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Interview for ACISS coming up, any tips?


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Hey guys my interview is coming up shortly and I was wondering if anyone has any tips? I went to the reserve base here in London (where I live) and spoke to an ACISS about what the job is like etc and that gave me some great information but when it comes down to the interview is there anything I should focus on talking about? Also is there some sort of cheat sheet for interview questions out here somewhere? (lol) Thanks everyone! I really want to get in.
Don't over think this.  Just read up on the ACISS info sheet on the forces.ca website,  be calm/relaxed and answer all questions honestly.

Cheat sheet for an interview?  Really...
Cheat sheet was a joke, hence the "lol" is there anything I should focus on in the interview? something that might give me a leg up?
RedKarma said:
Cheat sheet was a joke, hence the "lol" is there anything I should focus on in the interview? something that might give me a leg up?

Answering the questions fully and being well-spoken?

You're not expected to know everything about the trade. Like was said above, don't Overthink and just relax.

Just treat it as any other job interview, because that is what it is. Be honest, knowledgeable of your trade, and professional.
As for a "cheat sheet", last year there was an interview preparation form on the CF website that you could complete in advance. It just addressed questions that you could expect during the interview, and gave you an opportunity to prepare your answers. I'm not sure if it is still available though, as I did a quick search for it but I couldn't find it.
I think this is the one you're thinking of.


Best of luck!