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Illegal to trap cats?

I am also a cat owner and the best way to keep him behaving is plain and simple...WATER! Not only is it the most humane way of training the cat, it's also kind of fun too. I disagree with put vinegar in the water of anything that would harm them. I know your upset but hurting or killing an animal is just WRONG! It's the owners fault that thier animals are so distructive, you should set a live trap for the owners, not the cats.

Bojangles (by the way, Bojangles is my cats name)
Back to the original post, some communities allow it - when I was posted in Calgary, a cat leash/chain law came into effect adn after that point, we could sign for 2 live traps from townsite.  Wht you did with the animal afterward - give it to the pound (costed money) or return it to the owner if known with a rude note or whatever, was up to you.

I too am a cat owner and I think it rather irresponsible for anyone else to let them roam free - they do tend to rip up people's gardens, spray property, get into fights, etc.  And yes Bojangles, the owners should be trapped instead.  Unfortunately, trapping humans requires a very special licence.

Behead one of them, and put the head on a spear in front of your house with a sign that says: "cats beware"
yes that will work. ;)  you will probably have the police on your property before you have to worry about the next cat. remember there are laws about animal cruelty ;D
Joe McSweeney,

Usually pellets are not harmful but I've seen them abscess quite badly and cause a raging infection that's life threatening to the cat.    I think we all agree that cats shouldn't be out roaming around if the owner is a responsible pet owner. Unfortunately, many aren't or the cats are feral and aren't owned anyway.  Only animal by laws that limit where cats can be can cause any hardship (financial) to the owner.  Otherwise, its the cat that suffers for the owner's irresponsibility.

DaMan,  I hope you're joking although I didn't see anything indicating that you were.  Doing that to a cat is cruel and unusual behaviour and I would think that someone who would do such a thing has problems of some type.  I am being very polite here so watch your ridiculous suggestions.  

Brin i hope your joking about the fact that you thought i was serious.
bojangles said:
I am also a cat owner and the best way to keep him behaving is plain and simple...WATER! Not only is it the most humane way of training the cat, it's also kind of fun too. I disagree with put vinegar in the water of anything that would harm them. I know your upset but hurting or killing an animal is just WRONG! It's the owners fault that thier animals are so distructive, you should set a live trap for the owners, not the cats.

Bojangles (by the way, Bojangles is my cats name)

Too bad water doesn't always work, at least not with my cat, i have tried everything to keep that thing off my kitchen counters and to stop eating my damn plants,  i had a water gun, tried it, didn't work.

Da_man said:
Behead one of them, and put the head on a spear in front of your house with a sign that says: "cats beware"
You'd have to write it in Cat.

"Meow purr Roar"

My cat loves water. I cant do the dishes without her climbing into the sink and submersing herself. My cats name is "Dr.Brick Jango"
brin11 said:
Usually pellets are not harmful but I've seen them abscess quite badly and cause a raging infection that's life threatening to the cat.

Riiight...  Ask a vet what they think about this.  Shooting a cat with a pellet gun IS cruelty to animals, and can cause severe injury.  Pellet guns aren't known for their accuracy.  Use water.  And not a super-soaker, but a garden hose on full.  That'll learn `em.

GI Jane, try putting a bit of cayenne pepper in around the plants.  There are also combination repellents with hormone and capsacin (cayenne) available to spray on the plants.  If you're really vindictive, a shot in the face will make them think twice for quite awhile - though you'll be busy flushing the cat's eyes out for a some time afterwards (my ex did that to a neighbour's cat one time - weird sounds came out of it).

Usually pellets are not harmful but I've seen them abscess quite badly and cause a raging infection that's life threatening to the cat.

Riiight...  Ask a vet what they think about this.

I have, many times... to the vet I work for.  We've taken numerous xrays of dogs and cats for completely different reasons and found pellets in various places which seemed to be doing no harm to the animal.  By no means am I advocating shooting them with pellets and its obviously painful for the animal when they're shot and, as I stated before, I've seem them abscess badly.  Usually though they seem to do little harm as the body just walls them off and they just sit there once they are in there.

DaMan,  actually I didn't know what to think from your statement.  Not that I want to see happy faces all over everything but sometimes one is good to include if you're speaking tongue in cheek.  On a written forum people can take your words straight up especially if there isn't any indication that you're joking.  Thanks for clearing that up.  Cheers.

GIJane, try some tin foil on the counter or double sided tape.  Cats hate to walk on foil or have their feet stuck to the tape.  It freaks them out.  I've heard of people as well who take mouse traps, greatly lessen the spring tension on them, and put them under a towel.  If the cat sets them off they snap onto the towel and scare the crap out of the cat.  I think you'd have to be very careful though to do it safely.
medicineman said:
GI Jane, try putting a bit of cayenne pepper in around the plants.  There are also combination repellents with hormone and capsacin (cayenne) available to spray on the plants.  If you're really vindictive, a shot in the face will make them think twice for quite awhile - though you'll be busy flushing the cat's eyes out for a some time afterwards (my ex did that to a neighbour's cat one time - weird sounds came out of it).


LOL knowing my cat he'd eat right up! my sister in law told me that cats hate the smell of vanilla, anyone heard of that?

GIJane, try some tin foil on the counter or double sided tape.  Cats hate to walk on foil or have their feet stuck to the tape.  It freaks them out.  I've heard of people as well who take mouse traps, greatly lessen the spring tension on them, and put them under a towel.  If the cat sets them off they snap onto the towel and scare the crap out of the cat.  I think you'd have to be very careful though to do it safely.

I've tried tin foil, it didn't work, besides i would have to cover my counters till the end of time cause the minute it's off he's right up there, the stickey tape works but once again only for the duration it's up there , then once it's gone he's right back up there again!!!!! ARGH. I found my cactus in the sink yesterday  >:(

Jane with the rebel cat.
brin11 said:
I have, many times... to the vet I work for.  We've taken numerous xrays of dogs and cats for completely different reasons and found pellets in various places which seemed to be doing no harm to the animal.  By no means am I advocating shooting them with pellets and its obviously painful for the animal when they're shot and, as I stated before, I've seem them abscess badly.  Usually though they seem to do little harm as the body just walls them off and they just sit there once they are in there.

Perhaps a misunderstanding.  No vet worth his degree would offer up a pellet gun as a viable solution to removing cats from your property.  I'm assuming we're in agreement on this point?

"ARGH. I found my cactus in the sink yesterday"

First, your cats mutiny.  Now, your bloody cactus is on a rampage.  You gots some serious Internal Security issues in votre humble abode, if you askin me.


Get a BB gun.

When your doing pest control make sure nobody sees you.
TCBF said:
"ARGH. I found my cactus in the sink yesterday"

First, your cats mutiny.   Now, your bloody cactus is on a rampage.   You gots some serious Internal Security issues in votre humble abode, if you askin me.



Spys disguised as cactuses invade my home and secretly clean my sink ;D

Hmmmm......I wish cacti would clean mine.  LOL  My cat actually tries to eat my cactus.  She's not very successful though.  ::)

There are a lot of cats in my neighborhood and they dig in the gardens, climb on (and in) cars and drive the indoor cats (like mine) insane.  We also have a lot of coyotes, so that helps a little.  I spoke to one of my neighbors who's one cat was a particular problem, and the response I got was "What can I do about it?"  I think cats, like other pets should either be kept inside or on a leash.

I found that a spray bottle with water works well on mine, to the point I merely have to pick it up and the cat runs.  The cats outside....I turn the hose on them!  >:D
GI Jane, you want the cat to stay off your counters, lay down some tinfoil covered in double sided tape around the edges of your counters. After one or two times coming home to a metallic sticky kitty, they will likely get the hint and stay off.

And yes, humane traps are the best way to go. I know a few people here on the left coast have been prosecuted for leaving poison out or otherwise trying to kill feral and outside cats.