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Is C & P redundant?

Missile Man

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Is C & P redundant?  For example, if a member is on a 6 month C&P, they can be released at anytime during the six months if their performance does not improve.  OK, so what if the C&P is over, and their performance drops again?  Since C&P cannot be given twice for the same offence, then the six months doesn't really matter, right?  Whether they screw up again within the six months, or even 3 years down the road, is the result not release regardless?

The way I see C&P, once issued, the member can be released just as quickly withini the six month window they are "on C&P" as they can be released 2 years after C&P is "over" (for the same offence)  Am I right?
Wondering why C&P is (usually) 6 months.  Yes, during that time the member is counselled and has monthly meetings with their C&P counsellor.  However, 26-17 states the member can be released at any time during the 6 months if their performance/behaviour does not improve.  Isn't this the case anytime after C&P?  Like even 2 years after it is done?  If C&P cannot be given twice for the same thing, isn't the anvil over the member's head as long as they remain in the CF?  I would think they can be released just as quickly 2 or 3 years after C&P is "completed" as they could be during the actual 6 month C&P period.  Am I right?
To keep your C&P questions in one thread:

Being on C&P brings huge career implications (selection for training, selection for re-engagement, postings, promotion etc) and you MUST attend regular counselling sessions.   Once you have successfully completed the 6 month period, you are then eligible for the a/m.

Read:   CFAO 26-27 - Recorded Warning, Counselling and Probation

Edited to add:  Besides, if you end up on C&P for something it's because you have obviously either failed to heed earlier counselling sessions or have done something severe enough to call you suitability to serve into question so you deserve to be walking on eggshells about that issue for the rest of your career.
Yes, understood that during the 6 month period everything grinds to a halt (posting, promotion, career coursing).  I suppose the real question is, can a member dig themselves out after the six months is over?  Or is it more realistic to pull out of the stream and get posted somewhere way up north and take up poetry?
It will hang over your head.   If you clean up your act then you can make a fine career.   The CF, won't let you make the same mistake twice, no matter how trivial.   Once you have been on C&P for an offence you can not make that mistake again.

I found that out when we wanted to slap one of our Cpls on the wrist for constantly being five minutes late for work after lunch.  We figured that he would get jacked up and a $50 fine.  The new CO decided to set an example to the Sqn.  Young Cpl was put on C&P for AWOL,by a young 2 Lt, when he was a young Trooper in Germany during Faushin (Sp).  The CO counted this as being AWOL too and gave him the boot.
yes it is, as supervisors can go from verbal warning right to C&P as in my case, cause I was late a few times but I had called in and the supervisor had been informed. Also it can be in some instances you dont like someone put them on C&P put thier life under the microscope for 6 months. The stress is so bad its not even funny. If you look at someone the wrong way ooo we should put that in the monthly report. No im not bitter about C&P
someguyincanada:  What a short memory you have.  You beat your situation to death in this thread and got absolutely no sympathy from anyone because you couldn't accept the fact that you were on C&P with good reason due to your own actions.  Plus, if you're going to use yourself as an example, at least keep the story straight about who it was who ordered the C&P.

someguyincanada said:

they were scrapping the bottom of the barrel to release me and i appealed to dmcarm and they said for me to go on C&P
In rare cases C&P can be given for the same incident but a lot of time needs to have passed since you've been off of it and you need to be an exceptional soldier as well.  As an example, you could be the young soldier out there over indulging in alcohol who gets into tons of trouble during your early years in the CF and you are put on C&P.
But you straighten yourself out, 15 years pass, you top all your courses and you are now a WO.  Then another alcohol incident occurs. Let's say you blow .09 on a roadside stop by RCMP and get a DUI charge.  This would qualify as a misuse of alcohol.  "Technically" your unit should recommend your release to DMCARM but they could recommend you be retained on another C&P based on the time that has elapsed and what a great soldier you have been during that time.