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IE 20 and Imediate Pension at 20 years service

The last IE20s had to be signed back in about 2005.  If you did not sign a 20 by the cut-off, you could only be offered a 25 at any later point in time. 

You can probably find something more specific if you dig through the old 2003 to 2005 CANFORGENs.
Dolphin_Hunter said:
Perhaps someone on here could enlighten me.  I am currently in the process of redressing my TOS (apparently someone else here on the wing had the same problem and was successful in their redress).

22 May 1996 (Joined, placed on LWOP)
01 June 1996 (LWOP ceases, career kicks off)

Sometime in 2012/2013 I signed my IPS.  This decision was based on the information provided to me, as well as information I gleaned from reading the pension manual and online pension stuff (official sites).
I was told and all indications from everything I read was that I would NOT be placed on the new TOS based on the fact that I had 10 years of service prior to Mar 2007, and I would remain under the old rules.

Now I find out that I have been indeed placed on the new TOS, which means I can’t release until I complete my 25.  I have spoken with the pension office and they made mention of having to sign a grandfather clause, stating that I was willing to remain under the old plan.  This is the first I have heard of such a thing, and really why even offer that as an option?  I know it wasn’t offered/mentioned when I was weighing the pros and cons on what to do.

Even now on the pension website there is a scenario that matches my situation    https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/fac-caf/act/rnsrgm/scnr-eng.html#s6  (Scenario 6), so I am at a loss as to why I was placed on the new plan.

I have engaged my COC, and am pressing on with a grievance.  I’m just wondering if anyone has any information on this “grandfather clause acceptance option”.

I know when the new pension stuff came out I was pulled into my DivO's office and had the 2 TOS put in front of me, the old IE 20 and the new IE 25, my DivO explained to the best of his knowledge the pros and cons of each and then I proceeded to sign the "old IE 20".

I'm not sure if this included a "grandfather clause" but I know now for fact that on in Oct 2020 I am eligible for immediate annuity after 20 years service.  And I did not have 10 years service by Mar 2007.
MCG said:
The last IE20s had to be signed back in about 2005.  If you did not sign a 20 by the cut-off, you could only be offered a 25 at any later point in time. 

You can probably find something more specific if you dig through the old 2003 to 2005 CANFORGENs.

I was on an IE20 (old plan), it expired in 2016. 

I have gone through the various SMEs on the wing and they all seem to think I should be able to retire with a 20 pension (currently on an IPS).  However, the pension office says the complete opposite, I now need to serve 25.

Dolphin_Hunter said:
Perhaps someone on here could enlighten me.  I am currently in the process of redressing my TOS (apparently someone else here on the wing had the same problem and was successful in their redress).

22 May 1996 (Joined, placed on LWOP)
01 June 1996 (LWOP ceases, career kicks off)

Sometime in 2012/2013 I signed my IPS.  This decision was based on the information provided to me, as well as information I gleaned from reading the pension manual and online pension stuff (official sites).
I was told and all indications from everything I read was that I would NOT be placed on the new TOS based on the fact that I had 10 years of service prior to Mar 2007, and I would remain under the old rules.

Now I find out that I have been indeed placed on the new TOS, which means I can’t release until I complete my 25.  I have spoken with the pension office and they made mention of having to sign a grandfather clause, stating that I was willing to remain under the old plan.  This is the first I have heard of such a thing, and really why even offer that as an option?  I know it wasn’t offered/mentioned when I was weighing the pros and cons on what to do.

Even now on the pension website there is a scenario that matches my situation    https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/fac-caf/act/rnsrgm/scnr-eng.html#s6  (Scenario 6), so I am at a loss as to why I was placed on the new plan.

I have engaged my COC, and am pressing on with a grievance.  I’m just wondering if anyone has any information on this “grandfather clause acceptance option”.

I can't comment either way on whether there was an option to opt in or out at the time, but I will say, be careful what you wish for.

Under the OLD rules (i.e. when and IE was 20 years), you could get out with an "immediate unreduced annuity" based on 20 years of service. However, if you changed your TOS to IPS (i.e. decided to serve beyond 20 years), then you had to serve at least to 25 years for NCMs, 28 years for officers up to LCol, and 30 years for Cols and above in order to receive that immediate unreduced annuity.  If you were on IPS and released prior to those points, then your immediate annuity was reduced 5% for each year short to a maximum of 15%.  In other words, if you were a captain on IPS and decided to get out at 26 years, your annuity would be reduced by 10%.

This was all simplified under the new rules with the "immediate unreduced annuity" point being 25 years for all.  However, it was interesting for those of us who were grandfathered.  If the new rule point had passed, the new rules applied, but if they hadn't, then the old ones still did.  For example, in my case, if I had released at 24 years, I would have been penalized 15% for being four years short of 28 years of service, but as soon as I hit 25 years, I was then entitled to an immediate unreduced annuity.

I believe there was a clause under the old rules that said your annuity would not be reduced to less than what you would have received at 20 years.  In other words, you could serve 23 years, but your pension could be the same as if you had gotten out at 20 (seems kind of a waste).  In short, there was a financial incentive to stick it out to 25, 28 or 30 years as applicable.  In summary, under the old rules, getting out at 20 years was easy, getting out at 25, 28 or 30 was easy, but getting out in the in-between period incurred a penalty.

There is still a lot of confusion about this out there and according to the SCAN seminar I went to recently, the folks at the new combined government pension office are not fully up to speed on the CFSA.  For this reason DND still maintains a pension office in the interim to try and ensure things are not forgotten.  If you're not getting the answers you think you should, try contacting (through the chain of command) the Director Pension and Social Programs (DPSP).
Something doesn't sound quite right there.  I can't speak for the officers' side, but I attended several SCAN seminars prior to my release in 2011, and there was always someone from DCBA (or I think it was DCBA) there to do a presentation on pensions.  I asked every time, and always got the same answer:

If you were under the old rules, once you started into your IPS, you were subject to a pension reduction for every complete year that you were short of 25.  So, you only had to do 24 years + 1 day in order to avoid the penalty.  As far as the penalty goes, the 5% per year reduction only applied to the portion of your pension accumulated after 20 years service - so if you did 23 and a day, you got a 5% reduction on 1096 days of service, but the 20 years remained intact.  Doing 21 years was always better than doing 20, doing 22 was always better than doing 21, etc.
That sounds correct and I have been told that in effect the penalty only sounds horrendous.  In reality, it is bearable especially if you have somewhere else you need /want to be.
Just to follow this up.

I have confirmed (via writing and a phone call) with the pension office that I am indeed grandfathered.  I am entitled to an immediate annuity. 

I was also told by the pension office that the website does not take into account the “grandfather clause”.  Which is why it appeared I was not entitled to an immediate annuity.

Those who are covered by the grandfather clause will have to call in to confirm their benefits. 
So I am under the old IE 20. My Contract/TOS is up in 2020.

Today I recieved an interesting email from a fellow member who told me that although he is under the IE 20, like myself, he is not eligible for a pension until he completes 25 years, or 55 years of age.

Am I confused here or is being fed bad info ?

Any help from the pension/admin/pay gurus would be much appreciated.

Yeah, they forced me to sign the 25 year contract!!!
So I am under the old IE 20. My Contract/TOS is up in 2020.

Today I recieved an interesting email from a fellow member who told me that although he is under the IE 20, like myself, he is not eligible for a pension until he completes 25 years, or 55 years of age.

Am I confused here or is being fed bad info ?

Any help from the pension/admin/pay gurus would be much appreciated.


Hello All,

Looking to see if anyone has any current info.

I am currently on an IE 20 that is due to expire on Oct 27 2020.

I am starting to hear that people are being told at SCAN Seminars that if you didn't have 10 years service by 2007 then you cannot collect your pension until you are 55 regardless of what TOS you are on.

This is a bit concerning as there is a large number people who signed the IE 20 around the time of the change to the 25 year IEs under the expectation or belief that we would be eligible to immediate pension payments at a rate of 40% upon the completion of our IE 20.

I am hopping this isn't a duplicate post and I am also hoping we have some release/pension gurus who may be able to shed some light on this. 🌠
I wish that I knew that I could have kept my 20-year pension. They forced me to sign the 25-year pension. I told them several times that I only wanted to do 20 years.
I was on an IE20 (old plan), it expired in 2016.

I have gone through the various SMEs on the wing and they all seem to think I should be able to retire with a 20 pension (currently on an IPS). However, the pension office says the complete opposite, I now need to serve 25.
I joined back in 2001 on the 20 year pension plan. In Cold Lake around 2004 -2005 timeframe they told me I didn't have a choice, I have to sign the new 25 year plan. Did you hear of that before?
I joined back in 2001 on the 20 year pension plan. In Cold Lake around 2004 -2005 timeframe they told me I didn't have a choice, I have to sign the new 25 year plan. Did you hear of that before?
Yup happend to more then a few of us.
I joined back in 2001 on the 20 year pension plan. In Cold Lake around 2004 -2005 timeframe they told me I didn't have a choice, I have to sign the new 25 year plan. Did you hear of that before?
I was in Cold Lake at WOps around that time. I got offered my IE 20 a few months after signing my second BE. My brother who was with WCE was not offered an IE20... It was a very strange time all across the CAF I think.
I was in Cold Lake at WOps around that time. I got offered my IE 20 a few months after signing my second BE. My brother who was with WCE was not offered an IE20... It was a very strange time all across the CAF I think.
Yes, I was with WCE as well at the same time, wow, what a small world. I am going to look further into this because it doesn't sit right with me. If you have anymore info I would be happy to hear from anyone in this situation. Thank you for your time. Email michaelmorris100@yahoo.ca
Yes, I was with WCE as well at the same time, wow, what a small world. I am going to look further into this because it doesn't sit right with me. If you have anymore info I would be happy to hear from anyone in this situation. Thank you for your time. Email michaelmorris100@yahoo.ca
My understanding was that it was up to the unit whether or not to offer the IE20, and it was very inconsistent across the entire CAF from what I have heard over the years. It was so long ago and I was so Jr., that I don't have anything beyond what I have heard from chatting with others in the last couple of years.
I can't remember the specifics, but does anyone happen to remember the reference CANFORGEN for when the change happened?

I was also only offered an IE25, and was past OFP when they did the change, but didn't have the time after OFP to hit the cutoff.

Just curious as I'm now at 20 and would be nice to have the option, and planning on calling the pension people, but always good to read the refs ahead of time on my own if I can.
My understanding was that it was up to the unit whether or not to offer the IE20, and it was very inconsistent across the entire CAF from what I have heard over the years. It was so long ago and I was so Jr., that I don't have anything beyond what I have heard from chatting with others in the last couple of years.

I was on PRE and each Dept was allowed to offer the 20 year to 1 person. I guess I got lucky lol.

I'm sure that was a unit shenanigan.
Ok so based upon a redress, I can offer you the following: in 2005 a policy change resulted in the replacement of indeterminate engagements of 20 years, with 25-year engagements, around that time CF Mil Pers Insr 05/05 was issued. The rules for TOS administration are contained within CF Mil Pers Insr 05/05, and at the time, those serving on an IE20 were offered the option of converting their engagement to an IE25 or remaining on an IE20.
In 2007, major changes to the CAF pension scheme came into force. These changes created the reserve force pension plan and modernized the CFSA. Unfortunately, none of the publications issued at the time explained the grandfathering rules for members who were serving on an IE20.
As for grandfathering, I point you towards the CFSA: A contributor exercising the option referred to in subsection 19(1) of the Act is entitled to an immediate annuity if
(a) they have completed a 20-year intermediate engagement that commenced before March 1, 2007 and are not serving on
an indefinite period of service;
(b) they have 10 or more years of regular force pensionable service and have reached retirement age;
(c) they are not an officer and have at least 25 years of regular force pensionable service; or
CFSA: A contributor exercising the option referred to in subsection 19(1) of the Act is entitled to an immediate annuity if
(a) they have completed a 20-year intermediate engagement that commenced before March 1, 2007 and are not serving on
an indefinite period of service;
(b) they have 10 or more years of regular force pensionable service and have reached retirement age;
(c) they are not an officer and have at least 25 years of regular force pensionable service; or
That reminds me I need to request further TOS. My CE ends next Jan...
My understanding was that it was up to the unit whether or not to offer the IE20, and it was very inconsistent across the entire CAF from what I have heard over the years. It was so long ago and I was so Jr., that I don't have anything beyond what I have heard from chatting with others in the last couple of years.
Thank you for the information. And I appreciate your time.