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Interview/Medical In a Few Days....Question


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Hey guys and gals. I'm trying to see if forces life is the right path for me. I took my CFAT not too long ago and qualified for all NCM jobs.

My interview and medical are in a few days. I had a couple questions.

Do you take the medical then interview and you have to make a choice on the spot?

Do they say "thanks, we'll let you know" and you get a phone call for a decision?

I've been searching the forums. Maybe I am blind. Anyways thanks for your time!

When you get the medical and the interview and in what order is completely up to the processing procedures of the CFRC/D you are dealing with so ask them.

They will usually tell you after the interview if you are suitable or not and when you can expect an answer if you are suitable.
So it's different for every application? I figured their would have been the same process for any recruit. Generally speaking. But I will take your word for it. Cheers bud.
Usually the recruiting staff are very helpful. A quick call to the CFRC will answer those questions!
It usually depends on what unit you have in mind. On the application it should have asked you what your first and second choice of units were. Where you are able to go also depends on if you have a letter of recommendation from a specific unit. The letter basically says that they would like to have you in the unit. If you don't have one of those, then you're usually given a couple of choices depending on which units need people.

Good Luck,

lynzi said:
It usually depends on what unit you have in mind. On the application it should have asked you what your first and second choice of units were. Where you are able to go also depends on if you have a letter of recommendation from a specific unit. The letter basically says that they would like to have you in the unit. If you don't have one of those, then you're usually given a couple of choices depending on which units need people.

I'm presuming that you mean Reserve unit, because those entering the Regular Force will not be stating posting preferences during the recruiting process. Or do you mean branch/trade?

I had three choices for that on the application that I filled out in December. That was easy: "Pilot", "Pilot", and "Pilot".

Waltzing into the recruiting centre in flying suit after having already had a discussion with one's CO and career manager for a CT back to the Reg F is rather fun and also has its comical aspects.

Anyway, Diamonite, don't worry. Enjoy the experience, follow instructions, and remember that you get out of it what you put into it, and sometimes much more.

Less than two weeks left as a Reservist...
lynzi said:
It usually depends on what unit you have in mind. On the application it should have asked you what your first and second choice of units were. Where you are able to go also depends on if you have a letter of recommendation from a specific unit. The letter basically says that they would like to have you in the unit. If you don't have one of those, then you're usually given a couple of choices depending on which units need people.

Good Luck,


Good advice if you were sure that he was actually applying to the Reserves.
Diamonite said:
So it's different for every application? I figured their would have been the same process for any recruit. Generally speaking. But I will take your word for it. Cheers bud.

No it is different for each CFRC/D depending on their processing schedule and workload and I am not your bud.
Thanks for the solid advice guys. If I joined it wouldn't be reserve. kincanucks.....relax big guy. These forums are here to help people. No need to get your panties in a knot. rofl
N' kincanucks. Don't PM me either.   

PM content removed. PMs are just that, private. Unless you have the other person's permission, you don't put the contents in the open forum.edited by rg

Remember I really could care less about you or what you feel. I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of my future threads. It's an open forum. You don't get to dictate who participates. Thanks big guy.

You've also stuck yourself on the radar. Better go read the guidelines, especially about the warning system.
Diamonite said:
Thanks for the solid advice guys. If I joined it wouldn't be reserve. kincanucks.....relax big guy. These forums are here to help people. No need to get your panties in a knot. rofl

Diamonite said:
N' kincanucks. Don't PM me either.   

Remember I really could care less about you or what you feel. I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of my future threads. Thanks big guy.

I don't think kincanucks needs to report you. 

Your attitude really sucks and if you are at all serious about joining the CF, you had better change it fast.  You just went and stuck both your feet in your mouth by insulting a person who used to be a CFRC Recruiter before being promoted to a new job.  I wonder if you would do as well going for an interview at Mcdonald's and telling the Manager the same things.  Naaaa!  You wouldn't even get a job flipping burgers with that attitude.

Best of luck in your future endeavours, where ever they may be.

PS.  Invest in some Anger Management Courses.
Diamonite said:
Remember I really could care less about you or what you feel. I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of my future threads. Thanks big guy.

Glad to see that you are setting the tone / conditions for you to be ignored by everyone who has the answers you seek. Really good move sport.
Wow such hostility. I took his reply and message as condescending. This is not an interview and I am not an angry guy. lol

I'm sorry I offended anyone.
I'm not offended.

Just amused.

"Seen one, seen 'em all..."
Diamonite said:
Wow such hostility. I took his reply and message as condescending. This is not an interview and I am not an angry guy. lol

I'm sorry I offended anyone.

If i may partake, this is such a great forum and i believe that as a member (guest or not) let us do our best to use words that at least implies respect for others.  Now regarding which comes first, the interview or the medical it all depends on the availability of who is doing such. You have two options, call the CFRC and ask or better yet drop by and talk to the officers. For my case i visited CFRC Toronto and asked all the questions i needed to know. They did offer a lot of dates available including the tips on how to prepare yourself for the next steps of your application.  I opted to do the medical first in the morning then the interview in the afternoon (same day).  I did very well.  My advice?  Be prepared, do some research. Remember this is a job interview. Good luck!
In my case, I did my CFAT and PT first thing in the morning. After a lunch break I did my interview and medical and was told that I was eligible and suitable for the CF.
Although I am applying for a position at a reserve unit in London, I currently live in Toronto, so I was processed at the CFRC there. My paperwork is now being sent to the 4RCR in London and was told by the recruiting NCO at 4RCR who I've kept close contact with that he will notify me as soon as the paperwork gets to him.

So no, even with a successful interview you won't be made a job offer right away.
justin.c said:

My old unit, although I was T Coy in Stratford.

Not too many still-serving members that I know, though.