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Int Op trade tell me more and more reg force please

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MedTechStudent said:
Oh man see I was about to tell you every detail about it till 2 Cdo said that.  Sorry.   :-[

Nice follow-up. ;D
scoutfinch said:
Int Op and Int O are two different things.

:-[ Very true. I misread the original post. Apologies.
MedTechStudent said:
Oh man see I was about to tell you every detail about it till 2 Cdo said that.  Sorry.   :-[  ;) 

One step away from having to do himself in...
The Int Op QL5a course is now broken down into 3 modular sections.  The last time I taught the Mod 3 section in Kingston it was 5 weeks long.  I beleive the Mod 1 and 2 are a total of about 6 weeks long but I am not certain as I taught those in a reserve setting over weekends.  Im in a new trade now so I dont have all the details handy.  However based on my experience, if you were doing it all back to back, you are looking at 12 weeks or so.  But I know they are talking about more changes to the Int Op course that could negate everything ive just said.
The current QL5A INT OP Crse has been DECERTIFIED.  You will have to wait until the New Year to find out what the New QL5A will look like.
Just as I suspected.  The new one will probably last as long as this old one though.  Its been changing very quickly the past few years.
Lot of changes in ideals and how to conduct the work over the last few years, although decertifying it implies a completely new animal to replace it...
Are there many courses run each year, or is it one of those trades that has 1 or 2 run annually?
In the past, you were looking at usually 1-2 per year, with a 3rd one every leap year every once in a while...

Has the new QL5 course come out yet? Is the information on the DIN? Are the reg and res pers taking the same course? Having searched this site, I've found some older posts that give conflicting information.  I just want to know so I can have the straight facts for the interview. Obviously I want to get good at finding the information on my own, but most of the open sources I've found seem to be outdated.

Thanks in advance.
The new course is out and it is significantly longer both NCM and Officer wise.  Beyond that I dont know much more.

As a person who is interviewing for the INT OP position on Wednesday I do have a great curiosity about what to expect from the trade, and training.

Any insight would be appreciated,

On a related note,
Can a private untrained bring their spouse and child to live in residence at  OT?

Thanks  a tonne for any response


BradCon said:

As a person who is interviewing for the INT OP position on Wednesday I do have a great curiosity about what to expect from the trade, and training.

Any insight would be appreciated,

I am not sure where you are going with this.  Are you joining the Reserves?  Whatever you are joining, try looking up the Trade in the CFRC website - Job Descriptions are all there.

BradCon said:
On a related note,
Can a private untrained bring their spouse and child to live in residence at  OT?

Thanks  a tonne for any response

Simple answer, with no information:  No.
The CFRC job description for Int Ops is extremely vague and non informative to say the least...

As for the job..

At a very basic level, Int Ops start their career as collators.  You can find yourself marking maps, plotting locations of bad guys, keeping a log book, organizing information and presenting basic briefings.  Ultimately Int guys want to know where the bad guys are, and what they are up to, and keep the commander informed of the situation.  You would play a role in that process.  Beyond that, I wont say much more here as we can be running into security issues.  But suffice it to say, what I have said is some very bare bones basic stuff.  The job can get alot more involved and comprehensive then that.  In my humble opinion, it is one of coolest jobs available to NCMs.
For the responders and for the sake of discussion,

I am joining reg force as every :cdn: citizen who can should and yes the recruiting website is very vague, however with some refined searches of the entire DND website I was able to come up with some good descriptors of the job.

What I was fishing for here was information from people who are familiar with the job, and can attest to the day to day function of an Int Op; primarily because I want to be well prepared for the interview as I know it will be difficult to secure the position I am after.  Any advice on how to best nab 1 of the remaining 25 spots left for the year?

Thankyou . :salute:

Day to day really depends...  I have not been reg force Int, I was reserve Int, so there is a certain aspect of daily routine that I wont be able to shed light on.

But it still really depends.  If you are working with the battlegroup in Afghanistan your day to day routine will be very different from someone in the PRT, someone working at Pet, NDHQ, ect...

Thats the good thing about the job, there are so many aspects to it and so many different roles you can do.  For the purposes of the interview, the main things you want to be able to display are that you have a very good knowledge of the job, and that your previous experience will do you well.

Some key attributes they will want to see are professionalism (this is key, if the cbt arms guys think you are a twit, they will never listen to you and your credibility is shot, and your work useless), intellect, analysis skills, good communications both written and oral (previous examples of public speaking will help alot), good IT knowledge.  You will be working with standard microsoft stuff alot, and you will also be working with other specialized programs that are directly pertinent to the job you are doing.  The ability to work well with computers and software is a must.

As for your routine, at home you could be doing 8-4 mon-fri.  In Khandahar, you could be doing 20 hour shifts 7 days a week depending on whats going on.  You are primarily working in an HQ environment be it garrison or operationally, so the ability to conduct yourself appropriately in these environments will also be key.

I realize the answer was vague, but you will have to be more specific with some questions, keeping in mind, there is only so much we can talk about on these forums.
Lt. Maverick  ;D

I have been quite surprised as I have cruised these forums over the weeks at how supportive CF members are of one another.  My expectations were not that high, I have been pleasantly surprised at content here. You've been most helpful. 

I have some skills to gain, and some skills to build on if I am going to make a good int op, and I'm glad to know this.  I'm hoping to go meet with the W.O. at my local IntCoy before the interview, and arm myself even further

Specific questions are hard to generate this early on, and I am thinking that the broad strokes that are being received will do me quite well. 

What do you think deal breakers would be in the interview?
What type of person would be poorly suited for this position?
20hrs a day 7 days a week, balls are you serious?

What in the way of domestic int is done, 
ie  terrorism on home soil, especially with the 2010 games so close.

Will my desire to be based in the town I live in be taken into consideration?

The QL5A has been revamped from what I gather,  When I am asked about what it is I know about the training can I say its a bit of a snafu or would it be best to describe the  training prior to decertification?

Thanks for making asking easy

B :salute:

This is your Intelligence Bible:


Chapters 1 & 2 provide a good introduction to what Military Intelligence is all about.
I strongly suggest that you consider removing that link from your post.  The following warning on the first page of the document, I beleive to be applicable to this type of setting..


