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Is there anybody here waiting for the Oct-Nov DEO board meeting results?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JOHN LEE 27
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I have stopped looking at my calender. I am waiting for the Air crew board. I have heard that it was late September and Mid October by firends also waiting. The local CFRC office told me this past weekend that it is planned for mid October. A very good contact at NDHQ said that it was sometime in early November.

Needless to say, if we are successful we will be meeting in St. Jean in January. I am looking forward to meeting/working/grunting with/ all of you soon.

I got the phone call yesterday. Job offer reg force 031 rcr. I accepted, gladly. Very happy about that. I will be leaving for st jean oct 31st and my course starts nov 2nd. I swear in oct 14th, downtown kitchener, ontario.

Still Waiting on my Medical to be returned from Bordon...I couldn't see the "Big E" clearly without my glasses so they made me  get a optomotrists test so it went off to a different medical review board that takes longer to get back to you... But My recuiter told me that I should still be added to the merit list for the oct/nov selection... My medial has been in Bordon for over a month now! I now thats nothing compared to some people but still not knowing if I'll be here for the winter or not does affect things now. Anyone else having that problem? (I told work that I applied so they don't know if I'll be there or not either...)
I am more or less in the exact same boat devoid....my medical has been in Borden since August 19th and has been pending or processing for a few weeks now.....However when my medical went out for some reason that I have not been able to figure out I was given a 3 on geographical factor and you need a 2
Leaving for Reg Force I will be. October 31st the date is. The train, I will be taking. An Infanteer I shall be. Yes.... :warstory:
I hear a bit about geographical factor could someone explain what this is?  I am in Manitoba any idea what geographic factor that would be?
CL84 said:
I got the phone call yesterday. Job offer reg force 031 rcr. I accepted, gladly. Very happy about that. I will be leaving for st jean oct 31st and my course starts nov 2nd. I swear in oct 14th, downtown kitchener, ontario.


Congratulations. I was under the impression that the next BOTC was sometime in January. If the Air Board meets in mid October would the offer be for a November or January BOTC date? Any information would be appreciated. I am currently working now and would like to give my employer the heads up.

Thanks in advance.
031 is the infantry NCM occupation, not the officer one. It looks like CL84 is going to be an NCM.
This thread is about DEO officer candidates... From what I heard from my recruiting center,
the next BOTC is in january and the deadline for the board is November 2.,
Well I have all but wrote this fall board off....no word back from my medical and even when it comes back I will most likely have to undergo some sort of tests to prove I am fine...(I stated I had a few migraine headaches when I was under the age of 5 but have not had a headache since)........Oh well gives me more time to save up cash while living at home and preparing physically for a career in the forces....Just really sucks because they apparently are taking 19 or so logistics officers so I figured I would be a a good bet unless of course there were 20 EXTREMELY competitive logistics o's applyin....
Hey dose anybody know how often in the year the review board meets, and also dose any body know if they meet for all the trades around the same time, or is it different trades at different times? Thanks for any information that anybody can give me. :salute: :cdn:
They meet twice a year....fall(oct) and spring(april I believe).....and BOTC for DEO takes place in Sept and Jan
Good luck everybody.  If anybody has any questions about what life is like in St. Jean for the first part of IAP, I can try to answer them.  I just finished week 4, and am on leave for the weekend.
Hi Hoser,

Congratulations for completing your basic training.

Approximately how many people were there for Basic Training?

Has anybody heard how many positions there will be for the Armour and Infantry? :tank:
Well my RC just called and I had to bring in some documents.  As it turns out they are sending my file for the board even though my medical is waiting to come back and there was an issue(3 for geographical)
JOHN LEE 27 said:
I applied for SIGNALS too.   Board date?? but
I know for sure the airforce board will be between Nov 8- 24, and the Army Board is before that.

Thanks for the info John!  
I feel like a little kid counting down the days left till Christmas....

DrSize:   What is this "geographical" business you speak of???
They did that to me too! I was sure the file wasn't complete. When i called my file manager, she stated that it had been sent? ???
G - Geographical Factor - General

6. It is essential to know geographically where a member can perform duties without significant limitations in effectiveness and/or important health risks to self or others. Three main factors are involved in this area:

a. Climate - Some medical conditions may limit deployment and effective employment in certain climatic zones. For example, some skin diseases may be exacerbated in hot, moist climates, while others may be aggravated in dry, cold climatic conditions. Similarly, certain peripheral vascular diseases are unfavourably affected by cold temperatures typically found in much of Canada during the winter months;

b. Accommodation/Living Conditions - Accommodations can vary throughout the world. It may be acceptable to permit members with certain medical limitations to serve in remote areas of Canada or in foreign countries, provided they are working and living in properly controlled accommodations and have ready access to reasonable messing facilities. Conversely, even in Canada a member may be required to live in the open, work in inclement weather for extended periods and subsist on minimal rations available only at irregular intervals. Every effort should be made to limit or reduce the risk of poor conditions on the health and safety of a member with a known medical condition; and

c. Medical Care Available - Historically, accidental injury, sickness and disease have always depleted military forces to a greater degree than the direct effects of combat. Battles are often sporadic, whereas readiness for combat is an ongoing necessity and the service member is constantly being exposed to disease and injury. Moreover, fully effective medical resources may not be readily available to support these military operations. Whether the situation is an armed conflict or an isolated peacetime posting, the level of medical care required is an important consideration in assessing a member with limitations arising from a known medical condition. The level of medical care required is fundamental to the awarding of an appropriate geographical factor.

Geographical Factors

G1 - assigned to the member who has successfully passed the stringent medical requirements for such unique duty as astronaut training;

G2 - assigned to the member:

a. who has no geographical limitations due to a medical condition; and

b. who is considered healthy and, at most, requires only routine and/or periodic medical services (see definitions in Chapter 2, 4.c.).

G3 - assigned to the member:

a. who is considered fit for field exercises, sea environment, isolated postings and operational taskings for periods up to six (6) months;

b. who has a known requirement for scheduled medical service (see definitions in Chapter 2, 4.c.) by an MO but no more frequently than every six (6) months;

c. whose limitations resulting from a known medical condition do not pose an unacceptable risk to the health and/or safety of the individual or fellow workers in the operational/work environment;

d. who may require and take prescription medications, the unexpected discontinuance (unavailability) of which will not create an unacceptable risk to the member's health and/or safety; and/or

who is considered unfit for one specific military environment (i.e., sea, field, operational taskings or isolated postings), for example, members with sea sickness.

G4 - assigned to the member:

a. who, because of medical limitations inherent to the medical condition itself or because of the unacceptable risk to the health and / or safety of this person or to fellow workers imposed by the operational environment on the medical condition, is considered unfit for two or more specific military environments (i.e., sea, field, operational taskings or isolated postings);

b. who may be on prescription medications, the unexpected discontinuance of which, for even a few days, is considered likely to create an unacceptable risk to the health and / or safety of this person (or to co-workers);

c. who may require close proximity to medical services/ready access to physician-directed medical care; and / or

d. who generally requires scheduled medical care by a MO more frequently than every six (6) months.

G5 - assigned to the member:

a. who requires scheduled specialist medical care more frequently than every six (6) months; and

b. who is considered unfit for field, sea, isolated postings and / or operational taskings.

G6 - assigned to the member who is considered unfit for any work environment.

Thank you DrSize for decrypting the "Geographical Factor" enigma!   :salute:

Take care