (to quote someone on this forum, sorry for forgetfulness) from the left is also a slap in the face to those who have served, and will serve in the future. :cdn: :2c: