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If the LAV's A'Rockin....

Michael Dorosh said:
We already have them, hard plastic ones in black and in red.

Not all ladies like black and red, and most people (male and female) find the hard plastic uncomfortable.  ;)
a_majoor said:
Not all ladies like black and red, and most people (male and female) find the hard plastic uncomfortable.  ;)

Context, Arthur, context.

Michael Dorosh said:
We already have them, hard plastic ones in black and in red.

Which are single use, single purpose and harder to come by items than a mitt full of rubbers.

(Coincidentally, condoms don't turn your muzzle into a bright red knob and can also protect the bright red knob. ;))
"And in each of the last two years, they've used about $40,000 worth of lubricated, non-lubricated and non-latex female condoms, all paid for by the government. "

Okay, we all get the "other" uses for the Johnny hats, but I can't think for the life of me what other purpose the vag dams are for.  ???  Poke holes in them and use them as coffee ground filters?
paracowboy said:
and 81 mm

Boy, ya'll must be gettin' some huge rubbers to make them fit onto the end of a mortar tube. I still think you could get some muzzle caps.... ::)
Red 6 said:
Boy, ya'll must be gettin' some huge rubbers to make them fit onto the end of a mortar tube. I still think you could get some muzzle caps.... ::)

Yes, they have "made in Canada" on one side of the wrapper, and "size S" on the other.
TMM said:
I'm thinking Trojans new ad campaign should be "Nuzzle your muzzle."

Now there's a novel fundraising idea! Talk about lifting up morale ;)
LMAO  :rofl: :rofl:
The CADPAT idea is kind of novel though :D LMAO

MM...people aren't that naive are they ;)

zipperhead_cop said:

You, sir, must have some unfortunately shaped "Large Marge's" in your unit.

He said "the" Carl G not "Carl G", as in the infamous Cpl Gustaf.

Of course if the half the stories about the most infamous swordsmen in NATO are true then he alone is responsible for the sudden increase in this valuable military piece of kit. 8)
Kat Stevens said:
Yes, they have "made in Canada" on one side of the wrapper, and "size S" on the other.
  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I have nothing to say about that, as I can not stop laughing my ass off  :D

Okay does anyone else see a theme here...

We have LAVs rocking...we have a story about prophylactic use and now...

We have a Operation Mountain Thrust...

Dear Lord if you put all of that together a certain image starts to ensue...


Hot Lips said:
Okay does anyone else see a theme here...

We have LAVs rocking...we have a story about prophylactic use and now...

We have a Operation Mountain Thrust...

Dear Lord if you put all of that together a certain image starts to ensue...



Wait 'till you hear the Code Word to end the Operation:    HOOF HEARTED

Op Mountain Thrust - sounds like something that should be in the Afghan Kama Sutra instead of a COIN op.

George Wallace said:
Wait 'till you hear the Code Word to end the Operation:    HOOF HEARTED


Now we REALLY need Heath & Jake as Poster Boys!  ;)