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Infantry to OT 600 members, does this affect me?


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Good day people,

I have a friend in Petawawa who told me that they're trying to OT 600 infantrymen.  Does anyone know how this will effect my application?  I'm merit listed with BMQ complete + 6/13 weeks DP1 (DP1 probably wont count).  I can't find any info on this other than what my friend told me.  Please tell me I'm being paranoid here...

Thank you all
You're being paranoid here......
That's gonna leave a huge gap in the MCpl/Sgt level in a few years, I think they learned that lesson with the FRP bubble that exists now.

They'll probably just wait until the ones that joined to deploy to Afghanistan release when they realize we're not staying in any significant numbers.
So, do you think I'll still get the call in April like my recruiter told me?  I find this info to be really disturbing especially since the SIP said that they'll be taking in 300 new troops for RCR, 400 for PPCLI, and another 300 for the van doo's. 

I don't mean to sound like an annoying kid here, it's just that I've had my application in for a year now and been merit listed for infantry for 9 months and then I hear stuff like this, I'm just really worried, that's all.  Again, thank you all for your time.
The SIP does not indicate that the CF will be taking in large number of infantry types. The SIP for infantry is very limited and is aimed at accepting component transfers and those applicants already in the system.

The total number is ABOUT 300 total ( each regular force regiment being given share of the total numbers), and of these spots many are already filled.
At CFRC Hamilton we are only processing folks for infantry who are already in the system, ie that we have files for already. No new applications are being accepted.

My best advice is call your CFRC, they hold the SIP;  "duty rumours" not withstanding.
Steel Badger said:
The SIP does not indicate that the CF will be taking in large number of infantry types. The SIP for infantry is very limited and is aimed at accepting component transfers and those applicants already in the system.

The total number is ABOUT 300 total ( each regular force regiment being given share of the total numbers), and of these spots many are already filled.
At CFRC Hamilton we are only processing folks for infantry who are already in the system, ie that we have files for already. No new applications are being accepted.

My best advice is call your CFRC, they hold the SIP;  "duty rumours" not withstanding.

I spoke to my recruiter the other day for the first time in the whole 9 months since I was Merit listed just to get a brief sitrep(due to April being right around the corner).  And he told me that because I'm doing a Recruit school by-pass, and that I was merit listed way back in the summer of 09, I was the second guy with previous training in CFRC Toronto to be merit listed.  he also told me that if I was accepted into the Infantry (which I obviously am), that when there was room available, I would be one of the first ones in Toronto to get a call. 

I hope he wasn't yanking my chain...  If I am "In the system", would that mean that I would likely get a call following the above information?
Kabalis said:
I spoke to my recruiter the other day..... .....

I would be one of the first ones in Toronto to get a call. 

I hope he wasn't yanking my chain...  If I am "In the system", would that mean that I would likely get a call following the above information?
So you will be more reassured by an anonymous internet forum than what your Recruiter told you?  ::)

Fortunately Recruiters get a hefty "chain-yanking bonus" to compensate for the people they have to deal with.
I was sitting on the AMOR last December and I can tell you that for this APS, Const Engr are looking at filling their numbers (SIP) with VOT.
Journeyman said:
So you will be more reassured by an anonymous internet forum than what your Recruiter told you?  ::)

Fortunately Recruiters get a hefty "chain-yanking bonus" to compensate for the people they have to deal with.


I'm really sorry...  I've just been waiting a while in the dark and it's causing me to get a little antsy.  I'm just gathering as much information and opinions as possible to help me live with the mistake I made when I left the infantry in 2008.  I guess you can say that I'm desperate to shed as much light as possible on my situation.  I was fine with the waiting until my buddy told me about the "600 Infantry OT's".

Before I give this thread up, I was wondering if you awesome recruiting people would be able to tell me if I would be "further ahead in line" if you will because of my recruit school by-pass?  thank you all again
To see the light, go talk to your CFRC staff....we don't bite (often) and we ( usually ) do have the answers your looking for, if the not the answers you want...

And sometimes that is the issue, no matter how many times you repeat yourself , some folk just do not wanna listen, or prefer to listen to the "Duty Rumour"