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Indecent Proposal

I guess I will answer my own question. ;)

I would love to earn $5 million or win it in the lotto, but I wouldn't prostitute myself or my significant other to get it. It would not only destroy the relationship, it would change who we are. I want to look in the mirror every day and respect the person I am looking at.

Besides, I think I'm worth more than 5 mill.  ;D
I would auction myself off for a lot less than 5 million.

Some say I am a cash whore.

I say I have very competitive prices.

All right ---

Send offers to my PM inbox ...

Then I'll let you all know how much I'm worth (I'll ante up 2 bucks that it tops-out at 99 cents).

(Perhaps it'll pay for the long-wanted boob job)  >:D