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Irregular heartbeat; CSOR

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So I just completed my medical exam today and passed everything for my trade choices, but the tech said I have a bit of an irregular heartbeat. It's not irregular in the sense that it's all over the place, but he said (and I can now sometimes feel when taking my own pulse) that there seems to be a little gap once in a while between heartbeats. I'm very healthy otherwise and have had no other indication of it hindering my performance (triathlons, weight lifting, sports in general). He said it wasn't a problem because I can't feel it or its effects unless taking a resting heart rate. What's odd is that it has never been picked up before, even after every doctor visit, blood donation, or anything.

My choices are infantry and combat engineer, and I take it from what he said, there isn't an issue with it hindering my employment with the CF for those positions. My goal is to apply to CSOR after the minimum 2 years, and I'm wondering if I will be denied because of it. I will ask again next time I'm at the RC, but was hoping someone here might have some insight into this problem and how it effects clearing medical exams for any specialty training in the combat arms (parachutist, sniper, patrol pathfinder...). Besides, the RC hasn't been very helpful in answering any CSOR questions I've asked before... I guess they aren't told much about it?

Thanks guys
Get a position offered first, then pass your BMQ, then pass your DP1. Maybe then you can concentrate on CSOR.

The recruiting center doesn't care about CSOR because they're not recruiting CSOR operators off the street.
PuckChaser said:
Get a position offered first, then pass your BMQ, then pass your DP1. Maybe then you can concentrate on CSOR.

The recruiting center doesn't care about CSOR because they're not recruiting CSOR operators off the street.

I realize the RC doesn't recruit for CSOR, but I would think they'd be better informed to help guys like me who have CSOR or JTF2 goals in mind.

I'd like to know about CSOR now because that's truly my goal in the CF. Though I'd still probably serve the minimum time for, say, infantry, I think it would be hard knowing there's no chance for any type of specialist training.
If you do get into the CAF, and have no medical limitations, I would guess that you would be fine to apply to CSOR(provided you meet all the other requirements). If you get in, if you pass your training, and meet the time requirement, apply and see what happens.

o AXE said:
I realize the RC doesn't recruit for CSOR, but I would think they'd be better informed to help guys like me who have CSOR or JTF2 goals in mind.

The only people who will have accurate/up to date info on CSOR Recruiting is their recruiting cell. Also, I don't believe you would be able to contact any CANSOF unit recruiters until you are actually in the CF though; also, don't try to contact them while you are in the training system, wait till you are finished training and in your unit.

Everything there is to know about the CAF medical category system - http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/about-policies-standards-medical-occupations/index.page?

Take a read, but realize no one can answer with any kind of "for sure" what you chances of passing medicals for SOF, etc on here.  Good luck with your career goals, but please realize A LOT of people say "I want to be JTF2NINJASNIPER" that have never tasted what basic battle school is really like.  Don't let that discourage you, but know you have a long road ahead of you to get to CSOR, etc.

And...seriously, good luck if you truly want to go for it.
1) You aren't in yet, which incidentally is why the recruiting centre won't talk about CANSOF. 
2) You aren't in yet, so CANSOF recruiting won't talk to you either.
3) Medical evaluations/reviews for CANSOF units happen after selection week, and as with all things medical, only medical staff can give you specific so long as they have your file in front of them, which seeing points 1 and 2 won't be the case.

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