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Is there any way to know what the INSIDE of a PMQ looks like BEFORE moving ??

I agree with you but for the time being this is what is best for us.

For us in Kingston our rent is capped due to being a first class private so our rent is very very reasonable.  As well we keep out heat down at night and at 19 during the day so our heat bill is not very high.  In fact our heat bill and rent bill are equivalent to our old rental price in NS.  No complaints here.
My Q in Gagetown: 3 bedrooms row house

Nice looking exterior (siding redone), new windows (poor installation though), layout is good enough.
I got a nice large bathroom (compared to some other models).

Drawbacks on mine:
-poor insulation (around windows), ice cold basement, you know... During the cold months, the furnace is kicking in all the time.
-Load bearing wall in the middle (basement), so there is a loss of space...
-Large windows in the living (OK great view) but lots of heat loses
Thanks a lot everyone for your two cents and informations.

I have a question for army girl/army wife and NavyGirl280 or anyone else who might know the answer. It's about the PMQs in Greenwood NS... I have to know, what are the bathrooms like ?? I know, I know, it probably sounds like a very trivial interrogation to many people, but to me it's relatively important.. I truly HATE tiny bathrooms where there is no vanity cabinet next to the sink to put your stuff and where the toilet is so close to the bathtub that you can scrub it while taking your bath. I'm a girl and that's something that matters to me :P.
On a lighter note; Well for a good look at a kitchen go to the War Museum in Ottawa and you got a display :)

Seriously I presently live in Greenwood in a single house (since I am deployed can't send you inside pics) but they are like army.girl said very nice indeed.  Most of them have been redone inside out except for a few.  For mine the only thing not redone is the kitchen but I think it's the 80's reno's.  Now it's a two bedroom approx 856 sqft.  Small but comfortable.  Huge pie lot and a porch in front.  The basement was renovated at a cost of $4000.00.  They are very cheep paying $311.00 mth at the moment.  Heating: $600.00 a year (oil) .  Remember NS is expansive for Electricity so you are better off with Oil (albeit still expansive but I was renting a house before with electrical heat and it was costing me 250.00 a month).  The Q's are a bit drafty but like someone said it's not the Taj Mahal.  The bigger one have brand new kitchen and they are very nice.  One things it's quiet and good quality of living.  I can't complained.  What a lot of folks are doing is moving in the Q's putting money aside for a couple of years and then buying into the market.  Which I am doing since posted  this summer.
It will depend on where you go. My Q in Petawawa was great, repainted and a few upgrades. Petawawa always had carpet on the stairs, no rubber mat. Gagetown is the only place I've seen it. NB, it's to go along with everything else in this province. Crap.

The house I am in now has 1 1/2 baths (we got lucky)....Our bathroom downstairs is small as it only has a sink and toilet in it and my bathroom upstairs is fairsize..... Although my friend in the duplex has a huge bathroom. Hers is more  long than wide, whereas mine is the opposite. The house I knew from Greenwood has a nice size bathroom, however, since then the house has been renovated and I am unsure of the size now.

We are looking at moving into a smaller Q. We have spent soooo much money on heating this year as we have one of the larger units. My kids, husband and myself spent so much money on peniciline and medications this winter. My daughter is working on getting rid of a cold shes had for almost a month now. Shes been on peniciline for it and that took most but not all of it away. The cough still lingers on. I have been looking forward to a large livingroom window as right now I am in a Cape Cod style Q and all my windows are long and narrow. After reading the one post, I never thought about it as being a heating loss in the winter  ::)

Our basement is the complete opposite of so many people who I hear about their basements being cold. There is a 6*C temperature difference in the winter between my basement and the upstairs. The basement being the warmest. I have a door at the top of my basement stairs and in the winter when you walk down, by the 3rd stair, the heat is literally hitting you in the face, while the upstairs is so cool that you need extra blankets and something to cover the windows. In the summertime, you can barely sleep at night, its so hot.

Cybelle if you would like to see pictures of my place (but as most have said, Qs will vary) I have a bunch on my computer that I would be more than willing to send. Just PM me if your interested and I can send them off to you

I've lived in the PMQ's as a brat.  Starting in Borden when 4 family's lived in an H-hut while we were waiting for our PMQ to be finished.  Was in Borden, ON , London ON ,Trenton, ON, Shearwater, NS, Jerico, BC, last back to Borden.  I found that most PMQ's are what you make them and your neighbours are also what makes them a good place or not.  It is the same on buying a house. Some are small and odd layouts inside.  While others are a fair size but not great still the same old military layout on the inside.
They have improved greatly and still are improving the best they can.  You have to decide if the cost of renting a house is better then buying a house!!
When we got married in 91 we moved in to Qs in "balconia", Area 31 Lahr.  When we walked in to get a look at our 2 bedroom appartment, we marvelled at how spotless it all was, and how shiny the hardwood was. Yes, white kitchen, beige walls, etc, but it was homey once we put our stuff in, and it was dirt cheap.  92 saw us in a 4 bedroom brick duplex in shilo (shortage of three bedrooms, and one extra kid)  Again, a decent place to live, and the rent was great 300/month.  93 saw us at Royal Roads, in a single three bedroom.  Again, same as before, clean, cozy, colour scheme by CE, etc, BUT, rent 650/month.  94 saw us moving to Kingston, where there were no Qs avail with basements, the ones they showed us were tiny, run down, and terribly expensive. If I recall, they were grouped by rank, and at the time, i was an OCdt, so not much rank there......  We pinched pennies, got a mortgage and move on the economy.  I dont regret the Qs I had in fact, they were pretty good as far as quality goes. Im glad I was able to avoid the ones we didnt get, and I confess, moving out was better in the end. 
From what I remember of the bathroom it was small, but I've been in smaller. The bathroom was at the top of the stairs. You walk in and the toilet is on your right, with the sink next to it. There was a medicine cabinet over the sink, another shelving unit/cabinet over the toilet. I don't know if my friends put that in themselves or if CFHA did. So plenty of storage. Plus there was a closet in the hallway where they kept all there towels and such. It is one of the nicer bathrooms I have saw in a PMQ, but typical size.