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Impressed with the recruiters


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    I'm currently going through the process of applying and have to say I've been impressed with how the recruiters are/have been handling my file.  When I went in I wasn't very sure what position would be best for me in my situation.  (I'm a single mother) So the recruiter took well over an hour going through all the options available for me with my degree and what would be best for my situation.  He then sent me on my way with the forms to fill out. 
    I dropped off some of the forms and when I went the second time to drop off the remainer of my references both the recruiters sat down with me to discuss my career selections.  Since I am finishing a political science/human rights degree my options are somewhat limited so I had chosen Infantry officer as a selection.  What impressed me was that considering the limited amount of women in combat and from what I've been told "push" to get women into combat positions (for that matter anyone in combat) the recruiters said that they'd rather not see me in that position and directed me towards options such as areospace control and air navigation (which were my other two options)
      In addition to the career choice because my major is human rights and STU is one of the only universities that offer that major they told me to hold off on the CEOTP plan and see about ROTP first even though I was willing to go in through the CEOTP.  If I were to go CEOTP they couldn't guarentee I'd be allowed to stay at STU.  Needless to say I was impressed that despite the need for recruits they really seem to have my best interests in mind, more then it seems just throwing me where is most needed at the moment. 
My god! There's someone else with a Human Rights degree going into the Army! Yes! We're up to two schools offering the major, soon we will spread and people will stop going "huh?" when they ask you at parties!  ;D

If I were to go CEOTP they couldn't guarentee I'd be allowed to stay at STU.

I think you meant to say ROTP not CEOTP because CEOTP has nothing to do with what university you go to.  Good luck with whatever you choose.
kincanucks said:
If I were to go CEOTP they couldn't guarentee I'd be allowed to stay at STU.

I think you meant to say ROTP not CEOTP because CEOTP has nothing to do with what university you go to.  Good luck with whatever you choose.

Sorry yes, I wrote that poorly.  Thats why he was promoting the ROTP plan to me so I could finish my last year at STU right now instead of whenever and whereever I get a chance. 

LOL.... and yup a human rights major political science honors.  Normally I get from people, "why would you ever want to major in human rights?" and "where is the money in that" :)  I've given up on trying to explain that it was more about the satisfaction of helping people then the actual money....  I was supposed to graduate from UNB this year but transferred and lost 30ch in order to take human rights at STU.  (so it does mean a bit to me to graduate from STU) 

The funny thing is that when I mention to people that I applied to the armed forces they look at me funny because they can't see a connection between a human rights major and the military.  I guess they find it contradictory.  Personally I feel its an excellent combination. 
elixa said:
The funny thing is that when I mention to people that I applied to the armed forces they look at me funny because they can't see a connection between a human rights major and the military.  I guess they find it contradictory.  Personally I feel its an excellent combination. 

I did combined honours Human Rights & International Relations. People have always done the exact same thing to me! Everyone seems to forget that before you can have any fancy conceptions of 2nd and 3rd generation rights, you need a solid foundation of security.

Good luck with your application.

Hey, my degree is in International Relations/Poli Sci as well.  There was no Human Right degree where I went (UofL), not that I would have taken it.  I was wrapped up in IR theory by the end and my thesis supervisor just nodded and agreed when I told him I was joining.  When I went into my forth year I was planning on being a journalist that focused on international events.  When I made the switch in plans one of the other honours students I was with put in nicely "At some point you have to stop being an observer or student of the theories and just do the right thing."
I really enjoyed international relations (I took that at UNB) it was unforunate that it wasn't offered at STU, so I settled for politcal science to go with the human rights.  I was a little disappointed that signals wouldn't be open to me since that seemed like an interesting field but hey what can you do.  :)  I was a little hesitant about the air nav field since I seriously doubt my math skills (hahaha skills) are going to be up to par.  (I can almost guarentee my test will be put on display as an example of what NOT to do)  The recruiters seem to have more faith in me then I do. 
