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Infantry wearing black berets?

NATO Boy says, "As a member of the infantry, you represent the tip of the spear and the other trades are your backup; in the end, it's the infanteer who takes the trench, who storms the house, who raids enemy ground. Don't let some headdress foolery make you forget that."

I think it was much easier once upon a time when...the tip of the spear approaching that trench was comforted by artillery softening them up a little bit and the armour scaring the heck of them as the smoke cleared.
NATO Boy said:
..but in my case, I feel it's the trade that counts, not what hat it comes with. As a member of the infantry, you represent the tip of the spear and the other trades are your backup; in the end, it's the infanteer who takes the trench, who storms the house, who raids enemy ground. Don't let some headdress foolery make you forget that.

Tsk, tsk.  You do realize that armour normally leads an advance and uses infantry as "back-up" as it encounters problem areas (woods, etc)?

While I will always be an armour guy (I love my pie and gravy too much), I am always aware of what the other arms do to ensure mission success.  Tanks go right on to the objective, but wouldn't make it there without the guns to blast us in, the engineers to clear the obstacles, and (God love 'em) the infantry to actually TAKE the bloody thing.  There's a reason a tank has a telephone on the back - it ain't to phone home.  If you had any experience and/or perspective you'd realize that.  It isn't called a "combat team" for nothing...
Man, I can't wait until battles are fought by robots in space, and our jobs are to maintain those robots, to put an end to this bickering......
I'm still waiting for my hover-tank...  They're on the cover of the "future army" pam, so they must be on the way...
Teddy Ruxpin said:
I'm still waiting for my hover-tank...   They're on the cover of the "future army" pam, so they must be on the way...

haha...i think that the guys from clothe the soldier are going to be in charge of the hover tank project  ;D
Teddy Ruxpin said:
I'm still waiting for my hover-tank...   They're on the cover of the "future army" pam, so they must be on the way...

I'm sure the designers are simply trying to figure out how to fit the new ruck into them.  As soon as that is done we'll get both.
When I was posted to CFRS Cornwallis as a MCpl in 1984, I was told to find my Forage Cap - never worn in the Hussars - as we needed it for Grads and photos.  Not until sometime in 1985 was the Black Beret auth for ALL orders of dress, including Service Dress (CFs).  I think we intended to have a bonfire, but it didn't happen.  I came out of Cornwallis in 1986 after 27 months with TWO forage caps.  One had "Dumas" written in it.

Hey Rick, you missing your forage cap? ;D

At some point, as we grudgingly hack and slash our way into the twentieth century - and maybe someday the twenty-first - we will post sub-units of Crewmen into Infantry Bns.  I would expect that now that the precedent has been set, those crewmen will then take down their black woolies and put their hat badges on whatever colour/type of headdress their new unit wears.  Assuming of course, I am not the only 011 Crmn out there who has actually thought this through.

TCBF said:
and maybe someday the twenty-first - we will post sub-units of Crewmen into Infantry Bns.    I would expect that now that the precedent has been set, those crewmen will then take down their black woolies and put their hat badges on whatever colour/type of headdress their new unit wears.  
Not according to the text of the dress regs.
We were talking about this at the school. What info, I got was we will not change berets. But we all know how the army is now. The only other colours I would wear would be maroon or Tan as in WW2 as the Recce Corp did. People here thougt I was crazy with the Green and Gold flag on my desk, until someone liked it more than I did.
Now all they have to do is re-open the Recce Trg Centre in Dundurn, and everything old will be new again!

As most of us know this DFS/Tow Coy is comprised of infantry soldiers across Canada, which is very good idea in order to get a lot of experience from them and as well perhaps  to rewrite doctrine for mounted Tow systems. However when these troops get their they have to give up their green berets that they proudly have worn since they singed on the dotted line. Then those berets are then replaced with the black beret and then in turn the troops are referred to as Strathconas. I have nothing against the Strats but the green beret that has been worn has been a fine distuinguishment between the infantry and the armoured.  At least the Patricia cap badge can still be worn and i hope that it will stay in order for us to remain a finely distinguished trade of the combat arms. Forgive me for i cannot type or spell well for i went to school in Newfoundland. 



4. Army Uniforms

a. Armour Personnel and Units. The black beret or turban shall be worn with all orders of dress by Armour Branch personnel and by non-Armour Branch personnel wearing the army uniform who are on the posted strength of an armoured unit, except when precluded by operational or safety requirements (see full dress and undress(patrol dress), Chapter 5).

g. Others

(1) The rifle green beret or turban shall be worn with all orders of dress other than full dress and patrol dress, except when personnel are authorized to wear a beret or turban of a different colour or when precluded by operational or safety requirements.
The dress regs do not tie the green beret to any MOS or unit (excpet that it applies to everyone for which there is no specific direction to wear something else).  The black beret is tied to armoured units and armourd MOS.

You don't wear the green beret because it is part of the PPCLI identity.  You wear it because there is no other beret colour that is part of that PPCLI identity.  (See earlier post about the PPCLI in brown/kahki berets).
I admit I am fresh out of bmq and I'm navy.... but we distinguished the elements at bmq as follows: navy: black beret - army: green beret - airforce: blue beret

I was and still am baffled by the berets. Some people wore light brown (tan?) berets with little woolen balls on top (Scottish regiments?), others wore maroon (don't know what those are) others wore red (mp?).

Now, I thought I was confused before! After reading this thread I'm thinking I should toss out everything I learned at bmq and start over...... :-[
when you add reserve unit head dress your almost in a whole other world.   Off the top of my head there is the Balmoral which you described, the Glen Garry (kinda like a high speed wedge with tails), and the Irish reg wears another one which I can't remember the name of but is massive.   The navy and armoured wear black, the jumpers wear maroon, air force blue and pretty much everyone else wears green.
CFL thanks for the speedy reply :)

I saw a variety of headdress today at Jericho so when in doubt, and when time allows, I just ask.Everyone I ask is always happy to answer. It's a learning curve but well worth asking about.
CFL, I believe you are refering to the Irish Caubeen.  It looks like an oversized beret.

NavComm said:
Some people wore light brown (tan?) berets with little woolen balls on top (Scottish regiments...

Only Reservists wear the Balmoral.
