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Is there Wireless Internet in Kandahar

MikeM said:
Alright then, I did lots of "professional development" during my time there. :D

So that explains the words under your avatar. ;D
Perhaps ;)...

Now back to the topic, I've diverted enough already.
unless im working late (like tonight) usually you can find me over at old canada house using the wireless..

hit and miss is a really good way of putting it... since some nights its hardly worth turning your laptop on.

the signal is fairly weak, and has a habit of disconnecting for no reason. and depending sometimes you can get it in your tent, and sometimes you cant get it 10 feet away....

mind you, all that being said.... Its wireless in a freekin warzone.... there really isnt alot you can complain about considering its not something they are obliged to provide.... and its free.......

Wireless isn't free, how much do you think that company is charging the CF for the internet.

They want the CF to dish out over 100 grand a month for the wireless service alone (thats not including whas being paid for the internet stations in the trailers)

The only rsons soldiers aren't paying for wireless (and if you'll believe the network innovation dudes there its comming) is because the system isn't bug free to the point where that CAN justify having soldiers pay for it.

Flawed Design said:
Wireless isn't free, how much do you think that company is charging the CF for the internet.

They want the CF to dish out over 100 grand a month for the wireless service alone (thats not including whas being paid for the internet stations in the trailers)

The only rsons soldiers aren't paying for wireless (and if you'll believe the network innovation dudes there its comming) is because the system isn't bug free to the point where that CAN justify having soldiers pay for it.

the point I was trying to make was that we really cant complain too much about something that we dont have to directly pay for.

I realize just how much this is costing DND. and im sure that at some point they will probabbly start to charge for it. but until they can get a range better range on it, then we dont have to worry about that.

if they can provide good service then I wouldnt have any problem paying for it.
Tommy +1  this is a luxury ...not an entitlement...

FD... totally aggree  ... not good enough to charge but I can see it coming down the pipe sooner then later ...

It would be great to see a simple plan in place ... not sure what they have now

Lets say a specific place with 20 -30 units ...

Due to the # of pers ther would have to be guidlines such as:

30 min per person per week free. with an option to purchase an additional 1 hour per week.

max 30 min per single use ... keep the line going lots of people want a turn there are a ton of ways you can control this  look at some internet cafe's ..


They currently have several trailers as well as phones and Webcam. along with a designated video telecoference room (you have to pre book)

we get something like 35 mins a week for phone and if you dont use it it carries over, we also use that same phone card to access the internet (or web cam computers) and have 30 minute intervals and you can use the card as often as you want. the wireless is bonus on top of that. where once you log onto the wireless you can stay on unless the signal poops out and you loose connection.

so all things considered, if youre a Hesco Hobbit and the worse thing you can find to complain about is the free wireless, then life probabbly isnt that bad after all.... especially considering what they troops out in the FOBs and strong points are dealing with.

and this is comming from a guy who for part of his tour is a hesco hobbit. (my job wont let me out... thankfully its only temporary and i will eventually get back into Transport and start doing convoys with the rest of the guys and gals.

in the SQs in Halifax, QOL reasons, MARLANT pays for all the cable in the rooms for living-ins.  If the CF can pay for those people (I was one of them before) I don't see why they can't pay for free wireless for deployed members.

My 2 cents.
Mud Recce Man said:
in the SQs in Halifax, QOL reasons, MARLANT pays for all the cable in the rooms for living-ins.  If the CF can pay for those people (I was one of them before) I don't see why they can't pay for free wireless for deployed members.

My 2 cents.

I'm a beneficiary of both: currently in SQ in Halifax and enjoying the free cable (though paying for my internet), and having enjoyed my free internet (wireless and otherwise in Afg for 7 months) - I have to agree. In this day and age, given what we do, there is no reason to pay a bit more to ensure the soldiers have a bit of QOL via the internet. Unfortunately, but understandably, we can't offer it to the front-line troops who are doing the s**t on a day-to-day, but at least it is available for them in KAF when they do get the opportunity to head for the relative safety of KAF to catch a breather.
I knew about the satellite phone... but I assumed they had to wait to get to Nathan Smith or KAF to access the internet. Interesting....