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info on reserve linesman course?


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Hi i'm looking to get some info on the reserve linesman course... i'm just wondering what it will be like in comparison to basic training, which is what I did last summer. thanks
Your upper body will be huge by the end of the day. Average day consists of 400 push-ups easy add in pole and tower climbing. Oh and you may be an alcoholic aswell at the end of your course I would suggest getting the number for your local AA chapter for when you get home. Just a suggestion.

I'll be in Kingston this summer doing my 5's probably be in the same shacks, don't worry you'll have a blast.
I am a reg force MCpl lineman in Pet at the moment.  If you had your basic last year and haven't kept up with PT, you may have some issues.  Yes, you will have lots of push-ups, pole climbing, pole pt, Tower climbing, runs up and down RMC hill.  The intructors are going to be very firm this summer, most of the instructor staff this year will be reg force, however there will be some reserve instructors.  Most of the instructors are friends of mine, and they will be strict but fair.  Be warned, if you stop at all on the 70ft or the tower, you will fail the course, make sure you use your legs and you will be fine.  Make sure you sign your name on the top of the 70ft pole.  Relax, it's a breeze.